Mosh Pit horror stories

  • Thread starter JoshuaVonFlash
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JoshuaVonFlash regular
Jul 25, 2013
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Cleveland, Ohio United States
I know there are a lot of these "horror story" threads but me and my bro were talking and laughing about stuff from middle school and remembered my hilarious "mosh pit" story if you'll even call it that. It was my first school dance and coincidentally I had a loose tooth, and I'd been playing with for the last two weeks up until that day and had gotten it pretty loose but, couldn't get it to come out. So as every one who bought a ticket to the dance began to pile in me and my friends were horse playing with each other but soon stopped when the music came on, now I'm not at all a good dancer I just bought a ticket to get out of class for the rest of the day, so I just went and had a seat and pretty much drank punch and made jokes with my buds, soon my 2nd grade bladder became full so, I was about to go to the bathroom when Lil John and The Eastside Boy's Get Low came on, mind the seats were in the very back of the of the basketball court and the door to leave was all the way in front, as I make my way to the I have to do the excuse and thank you thing at least 5 times and as I see daylight and get closer to the door, BANG some kid spin kicks me karate style, mind you this was a mostly black neighborhood and up until 5th grade (I hadn't heard or scene anything more hardcore than the Ramones so even I had no clue what a mosh pit was)where nobody really especially 2nd graders know what a mosh pit is so that makes even more ironic to me today. I lost my tooth, got to go home and got $20 bucks from my mom and dad, it all worked out pretty well actually :lol: share your mosh pit horror stories below.:metal:

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BiPolar Machine
Feb 5, 2013
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Raleigh, NC
Best most pit was an ASG show here locally that I ended up with a concussion and a fractured eye socket from smacking skulls with some dude


Is Post-Thrash?
Nov 14, 2012
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After Meshuggah and Lamb of God, I coulden't move my head without felling like death it went on for like 2 days.


Dec 28, 2008
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Mid 90's Pantera show in Augusta, Maine. White Zombie and Deftones opening. Not a lot of big metal bands making it up there at the time, so pretty much every metalhead in the state is there.

I was probably about 15. Tall, but skinny. A strong breeze could knock me over. I'd been to a few metal shows before so I knew I wasn't really cut out for the pit. When Deftones started (no one knew who they were back then), I hung to the back. Everything was pretty calm. White Zombie played. They had a video or two on MTV rotation at that point and most people knew them, but still no pit. Everyone was just kind of standing there, maybe headbanging a little. Towards the end of their set, I got brave and made my way forward. Got to about three people back from the barricade and waited for Pantera to come out. Everyone still just kind of milling about.

First note of the first Pantera song comes crashing down and the big drunk meathead redneck that I'm right behind, pressed nice and cozy against his back, pulls back his arm and just starts punching the kid in front of him in the head. Back of the head, side of the head, face. Hard. Just jackhammering him. The kid's knocked senseless in seconds and I've got specs of his blood on my face. Half dozen beefy security guys converge and pull the redneck and his punching bag out. I turn on my heels and GTFO. The rest of the night is just a massive, violent pit full of violent drunks.

JoshuaVonFlash regular
Jul 25, 2013
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Cleveland, Ohio United States
Mid 90's Pantera show in Augusta, Maine. White Zombie and Deftones opening. Not a lot of big metal bands making it up there at the time, so pretty much every metalhead in the state is there.

I was probably about 15. Tall, but skinny. A strong breeze could knock me over. I'd been to a few metal shows before so I knew I wasn't really cut out for the pit. When Deftones started (no one knew who they were back then), I hung to the back. Everything was pretty calm. White Zombie played. They had a video or two on MTV rotation at that point and most people knew them, but still no pit. Everyone was just kind of standing there, maybe headbanging a little. Towards the end of their set, I got brave and made my way forward. Got to about three people back from the barricade and waited for Pantera to come out. Everyone still just kind of milling about.

First note of the first Pantera song comes crashing down and the big drunk meathead redneck that I'm right behind, pressed nice and cozy against his back, pulls back his arm and just starts punching the kid in front of him in the head. Back of the head, side of the head, face. Hard. Just jackhammering him. The kid's knocked senseless in seconds and I've got specs of his blood on my face. Half dozen beefy security guys converge and pull the redneck and his punching bag out. I turn on my heels and GTFO. The rest of the night is just a massive, violent pit full of violent drunks.
:eek: Did you ever find out why he punched him?


Gravity is Shifting!
Dec 25, 2010
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Northern Illinois
I don't have any real "horror stories" per se, but when I saw Mastodon and Opeth on tour a couple years ago I was in the pit a fair bit. I smacked skulls with a couple dudes, but at one point a guy got pushed from his front, and I was behind him, with me facing forward towards his back. So he got pushed backward, right as I got pushed forward. The result was him just going straight backward, and elbowing me straight in the face.

