LTD 1000 or Ibanez Prestige?

  • Thread starter Raphiel
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Raphiel Regular
Jul 31, 2020
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Hello there,
I'm currently trying to find an addition to my collection. Sadly all the local stores I visited couldn't provide me with the exact models I'm interested in (got AZ instead of RG, and some multiscale ltd instead of h3).
I'm pretty convinced I will choose between LTD H-3 1000FR and the Ibanez RG5120m. What is curious to me is the price tag isn't that different between those and because of that, what makes LTD that expensive (since it's Indonesian, right?) or Ibanez that competitive in this matter?

I couldn't find any new topic about that. Most of them refer to the old ltd deluxe price, which was imo more acceptable.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2009
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I guess the EMGs increase the price of the LTD a bit. Witg prestige you get Lo-Pro edge, which is better trem and hardcase included

Surveyor 777

I measure things
Oct 22, 2008
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I'm confused on this one. I own an ESP LTD H3-1000FR FM. I assume that is the one the OP is talking about. It's a great guitar but the body shape is very different than the Ibanez. That's one of the reasons I bought it - because it's different.

In looking at Sweetwater, the price for a new H3-1000FR FM is $1199. The price for the Ibanez RG5120M is $2000. To me - that's a big price difference.

If you're dead-set on the body shape of the LTD, then go that route.

But if someone gave me the choice between the two and at very similar prices - it would be the Ibanez every single time. Just better all around, plus it comes with a great hardshell case. The LTD - no case or gig bag even.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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Chicago (Schaumburg), IL
I've had my share of LTDs and Prestige Ibanez and I love them both but to say one is "better" is hard. TO ME, the LTD fits like a glove while the Prestige (while still awesome) doesn't feel as organic. I have both, I play both and I love both but if I had to choose one? It'd be the LTD. Like I always say, don't look at the features, name on the headstock so hard and just play both and see which one speaks to you.

Raphiel Regular
Jul 31, 2020
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I'm confused on this one. I own an ESP LTD H3-1000FR FM. I assume that is the one the OP is talking about. It's a great guitar but the body shape is very different than the Ibanez. That's one of the reasons I bought it - because it's different.

In looking at Sweetwater, the price for a new H3-1000FR FM is $1199. The price for the Ibanez RG5120M is $2000. To me - that's a big price difference.

If you're dead-set on the body shape of the LTD, then go that route.

But if someone gave me the choice between the two and at very similar prices - it would be the Ibanez every single time. Just better all around, plus it comes with a great hardshell case. The LTD - no case or gig bag even.
That's my biggest concern tbh. I don't know if I have a great deal for Ibanez or just LTDs in my country are too expensive. LTDs H/M 1000 start at ~$1500, this RG I can get for something about $1800. That's why I'm thinking. What made especially LTD so expensive last year.

Obviously I thank you all for the input.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
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Flip a coin.

I don't think either is going to be objectively better or worse, you just might like one better than the other.

Get both and return the one you like least, or just keep both because reasons.

^ This guy knows what's up.

Obviously the knee-jerk reaction in this forum is going to be eRmAgErDh MIJ Ibanez Prestige, but it's really not that clear cut.
If you do prefer the shape and trem of the RG, then that's a good argument for it.
But if you prefer the LTD specs, there's no objective reason it couldn't be as good of a guitar.

In fact in recent Prestiges I've tried, I've seen a couple egregious construction and fretwork issues that gave me serious pause.... Anecdotal, but still disappointing for 2k$ guitars touted as "high-end". Nothing of the sort in similar year LTD 1000s at least- not even close.
And although it's a bit less the case for you because of the market price you describe, in the US and many places in Europe, LTD 1000s are some of the best value around.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
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Buffalo, NY
LTD 1000 series are some of the best value guitars around. They have been creeping up in price the last few years, but I still feel they're fantastic value for money, I actually thought they were underpriced for a while. Over the last few years, they've added more types of name brand pickups and stainless steel frets which makes them really good guitars, and I haven't heard of any drastic changes in QC.

Japan is traditionally a fantastic country for guitar production, but it isn't guaranteed to be better than Korea in my experience. Another thing to factor in is how well you get along with the super thin necks. The RG will have a much thinner neck than the AZ you tried. The LTD will have a slightly narrower, but significantly thicker neck than the Ibanez, which I personally find way more comfortable, but YMMV. That said, I do still like Ibanez, I've just never had one I liked enough to keep.

It's not worth it to stress over brand or specs, try and find a guitar or a brand that feels right and go with it. Pickups, bridges, tuners, everything like that can be changed, but how a guitar feels in your hands? That can't really be changed without significant modification.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2011
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they gonna feel completely different in your hands
two concepts, gotta try first
that said, the ltd (body) looks kinda goofy


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
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I gather this isn't going to be your only guitar, so my response is relative to that. Get the one you fancy more for whatever reason and then go from there.

A good example might be that you can buy the highest quality pair of shoes within your budget and it will very likely be the most expensive, but if they don't fit as well as the cheapest preference within your budget they won't be the right choice for you. If both fit reasonably well or you can adapt/diversify then I'd personally err on the side of the one of higher quality.


Uber Stringer
May 8, 2008
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Pittsburgh, PA
Quality and craftsmanship are close with the slight edge to the Ibby Prestige. However, neck, feel, tone, and design are obviously very different. You have to decide which of those things is most important to you. I just recently replaced all my Ibby Prestige RGs with LTD m-1000(7) models. Quality is close enough for me and I enjoy the thin U neck profile and fishmans more than the feel and tone I was getting from my Ibanez’s for what I play now.

yuki Regular
Apr 24, 2022
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I think the particular LTD you’re looking at is MIK, which IMO is the next best thing after MIJ (for these types of guitars), so build quality won’t be that different. The main differences between the 2 you’re looking at are gonna be the pickups and the neck. ESP/LTD necks are fast, but Ibanez necks are even flatter/thinner, if you’re into that kind of thing. I find that fluence pickups sound pretty tight after some effort has been taken to mix properly, but they feel quite sterile when tracking. The Sentient/Pegasus combo feels great while playing (Sentient might be my overall favorite neck pickup for metal and fusion) and I find it takes fewer takes to get a good track when recording.

I’m typically an Ibanez guy but in this case I’d lean towards the LTD. It’s all down to personal preference.

diogoguitar Regular
Feb 27, 2020
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I think LTD is a great package, but Ibanez RG prestige is hands down the better guitar, especially if you're talking about the $2,000 RG 5000 series. I have the hardtail ebony fb version... I love it


Custom turd cutter
Mar 15, 2013
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Morrisville, NC
Are you serious?
That's like asking should I eat a gorgeous steak dinner at a 5 star restaurant, or just sit in the dark and crap my pants...
Anything EMG is just... Well, crap.
Anything LTD is just... Well, the same.
Anything ESP is like... A slight step above the afore mentioned.

Ibanez prestige?...
Well, there you go...
Better choice, but....

Just quit being a soggy britches guy and look outside the box.
Big name sh!t is just that... SH!Tlook at other brands, smaller brands, brands that don't use EMG's.
Brands that will build you what you want for the same price as THOSE guys.

Be the box...
Close the box...
Get super high and build your own box...

But what do I know...