Matt's first KxK? KxK In-Stock 7DC #27 - Faded Blue Jean Birdseye Maple Top!

  • Thread starter HighGain510
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2012
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Örebro, Sweden
How did I miss this?!

Probably the best guitar I've seen in the latest months. This one is blazing cool!


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
I think I jinxed myself by getting so excited and paying for her before I got back from vacation! :lol: Rob shipped her out the day I returned (on last Monday) in the hopes that she wouldn't spend a hot weekend sitting in the depot... well UPS made sure, in typical fashion, to fuck that up for me! :rofl: Ended up taking 8 days to get here instead of 5 like it should have, part of why I hate UPS is that they almost without fail botch their delivery dates, especially in the DC Metro area it seems, and usually add an extra day or two on top of the normal delivery window FedEx can get a package to you, I don't get it. :flame: Not sure what the deal is, some guys don't have any problems with them but considering the frequency I receive guitars and that some dealers I buy from ONLY ship UPS, I've had so many issues it's beyond a "coincidence" or bad luck, they're pretty damn accurate at being inaccurate. :lol: With the UPS rant out of the way.... *whew* deep breaths... she actually made it here in one piece thanks to Rob's stellar packing job! :woohoo:

As promised I'll take some hi-res shots of this beauty as soon as we have some nice weather (maybe this weekend) as she really deserves it but I figured since I had a couple iPhone shots I'd post them up in the meantime:







Honestly the only thing I'm not sure I'm in love with is the neck carve itself as I'm not usually a fan of thinner necks. To be fair, I did play it for like 2+ hours last night and my wrist wasn't hurting this morning, so there is that! :lol: But that being said, it wasn't AS comfortable to me as a slightly thicker carve would be I guess. :)


If you're an Ibby guy, you'd probably be in heaven! :lol: The compound radius is 12-16" so it's very flat and very fast, I really like that aspect of the neck as it's great for playability. We'll see how it goes after the honeymoon but so far I'm VERY impressed, Rob has really stepped up his game since I played some of the original Sii-7's! :eek: :agreed: Fretwork is as nice as I have seen (dat stainless with rounded ends! :wub:) and the paintwork is great. Stock pickups wound by Rob are pretty darn good too, the neck pickup is not the best I've ever played (not to say it was bad, just sounds fairly "typical", nothing special jumping out at me like some neck pickups do if that makes sense?) but the bridge pickup is definitely very nice and has good clarity amongst the strings! Fortunately since Rob uses standard-sized Duncan-style tab routes, if I wanted to change out the pickups later it would be relatively easy! :yesway: The top looks wonderful in person, basically a mix of quilt and birdseye almost, the finish looks awesome against the birdseye top and the back is black limba goodness all day long with bits of figure/flame going on too! :D

The funniest thing hit me when I was playing... due to the chambers he opted for on the semi-hollow body and the thinness of the body, the first thing it reminded me of when I played it was Misha's koa Blackmachine B2 (which was IMHO a VERY nice guitar and one of the few I'd actually say was worth the typical BM pricing!). Something about the way a thin chambered body responds I guess, feels very lively! I dig it! :D If I can get along with the neck in time, I don't see any reason this one would leave unless it's to bring in something new which is something I'll never discount at this point, but first impression for me is that I really like it! :yesway:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2012
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Awesome! Glad you finally got it and are (mostly) loving it! I lol'd at the UPS part though, you're absolutely right about them. Where I live they are pretty spot on with estimated delivery date and actual delivery date, but they've definitely messed things up in the past.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2010
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South Australia
Good review man makes my wait so much harder for mine :lol: that finish and top really do look beautiful tho and i can imagine that neck carve being worlds apart from your normal PRS fetish


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Good review man makes my wait so much harder for mine :lol: that finish and top really do look beautiful tho and i can imagine that neck carve being worlds apart from your normal PRS fetish

