Looking for a good first 7 string

  • Thread starter Kinzoku
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Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Västerås, Sweden
Hello, as the title says im looking for my very first 7 string guitar after playing for 4 years.

I dont know much about 7strings so thought i should ask the more experienced players :)

I've been thinking of getting something like the Dean RC7x guitar or the Ibanez RGIR27E since i want a guitar with a thin neck, and those guitars are within my price range about 800-1000bucks.

Do you recommend something else thats better for the money and got a slim neck? Maybe some Agile guitars since they seem pretty good

Im open for all tips, thanks!

EDIT: Forgot to add that i prefer to get a Floyd Rose

PS. sorry for my grammar

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silent suicide

Winter is coming
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hörnsjö, Sweden
Don't get an Agile buddy, there is no insurence if you get a lemon outside of US.
No returnpolicy, unless you by one second hand then it might be a good option..
But Ibanez has some sweet guitars for that price range..
And I would also look second hand..
Perhaps a nice schecter..
I bought a K7 not so long ago, and the neck is amazing and probably one of the beter necks around..
Although you might have to look for a second hand, I believe there is one in the classifieds now..
Apex 100 if you dont mind the Korn sig..
My best advice is to try em out if thats a possibility..