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May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
ok, so not quite what i had in mind originally, but still finally tweaked myself a mesa patch that i really dig. heres the link to my tones. the newest are called Cigs Special. the one with no cab was meant for the redwirez impulses. both have a high and low pass filter already in them for easy mixing.

if they dont show up, be patient as i just uploaded them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Pensacola, Florida, USA
I'm getting a 404, for that link, Ricky.

Anyway guys, I just ran into a very odd and extremely disturbing problem with my HD500.

So, I had been jamming on it, playing around with some clean tones and just havin fun, I disconnected my laptop from the HD500 and went upstairs for a bit. When I came back down I reconnected it and started playing. I did not have HD500 Edit sync to my pod but all the patches are saved on it anyway. So I started playing a realized that the delay on my patch was on, but there was no delay. But my reverb was on and working, so I started trying to figure out why when I clicked the footswitch for the flanger and out of my TS112a comes a frightening and ear-blistering scream of noise. It was loud enough to get me yelled at and to make my ear ring until now, 15 minutes later. After I clicked the flanger footswitch and the noise started I didn't know was causing it, so I frantically turned the volume down on my guitar, nothing. Pulled out my guitar cable from the pod, again nothing. Finally I turned off the TS112a after it started sounding like it was dying.

I then very cautiously turned everything back on, went clicking around again and found the flanger footswitch, heard the noise coming and turned it back off. So I unplugged the pod, turned it back on and sync'd it to my computer and everything is fine again.

Anyone know what exactly caused this? And how to prevent it in the future?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA
twas a mistake in the first upload that's been corrected - make sure you have SH_DT-Mk4R_5 and SH_DT-Mk2L_5 or you're missing out.


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Looks like I have some new tones to try out... Niiiiiiice!

@rickycigs: Yes, Ricky. Beardcore IS a genre!

Indeed it is!! I classify my songs as melodic beardcore lol your only allowed to write it if your beard is 6 inches long or more though. So I have no worries there ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Pensacola, Florida, USA
I'm getting a 404, for that link, Ricky.

Anyway guys, I just ran into a very odd and extremely disturbing problem with my HD500.

So, I had been jamming on it, playing around with some clean tones and just havin fun, I disconnected my laptop from the HD500 and went upstairs for a bit. When I came back down I reconnected it and started playing. I did not have HD500 Edit sync to my pod but all the patches are saved on it anyway. So I started playing a realized that the delay on my patch was on, but there was no delay. But my reverb was on and working, so I started trying to figure out why when I clicked the footswitch for the flanger and out of my TS112a comes a frightening and ear-blistering scream of noise. It was loud enough to get me yelled at and to make my ear ring until now, 15 minutes later. After I clicked the flanger footswitch and the noise started I didn't know was causing it, so I frantically turned the volume down on my guitar, nothing. Pulled out my guitar cable from the pod, again nothing. Finally I turned off the TS112a after it started sounding like it was dying.

I then very cautiously turned everything back on, went clicking around again and found the flanger footswitch, heard the noise coming and turned it back off. So I unplugged the pod, turned it back on and sync'd it to my computer and everything is fine again.

Anyone know what exactly caused this? And how to prevent it in the future?



Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Try turning your PC off. Power off your HD. Connect the HD back. Power the HD back on. Power the PC back on. Launch edit. See if they communicate properly. One of the worse things you can do with USB equipment is to disconnect it w/out telling your PC to disconnect it. Doesn't always cause problems, but Windows loves to get cranky with doing it anyway.

The Reverend

Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, TX

This happened to me just Thursday night. I have no idea what causes it.

Also, can someone give me some pointers on how to go about using spectrum analyzers to try and make tones? I'm good at dialing in tones I like, but there's a disconnect happening when I try and make one based on someone else's.


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
This happened to me just Thursday night. I have no idea what causes it.

Also, can someone give me some pointers on how to go about using spectrum analyzers to try and make tones? I'm good at dialing in tones I like, but there's a disconnect happening when I try and make one based on someone else's.

You need to load a guitar only clip into your daw, set your analyzer (SPAN for example) to read the max levels and see where your getting peaks and cuts at what frequency. You obviously need a similar sounding amp to begin with. This is basically what the tone match on the axe-fx does, but it uses eq'd to make an impulse rather than modifying one.
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
San Juan, Argentina
This happened to me just Thursday night. I have no idea what causes it.

Also, can someone give me some pointers on how to go about using spectrum analyzers to try and make tones? I'm good at dialing in tones I like, but there's a disconnect happening when I try and make one based on someone else's.

Yeah...I've had problems with POD HD500 Edit which Support doesn't seem to acknowledge or fix. I've had that noise problem happen twice. It happened only when I changed presets from POD HD500 Edit while my guitar was still making noise (high gain amp). After I started muting it before I changed presets, that noise never happened again. I've also been having problems when saving presets and even when I only use POD HD500 Edit to surf the presets and setlists. It has happened to me at least twice that I saved a preset in one setlist (which was properly selected and loaded in the Edit window) and has ended being saved in another setlist, overwriting the original one I had there. To make it worst, last time I used POD HD500 Edit I didn't even save, but the damned thing saved one preset into another setlist, again.

I must clear that this hasn't happened to me using it offline, that is to say without the USB cable. I use it at rehearsals so I always change presets while playing. I've also made some presets after I bought it straight from the POD HD500 physical interface and didn't have any problems; presets just saved where they should.

Try turning your PC off. Power off your HD. Connect the HD back. Power the HD back on. Power the PC back on. Launch edit. See if they communicate properly. One of the worse things you can do with USB equipment is to disconnect it w/out telling your PC to disconnect it. Doesn't always cause problems, but Windows loves to get cranky with doing it anyway.

I always disconnect my USB drives the proper way, that is from the OS first and then physically. I guessed the POD works more like a printer rather than a USB drive, so I unplug it directly; of course I close POD HD500 Edit first. I'm gonna go through the manual again to see if I'm doing it wrong and that could be the cause of presets being saved in setlists other than the ones intended.