Modded Peavey Triple X or EVH 5153?

  • Thread starter MattThePenguin
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Atlanta, GA
I'm taking my head to guitar center and playing both at the same time. This is driving me crazy. I have a few months to make a decision but I want to get this out of the way so I can focus on saving for the Ben Weinman LTD

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
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Okay SO.. I got to try a 5153 with my guitars and my cab... I love it.

I'm in a situation where I kinda have to pick on or the other, and it'd be a lot easier to get another Triple X later down the road than a 5153. The cleans on the 5153 are unreal, and the red channel sounds great too, pretty much the sound I'm looking for.

The volume jump between the green and blue channels is annoying but I don't know what I would use the blue channel for unless I'm recording. It also responds really well to volume adjustments on the guitar.

Another question, why would you not gig with the 5153? I've seen Gojira use them live twice now and they absolutely have it together, phenomenal live sound.

Thanks for the advice everyone I am learning a lot!

edit: Dammit I just got done playing mine and I like both. This is the worst GAS I've ever had

I'll post some settings tomorrow or on the weekend. I want to redial it in and get it great and I just don't have alot of time during the week. One thing to understand though is that I have a JSX and you have a XXX and I'm not sure how they differ but I know channel 3 at least is based on the XXX and thats the one I use 90% of the time.

Another thing you and me have in common is that I'm also dying for a 5153 50 watt head. They sound f***** amazing and I don't know why a 5153 wouldn't be giggable. If your only using the clean channel and the red channel then you don't have any worries. You also have the option of midi switching with that amp so the volume jump isn't even a problem if you have a midi switcher. I personally hate the crunch channel of my JSX so to me i only have a two channel amp any way. It wouldn't bother me a bit switching over to the 5153

One last thing. When you're playing on the ULTRA channel, get the highs, mids, and lows where you want them. Then go to the volume control on the CRUNCH channel and sweep it back and forth. You'll notice that the volume on the crunch channel actually has an effect on the ultra channel's sound. Or at least thats how it is on my JSX.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Atlanta, GA
The guitarist in my band offered to buy my old cab and my Triple X. Before I said yes I took my head to guitar center and played both of the heads side by side hooked up to the same cabs for almost 3 hours haha.

The EVH came out on top in every way, but this experience has made me realize how awesome my triple X is. If I'm not able to sell it, I won't be bummed, it'll just take me a bit longer to get the EVH.

The cleans on the EVh.. oh my god...


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2013
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I chose the JSX over the XXX when i was amp hunting some years back. I can vouch for the MXR eq in loop + KT77 powersection - sounds great. I now have an EVH 5150 III 50w which, in my opinion, destroys both of those amps. I practice at home, rehearse with band, gig and record with the EVH and just sounds phenomenal in every scenario. The channel 'jump' becomes a non-issue if you keep your gain for channels 1/2 at 12o'clock minimum (which for metal you probably will do anyways). I run mine at 1 oclock gain and i gives me an outstanding rhythm sound and great cleans. Good luck in your tone quest!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Atlanta, GA
Yeah I'm getting the EVH as soon as I sell some of my gear. I'm selling the XXX to my bandmate/buddy so it'll be something I can still use for practice/shows while the 5153 stays at home to be recorded.. a lot.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2012
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I loved my 5153 when I had it, sadly i moved across Canada had to let her go.

I ran a Green Rhino OD threw it and its a whole new beast. Gets tight like VH4 and Meaner
I loved it and Channel 3 is just not needed Unless you need that gain to restart a planet

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