Midi / Roland GK-3 on a 7 string?

  • Thread starter SnowfaLL
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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Just use the adhesive strips to mount it :yesway: once you build them up to the right height there shouldn't be any need to adjust it ever again.

If for any reason all fails and you take it to a tech, make it clear that you don't want holes drilled in your guitar. If a tech can't work out how to do that he doesn't deserve your money.

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Mar 8, 2012
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So.. I just bought the pickup and left. You're right. If I can't manage it myself, I can always go back to the tech later.

OK.. so.. are you trying to say to just use multiple strips of the adhesive tape stacked? That doesn't sound like it'd be stable, but I'm sure I misinterpreted Lmao.. I'm not a child, but in this case.. you're going to have to treat me like one. Lol Luckily I won't be too antsy over this since I won't have my VG-99 get here till monday. Lol

Maybe there is a way I can use the solid spacers to stack up bit? lol... hmm...


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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Yeah, sorry, stack the solid spacers. That's what I meant by adhesive strips. I think they have an adhesive underside, either that or you stick them together with the supplied double sided strips.
Mar 8, 2012
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Ok.... so... Hopefully, I did this right. lol I think it might be a tad lower than the 1mm they said it should be... but the screw was already rattling against the low B string as it is... I did everything except for actually placing it on the body. I want to wait for my VG-99 to come in so I can move it around a little and test placement before settling on a spot. Really crossing my fingers that this works out. I've been jizzing over the VG-99 for years. It'd really suck if I screwed this up... lol


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Mar 8, 2012
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Got the VG-99 Monday. It didn't come with the cable to connect to pickup.. Went to guitar center, they didn't have it. I went to Sam Ash(and felt like I was cheating on GC by doing so...lol)... never again will I go to that Sam Ash. EVER! I'm usually the understanding type of guy since I've had many different jobs, but that had to be THE most incompetent staff I've ever come across.

The guitar/Accessories guys had zero knowledge of the Roland gear when it was clearly out in the open and on display. The guy sent me over to Pro Audio for the cable. I was fine with that at first. Then the Pro Audio guy said he had no idea either. Understandable, I guess... not his department. I go back to Guitars and tell him I found the cable, but it's attached to the demo units and it's tied to the rack, and simply asked if he could follow me over to it and see if he recognized it. Not only did he not do that or even check their system to see if they had it, he just gave me a face like I had three heads and asked if I talked to the Pro Audio guy again... I just walked out. I was done at that point.. lol

Joke is on them, though. That cable is like $70 for the 15' and $80 for the 30'... I went home and found an 20' aftermarket cable with latching ends on eBay. Total came to $25 only because I asked for expedited shipping to get it by the end of the week. I'd say that's a win for me.

I got home from work yesterday and the cable had gotten here. I played pretty much 5 hours straight. I love this thing already. So much can be done. I'm having a bit of trouble with sensitivity settings though. Lower notes are great(not quite enough sustain for my taste, trying to use the d-beam for dives and the note stops most times.), but higher notes sound a little lacking.. but if I raise the sensitivity, then some of the patches distort. Mainly the acoustic stuff. That said, i'm afraid to even consider trying the midi functions. lol..

Before I ramble on for too long... thank you for your help and convincing me it was doable. I probably wouldn't have bought this stuff otherwise. So glad I did.. lol