Wasn't anything violent, but I got a nice golf ball sized bruise on my cheekbone. Got asked a lot the next day at school what happened, and everyone was thoroughly amused at my response. :lol:

Also, not my personal story, but my friend saw Slayer at Mayhem this past summer and got blood on his shoes in the mosh pit. I'm pretty sure he hasn't worn them much since because he doesn't want the blood to come off, because it's just a metal as hell reason to have blood on your shoes.

JoshuaVonFlash regular
Jul 25, 2013
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Cleveland, Ohio United States
I don't have any real "horror stories" per se, but when I saw Mastodon and Opeth on tour a couple years ago I was in the pit a fair bit. I smacked skulls with a couple dudes, but at one point a guy got pushed from his front, and I was behind him, with me facing forward towards his back. So he got pushed backward, right as I got pushed forward. The result was him just going straight backward, and elbowing me straight in the face.

Wasn't anything violent, but I got a nice golf ball sized bruise on my cheekbone. Got asked a lot the next day at school what happened, and everyone was thoroughly amused at my response. :lol:

Also, not my personal story, but my friend saw Slayer at Mayhem this past summer and got blood on his shoes in the mosh pit. I'm pretty sure he hasn't worn them much since because he doesn't want the blood to come off, because it's just a metal as hell reason to have blood on your shoes.
Was that on the Hunter Heritage tour with Ghost? I wanted to see them so bad but they never came Ohio way:(


Grinder of strings
Dec 12, 2011
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Washington, the state
I got puked on at a Soundgarden show (94').

That was nasty, but nothing like getting my knee hyper extended in a circle pit, (Megadeth 98'). I couldn't walk for two days, and it sounded like rice krispies in there for weeks.
Mar 4, 2012
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Overland Park, KS
Not really horror stories for me, I was more just an observer of insanity.

First story! Wasn't even a mosh, just one dude acting like a jackass. He didn't deserve what he got, but he got it HARD.

Recently I was at a Periphery show where Twelve Foot Ninja was opening. They were the first band on and there was already some dude with his shirt off trying to mosh and there's only like 40-50 people in the whole venue at this point. Dude is pretty skinny, has this matted up long hair and beard, along with some classy swastika and iron cross tattoos on his arms and chest. So this is clearly going to be GREAT from the start. The crowd is pretty sparse as I said, and he's just running into people and falling over. I pushed him off the first couple times, but he ran into me about 4-5 times. I'm not a big guy (5'11" and 130 lbs) so I couldn't really do much, but it isn't really bothering me THAT much. However, there is a dude that looks about 6'5" and 300 lbs, and he'd had quite enough of that guy's bullshit. One second I'm watching the show, the next, I see the skinny nazi dude just getting the SHIT pummeled out of him. BAM BAM BAM BAM, BIG blows from the big guy, and nazi guy's out cold for like 3 minutes. The people he came with were eventually able to get him up, and on his way out he was trying to fight, swinging his arms around, but it was pretty clear he was seein' major stars at that point.

That's pretty much the craziest thing I've seen at a show. And this show was nuts for whatever reason.

Another story! Same show!

Later on in 12FN's set (which is only like 30 mins maybe, damn people!) some guy put his foot on a drumstick that got tossed out, so clearly it's his, that's the rule. Some chick GRABS onto his whole leg with her arms and legs like a bear and is trying to pry the drumstick out from under his foot. In this process she also BITES HIM. So in response, the guy grabs her by the hair and neck and just drags her across the floor to try and get her off.

All those people went WAY too far that show, and everyone involved got kicked out. Halfway through the show though, the guy who got bit and his group were allowed back in. That group was something else too, I tell you what. The guy who got bit looked to be about 17-18, was wearing a backwards ICP Juggalo hat and was there with his what looked like 14 year old girlfriend. He was also there with his 70 year old grandma, who was wearing a Suicide Silence hat.

I don't know if it was a full moon out or what, but the show was clear of fights after those incidents. The crowd was quite pushy/moshy for Born of Osiris, but it was managable. I DID get to meet up with some cool dudes afterwards that I had met at the previous Periphery show there though. So we went over to Buffalo Wild Wings right next to the venue to hang out and lo and behold about 10 minutes later, all of Periphery sans Misha walks in. So we got to meet them and take pictures. Super cool guys. That was a good night.

JoshuaVonFlash regular
Jul 25, 2013
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Cleveland, Ohio United States
Wasn't even a mosh, just one dude acting like a jackass. He didn't deserve what he got, but he got it HARD.

Recently I was at a Periphery show where Twelve Foot Ninja was opening. They were the first band on and there was already some dude with his shirt off trying to mosh and there's only like 40-50 people in the whole venue at this point. Dude is pretty skinny, has this matted up long hair and beard, along with some classy swastika and iron cross tattoos on his arms and chest. So this is clearly going to be GREAT from the start. The crowd is pretty sparse as I said, and he's just running into people and falling over. I pushed him off the first couple times, but he ran into me about 4-5 times. I'm not a big guy (5'11" and 130 lbs) so I couldn't really do much, but it isn't really bothering me THAT much. However, there is a dude that looks about 6'5" and 300 lbs, and he'd had quite enough of that guy's bullshit. One second I'm watching the show, the next, I see the skinny nazi dude just getting the SHIT pummeled out of him. BAM BAM BAM BAM, BIG blows from the big guy, and nazi guy's out cold for like 3 minutes. The people he came with were eventually able to get him up, and on his way out he was trying to fight, swinging his arms around, but it was pretty clear he was seein' major stars at that point.

