Looking for files for fretwork in Canada

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Grand Poobah
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Calgary, Canada
Hi all,

The dry winter is causing some of my frets to stick out of the side of the fingerboards.

I need to get some fret files. I found the ones I need at stew mac, but i was hoping that there would be a place in Canada (preferably in the Calgary area) where I could find something like this.

STEWMAC.COM : 3-Corner Fret Dressing Files

STEWMAC.COM : Fret End Dressing File

I checked the lee valley tools web site, but they don't seem to have anything as small as this.

Does anyone know where I'd be able to source this in Canada?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Hi all,

The dry winter is causing some of my frets to stick out of the side of the fingerboards.

I need to get some fret files. I found the ones I need at stew mac, but i was hoping that there would be a place in Canada (preferably in the Calgary area) where I could find something like this.

STEWMAC.COM : 3-Corner Fret Dressing Files

STEWMAC.COM : Fret End Dressing File

I checked the lee valley tools web site, but they don't seem to have anything as small as this.

Does anyone know where I'd be able to source this in Canada?


Not sure :( If anyone finds a place I'd like to know too, I'm from Edmonton. But I've ordered online from stew mac before, and I was really happy with their service, and extra cost wasn't an issue, I just did standard shipping and I didn't even end up paying any duty. Also with our high dollar, if it were me I'd just order them from Stew Mac. :2c:

But I also know where your coming from, and I'd prefer to buy them in person too if I could.


Grand Poobah
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Calgary, Canada
I ended up just ordering them from Stew Mac. i would have lived to have been able to pick some up and do the fretwork this weekend, but looks like i'll have to wait about a week or so.


but will it Bethesda?
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
ontario canada
hey man i live in ontario and my guitar frets stick out every winter the reason is the neck is drying out because winter has almost no moisture in the air. take your strings off, go get some lemon oil OR that new planet waves neck mositurizer, and douse it.
the way it works is put enough on so it doesnt drip and go do something for half hour, if its completly dry applie it again. youll know when its completly done when it wount abosrb anymore. :) do it all the time works great!!! good luck!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
hey man i live in ontario and my guitar frets stick out every winter the reason is the neck is drying out because winter has almost no moisture in the air. take your strings off, go get some lemon oil OR that new planet waves neck mositurizer, and douse it.
the way it works is put enough on so it doesnt drip and go do something for half hour, if its completly dry applie it again. youll know when its completly done when it wount abosrb anymore. :) do it all the time works great!!! good luck!

I oil my necks regularly but in Alberta its so dry it doesn't matter you get some shrinkage no matter what. We don't have nice big humidifier lakes like you guys in Ontario do :lol: It definitely does help though, lemon oil is great.


but will it Bethesda?
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
ontario canada
I oil my necks regularly but in Alberta its so dry it doesn't matter you get some shrinkage no matter what. We don't have nice big humidifier lakes like you guys in Ontario do :lol: It definitely does help though, lemon oil is great.
lol the lakes are frozen over right now haha, but i have a wood stove in my house so i feel your pain. like i said, just lube the shizz outa em. if you file the frets down, in the summer the wood could swell past the fret and you will be in the same situation only gettin slivers. IMO!


Grand Poobah
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Calgary, Canada
one of my necks has a sealed back side (i can't remember what I sealed it with.. it was such a long time ago.. i think it was a Behlens <sp?> water based sealant that i got from Lee Valley Tools) and the ebony board is bare. I do oil the board once or twice a year.

The other guitar has a birdseye maple board that is sealed. the back of the neck is oiled and waxed, i think.

How would I best take care of these?


but will it Bethesda?
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
ontario canada
once or twice a year really isnt enough i do my guitars everytime i change strings, i dont put a lot on, only because i change them all the time this way it only takes 15 mins to soak in and your ahead of the game!
as for the seal fret board thats weird?? i never seen one, the neck that has the wax on it might just need some moisture in er, but i dont know how to remove wax. sorry man i hate all that extra work.


Is beardless....
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Airdrie, Alberta
once or twice a year really isnt enough i do my guitars everytime i change strings, i dont put a lot on, only because i change them all the time this way it only takes 15 mins to soak in and your ahead of the game!
as for the seal fret board thats weird?? i never seen one, the neck that has the wax on it might just need some moisture in er, but i dont know how to remove wax. sorry man i hate all that extra work.

Maple boards have a sealer on them, pretty much any other material dosn't need one so oiling them is fine :agreed: So the OP can leave it be (cleaning with Naptha every-so-often)

As for the wax, some oils have a wax in them, so if applied excessivly, or too often, the wax builds up, again, some Naptha should clean it right up.

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