Magic the Gathering!

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The Demon Barber
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Turlock, CA
Any highlights in that lot?

If you mean money cards by highlights, then no. If there were I wouldn't be selling them all for so cheap. There are plenty of good cards, but none worth $7+ each. I already sold the large money cards and stuck everything else together. Not saying everything is junk, but there aren't any Elspeths or Jaces.


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Got an 80 card Eldrazi Deck for Christmas, along with 9 Zendikar boosters and a Deck Builders Toolkit :metal:

Nothing phenomenal in the boosters, but that Eldrazi deck is going pretty well in fluff games :D


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
I dunno man, I ended up with six Emrakul; The Aeons Torn last game courtesy of a Rites of Replication; got an extra turn, dealt 90 damage, and the missus had to sacrifice 36 permanents in one ("one") turn.


Chess Dragon
Sep 9, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Im new to the game! is this good? I have an elf deck.

I use elves like Lanowar and Quorion to make insane mana. Then I use fireball to deal direct damage. OR I use elvish arch druids, coat of arms, Heedless one, and Garuk to over run. Also, I have ancient Ooze and Verdant force in this deck too for strength. Will do a better description later. 71 cards.


Causal Anomalie
Sep 20, 2009
Reaction score
Taneytown, Maryland
I dunno man, I ended up with six Emrakul; The Aeons Torn last game courtesy of a Rites of Replication; got an extra turn, dealt 90 damage, and the missus had to sacrifice 36 permanents in one ("one") turn.

Impossible. Emerakul is a legendary creature...thus, if more then one comes out all of them die.


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
^ The others were "tokens" that were copies of it, which means multiples are allowed... or at least that's what I assumed :shrug:

EDIT: Cos I know you can't just put more of them out from your hand...


The Demon Barber
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Turlock, CA
^ The others were "tokens" that were copies of it, which means multiples are allowed... or at least that's what I assumed :shrug:

EDIT: Cos I know you can't just put more of them out from your hand...

No, those copies count as exact copies. They'd all still die.


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
I feel like such a tool, it makes so much sense that you can't do it :lol:

Oh well, I guess I'll have to keep that card for the other, less legendary, Eldrazi creatures :lol: (Maybe for the Broodwarden, so all my Spawn creatures get +12/+6 :rofl:)


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Nimbus III
Also, Emrakul has protection from colored spells, which means he isn't a legal target for Rite of Replication. I made that mistake myself many times when I started playing a year ago, trying to cast Rite of Replication on Wall of Denial (which has Shroud).

I've pretty much stopped playing Standard, although I do still have my Nayallies deck ready to go if I decide to play. I'm concentrating on EDH (now called Commander since Wizards has decided to start sanctioning it officially for DCI), and I've got a fairly decent deck built, looks like this:

General (1):
- Rafiq of the Many

Creatures (31):
- Acidic Slime
- Arashi, the Sky Asunder
- Baneslayer Angel
- Battlegrace Angel (Foil)
- Cold-Eyed Selkie
- Dauntless Escort
- Garruk's Packleader
- Giltspire Avenger
- Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
- Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer
- Hystrodon
- Iona, Shield of Emeria
- Jenara, Asura of War
- Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
- Knight of New Alara
- Linvala, Keeper of Silence
- Mirror-Sigil Sergeant
- Mystic Snake
- Noble Hierarch
- Overbeing of Myth
- Primeval Titan
- Qasali Pridemage (Foil)
- Rhox War Monk
- Sower of Temptation
- Sphinx of Magosi
- Sun Titan (Foil)
- Stoic Angel
- Thistledown Liege
- War Priest of Thune (Foil)
- Wilf-Leaf Liege
- Wurmcoil Engine (Foil)

Planeswalkers (3):
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant (Foil)
- Garruk Wildspeaker
- Jace, The Mind Sculptor

Artifacts (5):
- Eldrazi Monument (Foil)
- Mox Diamond (Foil)
- Nevinyrral's Disk (Foil)
- Sensei's Divining Top
- Sol Ring (Foil)

Enchantments (5):
- Finest Hour
- Luminarch Ascension
- Marshal's Anthem
- Mind Control
- Wild Pair (Foil)

Instants (11):
- Bant Charm
- Chord of Calling
- Counterspell
- Eladamri's Call
- Hindering Light
- Krosan Grip (Foil)
- Mana Leak
- Path to Exile
- Second Sunrise
- Swords to Plowshares
- Voidslime