Ooooh do tell! :D Yeah considering PRS Wide-Thin usually ends up being too thin for me to enjoy for very long, and this is even thinner than that obviously, it's definitely a bit of a change! The more I play it, it almost reminds me a bit of the JP7 carve. Still keep going back and forth on whether or not she'll stay, if she does go I may end up opting to custom order a 7DC with Rob and just have him change the neck carve. Everything else about this guitar is just fan-friggin'-tastic, IMHO! :wub: I wasn't sure about the pickups the first day I played it but they are seriously growing on me as well, I was all set to order some CS Duncans or BKPs but the more I play it (which has been a lot... :lol:) I'm REALLY enjoying them. :yesway: Said it before but I'll say it again, Rob has SERIOUSLY stepped up his game in the last few years! The original KxK's I had played were nice, but these are in a totally different league. I can see why some of the folks on here like Techno and the other KxK whores have been snatching up several of them, they ARE that good! :D


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Here i tell.....

The 7DC grow on ya big time and i hadnt felt the need at all to touch Rob's choice of pickups in mine, he really is putting out some amazing work and as soon as his custom orders open up ill be there right with ya ordering another :lol:

Damn dude, that looks awesome! Steve had shown me pics of the birdseye top for this build previously (had no idea what it was going on at the time) and asked about colors, I mentioned either blue or an island burst since I know it looks great on birdseye maple tops!



Not sure which color you decided to go with on yours, but hard to go wrong with carribbean/island burst! :D If I would have known I was going to buy this one, I might have pushed more for them to go island burst, but I like the blue jean finish too! ;) I need to upload it but I snapped a pic on my cell of my Suhr next to this one and you can see how much more faded blue jean the Suhr is compared to this beauty, she's got a much darker finish overall! :yesway:


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
I found them! You can see the difference between the KxK faded blue jean and Suhr's faded blue jean:




Personally, I dig them both! :D Two different shades of an awesome color! :wub:


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2010
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South Australia
That island burst looks super nice! i ended up going a baby blue stain its bright :lol: but i reckon with the BEM board/bobbins itll look sweet, that stain really does look nice on your BEM top really makes the figure work in the wood


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
That island burst looks super nice! i ended up going a baby blue stain its bright :lol: but i reckon with the BEM board/bobbins itll look sweet, that stain really does look nice on your BEM top really makes the figure work in the wood

Yum, that sounds like it's going to be tasty! :yum: Blue finishes + natural maple = win, IMHO. Can't wait to see it, is yours near completion? Looked like it was pretty far along in your last set of progress pics!

I went on a bit of a spending spree recently, I had cash from my HB2 sale set aside to buy a custom shop 7 from someone on here but he has managed to get himself banned again so I have no idea what happened there, but got tired of waiting since it's been weeks at this point, so... :rant: :lol: I grabbed a Brunetti 059 AND an Engl Invader 100! I really dig how the pickups in this one sound through the 5150 III 50w profile on my Kemper but I've been curious to see how she would sound through some tube rigs and curiosity got the best of me to say the least! :D We'll find out soon, one amp ships today and the other should be going out by Friday or Monday! :hbang: Lots of low Bb tube-y metal goodness is going to be coming from my guitar room very soon, I tell you that much! :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Golden State
Yum, that sounds like it's going to be tasty! :yum: Blue finishes + natural maple = win, IMHO. Can't wait to see it, is yours near completion? Looked like it was pretty far along in your last set of progress pics!

I went on a bit of a spending spree recently, I had cash from my HB2 sale set aside to buy a custom shop 7 from someone on here but he has managed to get himself banned again so I have no idea what happened there, but got tired of waiting since it's been weeks at this point, so... :rant: :lol: I grabbed a Brunetti 059 AND an Engl Invader 100! I really dig how the pickups in this one sound through the 5150 III 50w profile on my Kemper but I've been curious to see how she would sound through some tube rigs and curiosity got the best of me to say the least! :D We'll find out soon, one amp ships today and the other should be going out by Friday or Monday! :hbang: Lots of low Bb tube-y metal goodness is going to be coming from my guitar room very soon, I tell you that much! :D

The KxK turned out awesome!

Got an Engl Invader myself and they're pretty sweet no doubt. Heard good things about Brunetti as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2010
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South Australia
Shouldnt be far off im trying to get chrome sperzels with pearl buttons to really set it off but just waiting to touch base with Rob hes a tad quiet at the mo :lol: