Manuals or Instruction Help for FREENOTE Microtonal Guitar Technique & Guitar Theory

  • Thread starter Toppscore
  • Start date
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Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA
Hi. New here.
Please help me ragarding my Freenote Microtonal Ultra Plus guitar.

I desire to learn to play Jazz music on guitar (I own several
Fender electric guitars with the standard 21/22 frets)

Most importantly, I highly desire to extend my learning and understanding
of scales by playing music on my newly purchased "used"
Freenote Microtonal Ultra Plus pictured below.
It has 40 Frets and 36 notes per octive.

Does anybody within the Seven Strings Forum know anything
about microtonal guitars and/or how to play them?
Is this the correct forum for discussing my new Freenote Microtonal Guitar?
I know I can (and will) purchase books on the theory of Microtonal music;
but, learning to play this guitar and understanding the fret structure
is critical for me. The instruction manual was not sold with the guitar
and the manufacturer nor the wholesaler nor Jon Catler nor Freenote
will amazingly NOT HELP AT ALL:scream:

Will anyone please guide me to the correct thread(s) within
this forum or please point me to other links for guitar technique,
manuals for the Freenote Microtonal guitar,
links for microtonal guitar play, etc???

Thanks for any and all responses. Maybe you know
a link or website or retail outlet to point me towards.
Toppscore :wavey:

Following below is my recently purchased "used" guitar to learn Jazz on.
Freenote Microtonal Ultra Plus with Six Strings * 40 frets * 36 notes per Octave:

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. Original 800x600 is 110KB.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
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This post at microguitarist may help: Looking to ape an Ultraplus fretting system on an existing neck.. Gedankenwelt's guess looks good to me.
I'm an admin at that forum so if you want to join up PM me as public registration is currently disabled due to spammers.


The additional frets seem to have 3 variations: 2/3rds of the distance between standard frets, 4/10ths, and halfway between.

If the standard frets are called 1 2 3 4 5 etc as normal. then the addtional ones are:

Now, since the 7th harmonic of a string is at 9.69 semitones, the 11th harmonic is at 5.51 semitones, the 13th harmonic is at 8.41 semitones, these extra frets allow you to play harmonics 7, 11 and 13 of certain standard notes. Also you can play many other 'just intonation' intervals, for example the just interval '7/6' 'subminor third' at 2.67 semitones is often used in blues and jazz.

1+4/10 tridecimal neutral second 13/12
2+2/3 septimal subminor third 7/6
3+1/2 undecimal neutral third 11/9
4+2/3 septimal subfourth 21/16
5+1/2 11th harmonic, undecimal superfourth 11/8
7+2/3 septimal subminor sixth 14/9
8+4/10 13th harmonic, tridecimal neutral sixth 13/8
9+2/3 7th harmonic, septimal subminor seventh 7/4
10+1/2 undecimal neutral seventh 11/6

So now when playing a chord that contains a standard minor seventh, lets say 3 notes straight across a single fret: root, fourth, minor seventh, there are now 7 positions on the fretboard where you can drop the minor seventh by 1/3 of a semitone down to the subminor seventh / 7th harmonic which is much more harmonious. In TAB these chords would be:








Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Don't worry about not having the manual, if you study 'just intonation' you can figure it out yourself. A good place to start: Just Intonation Explained

I'll now list the most consonant just intervals that can be played using the 3 types of extra frets.

Just interval / Name / Semitones

X+4/10 frets

13/12 tridecimal neutral second 1.39
13/9 tridecimal supertritone 6.37
13/8 13th harmonic / tridecimal neutral sixth 8.41

X+1/2 frets

12/11 undecimal neutral second 1.51
11/9 undecimal neutral third 3.47
11/8 11th harmonic / undecimal superfourth 5.51
16/11 undecimal subfifth 6.49
18/11 undecimal neutral sixth 8.53
11/6 undecimal neutral seventh 10.49

X+2/3 frets

7/6 septimal subminor third 2.67
21/16 septimal subfourth 4.71
14/9 septimal subminor sixth 7.65
7/4 septimal subminor seventh 9.69


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA
The op sounds a lot like an ad for that guitar.

Matthew. Do I seem like a guitar sales person?
Did you buy one?
Not a very good guitar sales professional, am I?

