Mike Mushok PRS

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Drunken Scot
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Anyone using these? What size is the neck on them and how versitile are they? I hear a lot of people change the pickups to the Tremonti set and they rip :hbang:
I would like one in brownburst, I've only liked silverburst on gibsons for some reason :shred:

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lurk lord
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
I've got one. 27.7" scale, neck is good and solid feeling, it doesn't feel that big at all, but it's not a big shredder. Anything from clean warm clear sounds to really thick heavy dark tone. Clean: a very big sound. Distortion: very Huge sound. The pups really aren't that bad. Ppl on here usually get so caught up that only blackouts, emgs, bkps, or whatever sound "good" when really most pups are average and you get stock what you pay for stock. A pup upgrade will usually always make your guitar sound better, but it's not always necessary.
Saying that, the pups aren't really that bad. The higher in volume you go the clarity breaks up and gets muddy. For example, the note distinction within chords at high volumes isn't very clear, and fast low riffing can get a little muddy as well. I've considered changing the pups in mine but I haven't yet justified it because I keep finding settings and sounds that do sound really good. I've found that it's the amps that usually can't handle what the guitar has lol I'm running through two half stacks at the same time, one for bass freqs and one for mids/highs. But if you've got the extra cash for pups do it.
I think it's a great guitar, especially for the money. If it wasn't for the flat top I wouldn't even call it an SE. I've also seen Staind live, where he used them in both colors, and RED used them live also with Brian "Head" Welch. It sounds good live.


Drunken Scot
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the rundown
How does the neck compare to a usa prs? I seen one with Piezo installed and I love the idea of that. They seem a great price and until there is a production 7 string PRS I will GAS for low end PRS rawk for some dream theater etc lol I have been scouring ebay for a while looking for a brown one in the UK and its between one and a Cornford Harlequin :shred:

I stay in a remote place and am quite busy with work so I don't get to guitar shops much.


lurk lord
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
I think it feels good compared to higher end PRS. The shape of the neck is different from any other PRS i've played though. It's Mike Mushok's custom contour, I think they say what it is on the PRS website. I think it's a good design and find that it feels really good a solid to play. The only change I would make would be to strip the finish off (but that's because I'm a natural finish kinda guy and like the feel of nothing but a natural wood or satin feel. I don't care for coated necks). These signature series are really great though. I'm considering picking up the Tim Mahoney signature as well. The sigs are really a step up in quality from regular SE's, but for the same affordable price. Like if this guitar had cost a few hundred more, I would have still gotten it. The only thing I don't like is the stock string gauge (They're stock with D'addario 14-68). And I think a 14-72 or 74 would be better. But these things are just minor preferences. It holds it's tuning really really well, better than my other guitars that are even 700-900 dollars. I think the neck and ebony fretboard also do a lot of help with the tone. It has a really good warm sound from the body, but a really nice balanced quality bite and attack to it from the neck and fretboard. And the fretboard is beautiful to play on. So sleek and great for anything. You can feel the sound it makes. I'd recommend them to anyone wanting a baritone.
And seriously.. If PRS ever makes a 7 string....I may never play another company again. And if they make 8 strings. Well. First I'd have to sell my legs to get it, but it'd be incredible. lol


Drunken Scot
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
I love my ce24 and I went all out at the time to buy it and have never regretted it. I have never had much GAS for other guitars as I couldn't afford anything more expensive til recently so didn't see the point. But the SE range seem a good balance between price and quality. I would sell everything for a 7 string, I spoke to dave weiner on jamplay and after seeing his and hearing his ideas I think they would be ideal for me. I don't think I need lots of guitars just a couple for different jobs, thats my excuse :hbang:

until I win the lottery and afford some private stock PRS :lol:


lurk lord
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
until I win the lottery and afford some private stock PRS :lol:

You have joined the club lol.
Yeah I bet! Oh PRS, why do you taunt me so? But seriously, a custom private stock PRS...I don't think I'd need other guitars.. Which is sad, because I LOVE ALL MY GUITARS. I went to go trade one in for another guitar, and I ended up leaving it in the car, going in, playing some guitars, leaving, driving to an empty parking lot, and playing my own. Then going back home feeling like I almost dumped a girlfriend but saved it because I really love it.

I think I need help. :nuts:

Yeah, ERG PRS. 6 letters that make me.... :bowdown:


Drunken Scot
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
You have joined the club lol.
Yeah I bet! Oh PRS, why do you taunt me so? But seriously, a custom private stock PRS...I don't think I'd need other guitars.. Which is sad, because I LOVE ALL MY GUITARS. I went to go trade one in for another guitar, and I ended up leaving it in the car, going in, playing some guitars, leaving, driving to an empty parking lot, and playing my own. Then going back home feeling like I almost dumped a girlfriend but saved it because I really love it.

I think I need help. :nuts:

Yeah, ERG PRS. 6 letters that make me.... :bowdown:

That is EPIC guitar love!! :yesway: I approve. I love my PRS I have had some hard money troubles over the years and never had it been a possibility to sell it or my marshall jcm800. Bills to pay??? :fawk: I'll go without food!
If I had a private stock and my tele I would be happy forever.

p.s I have a girlfriend I live with and I have no idea HOW she puts up with me but I won't argue
Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Rauma, Finland
Hi all, I've owned a PRS SE baritone for some time now and I'm quite happy with it. We recorded all guitars in this song () with the Mushok baritone. The lead in the end of the song has been recored using the stock bridge pickup but the rhythm tracks were re-recorded with an EMG81 in the bridge, I have a EMG60 installed in the neck. Also the lead guitars and the other rhythm guitar in this song () have been recorded with the Mushok baritone (with EMG81).

Generally I'm happy with the guitar but the neck's quite chunky and playing fast leads could be more effortless. For rhythm it's great and the sound is great, as well as the build quality of the guitar.