MESA BOOGIE DC-5 sounds like shit


Fire and Brimstone
Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
all the tubes turn on i just think they might need to be changed i just dont want to dish out for new tubes if im gonna sell it... or if the tubes arent the problem

If the tubes are going, retube it, especially if you sell it. It's not cool, and if you sell it saying the tubes are fine and they blow out on the next owner, nothing positive will come of it.

You bought it off the internet for a cheap price without even hearing what it sounded like didn't you?
I can tell because any person with an inch of common sense would test an amplifier before buying it and avoid purchasing anything that sounds like shit.

You really don't think you come off sounding like an asshole? You're basically calling him an idiot. Although, as evidenced above, I do think you made a good point

Furthermore if there is a problem with the tubes and you sell it off as is, that's a pretty dick move.

So while there is some merit to your post, you are basically asking for neg rep when you come out insulting the guy for no reason. And no, I wasn't one of the neg-reppers.

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