Maybe a better approach to thinking about me or my "OP Thread" is:

"Hey, this guy has a new guitar. He is excited. He is new to SevenStrings.
Apparently, he needs help. The seller offered NO help nor a manual.
Maybe he studied the history of the guitar to better understand who the
wholesaler supplier designer or manufacturer actually are and if they
have any manuals to share? Maybe this Newbee Forum-ite loves to better
understand his musical instruments. Maybe he does this to ALL of his
many guitars and to ALL of his many amps. Maybe I can find a way
to introduce myself and help this wondering future microtonalist out
and help him towards a better path for learning. Maybe I can help him
avoid the pitfalls I went though. Maybe I can help him to learn quicker,
faster, better and more completely than I did."

Matthew Leisher, maybe there's another way to think than the premediated
negative thought you posted, which did not further the OP's thread in any way.
Please do try to inquire deep into your mind that there's more than one way
to think, feel, believe, express opinions and develop opinions:nuts:

OK. Enough said.
I bought the guitar this month with a number one desire to improve
my fretwork and for my "Microtonal Freenote 12-Tone Ultra Plus Guitar"
to be an impetus towards generating "more effort" to learn music
at a better rate than I've been putting forth during my recent past:idea:

Matthew Leisher, I Toppscore do swear to God (and I do believe)
that my statements are the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth,
SO HELP ME GOD:agreed:

I do hope to see another side of you.
Please try to see another side of me.
Thank you for "trying in the future".
Hope I can contribute positively to your threads.

Take real good care. Toppscore :cool:


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA
All his posts do :shrug:

*** This response is the "Reader's Digest" version of the above response to Matthew Leisher.

Wow! Mental Webb!!
Don't you believe "ALL" is a big word.
How about "ALL" of your comments are negative from a negative mind?
Does "ALL" work here for you?

Mental Webb. Do I reallt seem like a guitar sales person?

Maybe a better approach to thinking about me or my "OP Thread" is:

(repeating the thread above to Matthew: Just go read it, OK?)

"Hey, this guy has a new guitar. He is excited . . . . . .
Maybe I can help him avoid the pitfalls I went though. Maybe I can help
him to learn quicker, faster, better and more completely than I did."

Mental Webb, I believe you get the "big picture", right?
Please do try to give yourself and me and others more than one way
to think, feel, believe, express opinions and to develop opinions:nuts:

OK. Enough said. My statements are the truth, the whole truth,
nothing but the truth, SO HELP ME GOD:agreed:

I do hope to see another side of you.
Please try to see another side of me.
Thank you for "trying in the future".
Hope I can contribute positively to your threads.

Take real good care. Toppscore :cool:


Needs more strings
Jun 11, 2011
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Wow, Mental Webb.
Do not you believe "ALL" is a big word.
How about "ALL" of your comments are negative from a negative mind?
Does "ALL" work here for yoU?
Mental Webb. Do I reall seem like a guitar sales person?

1. ALL isn't that big a word. 3 letter words are generally considered fairly short.
2. Literally all 3 of your posts on the forum at that point had had the same stock image and copy-pasta about your new guitar. That's typically what someone who is shilling stuff tends to do.
3. I like to think I post mostly positive things on SSO and think positively in general.
4. "MentalWebb". Really? :noway:

Maybe a better approach to thinking about me or my "OP Thread" is:
(repeating the thread above to Matthew: Just go read it, OK?)

Yes, I did just read the post, not sure why you felt the need to copy paste the same thing here anyway.

"Hey, this guy has a new guitar. He is excited . . . . . .
Maybe I can help him avoid the pitfalls I went though. Maybe I can help
him to learn quicker, faster, better and more completely than I did."

Well 'grats on the new guitar. Sincerely hoping you do have some fun on it and write some excellent music.
I would normally offer input and advice on the matter, however I only have the barest of handles on standard interval theory, let alone microtonal. As such anything I have to offer on the matter would just be a big old pile of bull:poop:. All I can say is play around on it and work out what sounds interesting and works for your music.