Sorceries (7):
- Austere Command
- Day of Judgment
- Genesis Wave
- Rite of Replication
- Tooth and Nail
- Wargate (Foil)
- Wrath of God

Lands (37):
- Ancient Ziggurat
- Celestial Colonnade
- Glacial Fortress
- Graypelt Refuge
- Minamo, School at Water's Edge
- Misty Rainforest
- Mystifying Maze
- Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
- Savannah
- Seaside Citadel (Foil)
- Sejiri Refuge
- Stirring Wildwood
- Strip Mine
- Sunpetal Grove
- Tectonic Edge (Foil)
- Vivid Creek (Foil)
- Yavimaya Coast
- 7x Island (4x Unhinged Land, 2x Foil)
- 7x Plains (3x Foil)
- 6x Forest (1x Unhinged Land, 2x Foil)

Also, just so you guys know, Emrakul has been banned in EDH.

I'm also in the process of developing a mono-white deck with Konda, Lord of Eiganjo as the General. The deck will have 31, yes, 31 (thirty-one) board-wipe cards. It will be glorious!


The Demon Barber
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Turlock, CA
Almost have my deck all together now. What sucks is I need some Jace the Mind Sculptor. Trying to trade for some (and I have a decent trade binder), but no luck so far.

What also sucks is there's a big tournament this weekend and I have no way to get there. Damn, damn, damn.


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Nimbus III
Had a good week for Magic. Came in 1st place for the first time at my local FNM, and got enough kills last night at EDH to jump from about 10th place to 3rd in one evening. Shame that was the last night of our season. I used a modified version of the Rafiq deck listed above, but with some key changes. Namely, I traded about $110 worth of cards on Saturday, most of which was to vastly improve the mana base of my Rafiq deck, although I also acquired a bunch of cards that will go in a mono-white board wipe deck that I'm building. I'm going to call that deck... wait for it... "I did it all for the Nukie." I'm thinking of wearing a red Yankees cap backwards when I play it. :lol:

Some of the changes I made to the deck above are that I removed the following:
- Arashi, the Sky Usunder
- Overbeing of Myth
- Mox Diamond
- Sphinx of Magosi
- Day of Judgment
- Hystrodon

I replaced them with these:
- Akroma's Memorial
- All Is Dust
- Final Judgment
- Consecrated Sphinx
- Congregation At Dawn
- Murkfiend Liege

The guys I play with are big on indestructibility (as am I), as well as graveyard interaction. Both All Is Dust and Final Judgment take care of indestructibility, while Final Judgment also deals with recursion nicely. Consecrated Sphinx provides much better draw than Sphinx of Magosi (hence why Consecrated Sphinx a mythic while Sphinx of Magosi is simply rare), and the mana cost is more palatable as well. Congregation At Dawn provides another viable tutoring option, while the loss of Overbeing of Myth and Hystrodon is more than offset by the addition of Consecrated Sphinx, which I'm a lot more likely to be able to tutor now as well. Murkfiend Liege interacts well with all my multi-colored creatures, especially Rafiq. Akroma's Memorial provides a needed option to give my deck some real late-game punch. It replaces Mox Diamond, which I really didn't need anymore now that I revamped my mana base.


I can't take all the credit for my win last night. The way we play EDH, we sit around a table and you attack the person on your right while defending against the person on your left. I got an early Wild Pair out which I used to pull a bunch of creatures from my library, followed by an Eldrazi Monument. The guy I was attacking was using Geth, Lord of the Vault as his general, and he was milling my library while reanimating the creatures in mine under his control.

He made an absolutely brutal mistake though. He reanimated my Acidic Slime, but instead of destroying my Eldrazi Monument like he should have, he destroyed my Wild Pair enchantment, which I was pretty much done with. And then to top things off, on his next turn he used a black sorcery spell where he separates my creatures into a pile and makes me choose a pile to destroy, which is well and good, except my creatures were still indestructible by virtue of the Eldrazi Monument the he forgot to destroy. It turns out he thought the sorcery read that I had to sacrifice the chosen pile of creatures, not destroy them. This is an understandable mistake, except it's not the first time it's happened.

Next turn I top-decked Sower of Temptation, which I used to steal his Geth, so he couldn't pull anymore graveyard shenanigans. I pretty much annihilated him next turn for the first kill of the game. It was good.


Later in the game, after there were only five out of eight players left, a guy playing an artifact-centric deck was attacking me. The first thing he did was to cast Krosan Grip on my Eldrazi Monument, destroying.