Mental Webb, I believe you get the "big picture", right?
Please do try to give yourself and me and others more than one way
to think, feel, believe, express opinions, and develop opinions:nuts:

I do get the big picture. This forum is here to provide a place for people to chat about guitars, music and random shit and offer each other advice and comment on stuff. If you took 5 seconds to look, you would find that I do my best to further discussion. Besides, if I was constantly posting negative comments everywhere, my rep bar would be bright red and I would have been banned a long time ago. In me agreeing with Matthew, I am hardly preventing people from developing opinions, I'm simply stating my own which is in agreement with him. I also have no problem with people having their own way of doing things or thinking their own way. Heck, more people in general need to to learn to think for themselves, but that's for a different thread entirely.

OK. Enough said. My statements are the truth, the whole truth,
nothing but the truth, SO HELP ME GOD:agreed:

Good for you.

I do hope to see another side of you.
Please try to see another side of me.
Thank you for "trying in the future".
Hope I can contribute positively to your threads.
Take real good care. Toppscore :cool:

Cheers Buddy. In the interests of this not getting stupidly off topic, this will be my last post in this thread.

P.s. Please stop bolding everything, as it is the most annoying thing in the history of ever and makes your posts harder to read.


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA
1. ALL isn't that big a word. 3 letter words are generally considered fairly short.
2. Literally all 3 of your posts on the forum at that point had had the same stock image and copy-pasta about
your new guitar. That's typically what someone who is shilling stuff tends to do.
3. I like to think I post mostly positive things on SSO and think positively in general.
4. "MentalWebb". Really? :noway:
Well, let's see. My first post in this thread has a picture.
My second third forth & fifth do not have a picture? Help me out here. Being the thread's OP,
I inserted a picture to share and give a visual to others who'd love to know what I'm focusing on.

Well, "Literally Typically ALL & EVERYTHING" do not apply here, as you could have
PM'ed me and asked what I was up to, instead of ruining or contributing negativity.

Maybe you are not as "positive" as you think. Maybe?
What do you believe my opinion is of your first comment I've read from you? Joyous?
Maybe you wouldn't comment the same way if you had another chance. PM me sometime.
That was the first comment I have had from you. Toppscore:wavey:

Well 'grats on the new guitar. Sincerely hoping you do have some fun on it and write some excellent music.
I would normally offer input and advice on the matter, however I only have the barest of handles on standard interval theory, let alone microtonal. As such anything I have to offer on the matter would just be a big old pile of bull:poop:. All I can say is play around on it and work out what sounds interesting and works for your music.
Again, instead of prejudging me or anybody as using this forum to make guitar sales, just PM me or others to get an alternative/different point of view. Then your opinon can be more validated or more "open-minded" from your original "opinion". Your "opinion" was off-base and not accurate. I've not received an apology ~ just your statement that you'll not post again. I'm looking to get off on a better foot with you the next time we cross paths. Toppscore :)

This forum is here to provide a place for people to chat about guitars, music and random shit and offer each other advice and comment on stuff. If you took 5 seconds to look, you would find that I do my best to further discussion. Besides, if I was constantly posting negative comments everywhere, my rep bar would be bright red and I would have been banned a long time ago. In me agreeing with Matthew, I am hardly preventing people from developing opinions, I'm simply stating my own which is in agreement with him. I also have no problem with people having their own way of doing things or thinking their own way. Heck, more people in general need to to learn to think for themselves, but that's for a different thread entirely. Good for you.
Glad you not constantly post negative comments. Maybe we are nipping a potential bad habbit or problem in the bud. Don't you think?

By stating you are in agreement with Matthew, you are not taking your "five seconds" to PM me or to investigate my intentions, are you?

"hardly preventing people from developing opinions" ~ hey, you supported to the world I am a guitar sales person on the forum to push my guitar.

"I also have no problem with people having their own way of doing things or thinking their own way." ~ Then why tell me not to use bold? I definitely read bold so much better than thin white text on a dark back ground. Also, again you used that magic word "EVERYTHING". Again, shows lack of investigative effort. PM me with your request(s) and maybe I'll share reasons you are not aware of or reasons you don't know exist. Also, unbeknownst to you, a moderator moved/combined some of my posts to better help this Newbee out. I'm learning my way around this great forum.