"That's nice," I said. Other people at the table were obviously chearing for him as the underdog due to my superior overall board position. He then proceeded to cast Phyrexian Rebirth which, due to my many Mirror-Sigil Sergeant tokens, netted him a 35/35 artifact creature. Again, "that's nice," was my reply. Everyone else at the table was visibly chearing more enthusiastically for him at this point, as I appeared to have been wiped out in one turn.

He declares the end of his turn. All his mana is tapped out.

"During your end step, I cast Second Sunrise," says I.

From around the table, stunned silence.

Followed by a chorus of "holy shit!"

I then proceeded to resurrect EVERY SINGLE CARD he had just destroyed, including my lovely Eldrazi Monument, thus making all my crap indestructible again. The only things that were different were that my Mirror-Sigil Sergeant tokens were gone (they started replicating again soon enough), and he had a 35/35 artifact creature that couldn't even trample.

So how do I cap that off? Next turn, I cast Wrath of God, and make him deader than dead. :evil:

The guy to his left finished him off pretty quickly after that. I then finished the last other guy off as well to win the match. It was a glorious game!


These are cards that I own that I can use in my Mono-White Nukes deck. I've been wheeling and dealing like a madman lately to put a good list together. Still narrowing things down a bit, but it should be fun.

- Konda, Lord of Eiganjo

- All Is Dust
- Austere Command
- Day of Judgement
- Final Judgment
- Hallowed Burial
- Hour of Reckoning
- Martial Coup
- Mass Calcify
- Phyrexian Rebirth
- Planar Cleansing
- Sunscour
- Wrath of God
- Evangelize

- Path to Exile
- Retaliate
- Swords to Plowshares
- Turn the Tables
- White Sun's Zenith

- Magus of the Disk
- Myojin of Cleansing Fire
- Steel Hellkite
- Sunblast Angel
- Archon of Justice
- Baneslayer Angel
- Battlegrace Angel
- Hero of Bladehold
- Iona, Shield of Emeria
- Kataki, War's Wage
- Linvala, Keeper of Silence
- Loyal Sentry
- Magus of the Tabernacle
- Mesa Enchantress
- Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker
- Pristine Angel
- Purity
- Reya Dawnbringer
- Sun Titan
- Twilight Shepherd
- Victory's Herald
- World Queller
- Wurmcoil Engine

- Elspeth Tirel
- Ajani Goldmane
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant
- Gideon Jura

- Nevinyrral's Disk
- Scourglass
- Darksteel Plate
- Lightning Greaves
- Mimic Vat
- Strata Scythe
- Sensei's Divining Top

- Angelic Chorus
- Armored Ascension
- Aurification
- Enduring Renewal
- Ghostly Prison
- Leyline of Sanctity
- Light From Within
- Luminarch Ascension
- Mark of Asylum
- Marshal's Anthem
- Oblivion Ring
- Porphyry Nodes
- Reverence
- Rule of Law
- Serra's Liturgy
- True Conviction
- Worship

- Emeria, The Sky Ruin
- Strip Mine
- Tectonic Edge
- Mystifying Maze
- Plains


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Fuck yeah MtG!

I started playing around 2003 with my friends, and in 2005 I began to attend local tournaments, I was getting beaten up pretty bad at first :lol: but I eventually started understanding more of the competitive level of the game, and by 2006 I was regularly going to PTQs (for who is not familiar they are big tournaments where the winner qualifies for a Pro Tour, which is pretty much the highest level of play with players from all over the world)

The biggest satisfaction I ever had playing Magic was in 2009 when I finally won a PTQ and I got the chance to meet and play against some of the greatest minds... I got completely destroyed, but it was an amazing experience anyway.

Since then I slowed down a bit, mostly because of last year's ridiculous card prices (some decks cost insane amounts like 1000€), I still go to tournaments but I don't spend much time actually preparing for them... I mostly do booster drafts now, way too fun :yesway:


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
In the process of putting together a creatureless black/blue (and maybe /red) hand destruction/direct damage deck.

It worked well the first game, but as there's more than one colour, the 4 "Corrupt" I had in there felt like they took a touch too long to use... especially considering there are red cards that are much faster for much less mana.

EDIT: This is also my first proper 60 card, non-fluff deck :D


The Demon Barber
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Turlock, CA
Been running UB control for a while now. Planning on putting together some sort of Next Level Bant. Figures, I just picked up a playset of Stoneforge Mystic for $8 and flipped it for $30 and thought I was cool. Now 2 weeks later I need a playset and they're going for $70 a set because of Pro Tour Paris.

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