Cheers Buddy. In the interests of this not getting stupidly off topic, this will be my last post in this thread.
P.s. Please stop bolding everything, as it is the most annoying thing in the history of ever and makes your posts harder to read.
Take care, yourself.

BTW By the way . . . . .
I would normally offer input and advice on the matter, however I only have the barest of handles on standard interval theory, let alone microtonal.

Just wondering. If you've beginning levels regarding microtonal theory and microtonal guitar play,
as I am a beginner as well . . . . . . Why make a comment in the first place?

Also, maybe other forum-ites may simply ignore comments that are negative or encourage negativity
or support other negative comments. Maybe, I'm one to stand up. I truly do hope to be a better
forum member. I'm truly sorry that you have been led to believe I'm schilling the Seven Strings.
Please accept my apology. Thank you. Toppscore :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Updated list of just intervals approximated by the additional frets, my rough guess of the 12TUP system :nuts:

Just interval / Name / Semitones

X+4/10 frets

13/12 tridecimal neutral second 1.39
9/7 septimal supermajor third 4.35
15/11 undecimal superfourth 5.37
13/9 tridecimal supertritone 6.37
13/8 13th harmonic / tridecimal neutral sixth 8.41

X+1/2 frets

33/32 33rd harmonic / undecimal quartertone 0.53
12/11 undecimal neutral second 1.51
15/13 tridecimal subminor third 2.48
11/9 undecimal neutral third 3.47
13/10 tridecimal subfourth 4.54
11/8 11th harmonic / undecimal superfourth 5.51
16/11 undecimal subfifth 6.49
18/11 undecimal neutral sixth 8.53
11/6 undecimal neutral seventh 10.49

X+2/3 frets

11/10 undecimal submajor second 1.65
7/6 septimal subminor third 2.67
21/16 21st harmonic / septimal subfourth 4.71
14/9 septimal subminor sixth 7.65
7/4 7th harmonic / septimal subminor seventh 9.69
13/7 tridecimal submajor seventh 10.72


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA
Updated list of just intervals approximated by the additional frets, my rough guess of the 12TUP system :nuts:

Just interval / Name / Semitones

X+4/10 frets

13/12 tridecimal neutral second 1.39
9/7 septimal supermajor third 4.35
15/11 undecimal superfourth 5.37
13/9 tridecimal supertritone 6.37
13/8 13th harmonic / tridecimal neutral sixth 8.41

X+1/2 frets

33/32 33rd harmonic / undecimal quartertone 0.53
12/11 undecimal neutral second 1.51
15/13 tridecimal subminor third 2.48
11/9 undecimal neutral third 3.47
13/10 tridecimal subfourth 4.54
11/8 11th harmonic / undecimal superfourth 5.51
16/11 undecimal subfifth 6.49
18/11 undecimal neutral sixth 8.53
11/6 undecimal neutral seventh 10.49

X+2/3 frets

11/10 undecimal submajor second 1.65
7/6 septimal subminor third 2.67
21/16 21st harmonic / septimal subfourth 4.71
14/9 septimal subminor sixth 7.65
7/4 7th harmonic / septimal subminor seventh 9.69
13/7 tridecimal submajor seventh 10.72

Thank you, IKLRamp! I am taking notes and transferring to my personal
files for reference. Soon, I will dive-in head long :lol: into the microtonal
"theory" and "guitar play" worlds.

Thanks again. Toppscore :wavey:
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
I like microtonal theory as it keeps things interesting.

I have a fretless bass - it's 'infinite-tonal'


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA
Not to join this but your OP definitely seems like generic copy-paste spam. :shrug:

Please explain yourself. Where is copy & paste?
You have 2010 posts. I have 17 posts, so I can learn from you. Thanks.

What do you mean by "seems"?
Is there another way to interpret "seems" than your way?

Please help me out here towards pointing-out specific "spam" within
this thread that you feel is spam or that you see or notice. Thank you.

Please show me specific posts within this thread where you notice or
"feel" there is "copy & paste" issues. Truly, I want to learn. Thank you.

Truly, I do want to be a better forum-ite so I can better learn to not offend.
I am a newbee and do not want to repeat mistakes

Thanks for your positive input and help. Toppscore :wavey:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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In the pocket
Sadly this will only be my 345th post but I don't know you just type in a weird way I think :lol:

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