That's pretty much the craziest thing I've seen at a show. And this show was nuts for whatever reason.

Another story! Same show!

Later on in 12FN's set (which is only like 30 mins maybe, damn people!) some guy put his foot on a drumstick that got tossed out, so clearly it's his, that's the rule. Some chick GRABS onto his whole leg with her arms and legs like a bear and is trying to pry the drumstick out from under his foot. In this process she also BITES HIM. So in response, the guy grabs her by the hair and neck and just drags her across the floor to try and get her off.

All those people went WAY too far that show, and everyone involved got kicked out. Halfway through the show though, the guy who got bit and his group were allowed back in. That group was something else too, I tell you what. The guy who got bit looked to be about 17-18, was wearing a backwards ICP Juggalo hat and was there with his what looked like 14 year old girlfriend. He was also there with his 70 year old grandma, who was wearing a Suicide Silence hat.

I don't know if it was a full moon out or what, but the show was clear of fights after those incidents. The crowd was quite pushy/moshy for Born of Osiris, but it was managable. I DID get to meet up with some cool dudes afterwards that I had met at the previous Periphery show there though. So we went over to Buffalo Wild Wings right next to the venue to hang out and lo and behold about 10 minutes later, all of Periphery sans Misha walks in. So we got to meet them and take pictures. Super cool guys. That was a good night.
That sounds like it was a night to remember plus meeting the guys in Periphery freaking killer but the first and second stories had me rolling, I dislike racists but, I was hoping dude was going to be ok when you said he pummeled by 6'5" 300lbs guy.
Mar 4, 2012
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Overland Park, KS
That sounds like it was a night to remember plus meeting the guys in Periphery freaking killer but the first and second stories had me rolling, I dislike racists but, I was hoping dude was going to be ok when you said he pummeled by 6'5" 300lbs guy.

Yeah, he was eventually able to get up by himself with some help. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him! But there was no clarity of mind to be had for him on the dance floor that night!


Custom User Title
May 27, 2009
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My first Slipknot pit left me with a wrist injury that took 8 months to fully heal.

I haven't moshed in years now though. I stand by the bar, or side stage if i'm lucky.


Sycamore Trees
Oct 20, 2010
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Tucson, AZ
Ripped open my arm on some jag's bracer in a Behemoth pit and smeared the blood all over my face, spent the rest of the night being that bloody guy at the black metal show.

At the same show I was talking with some guy in a huge neck brace who had fractured some vertebrae or something. We then were next to each other throughout Septic Flesh's massive wall of death and the dude was thrashing harder than anyone at the show. Probably had to go back to the hospital after that.


Nov 11, 2008
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"Albuquerque, NM"
This is not really a pit story, but i saw Saves The Day in Las Vegas one day and I was in the front row. Some guy elbowed me in the face because he wanted to take my spot. I was bleeding quite a bit from my mouth and turned around and was like "What the .... dude?" and he says "what are you going to do about it pussy" So I decked him in the face and I am pretty sure i broke his nose. After that the security guards were dragging me out of the venue, and Chris Conley was talking shit to me as I was being dragged away lol.


Way Cool Jr
Feb 27, 2009
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I've been to Slayer, Pantera, Fear, Misfits, Anthrax, NIN, and other wild shows over the years... And, I never took an injury.

Where do I get hurt? Weezer. :lol: Broke two of my toes when someone stage-dived. No one caught him and his boots landed on my sneakers. He won.


Apr 19, 2011
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Boston, MA
I have a few silly stories more then horror stories.

They take place at a Lamb of God concert my friends and I went to in 2009 at the Boston House of Blues near Fenway:

1.) As I lay dying came on and drunk some guy who looked like Bobby from King of the Hill but 40 and decked out in Metal Mulisha gear and spiked wrist bands ran up to me and my friends and was like ".... THIS PUSSY MUSIC, I WANT LAMB OF GOD!" in a trying to be brutal metal voice and then proceeded to bite down on his rockstar energy drink can and trying to rip out off a piece.... He then started gushing blood out of his mouth after realizing how terrible of an idea it was and ran away crying. Mixture of horrifying and hilarious.

2.) I'm standing in the front row - mind you I've only been to small scale thrash concerts prior to this since this was before I liked any modern metal - and Lamb of God comes on. Randy yells to the crowd "tear this ............ down" and then the music starts. I kid you not as soon as that first note was hit I was pushed forward by the crowd so much that I was flung in the air (Yes me and my 5' 10" 200 lb self) and carried backwards in some wear reverse crowd surfing motion in the most violet way ever. I'm finally let down.... in the back of the concert hall. I spend the rest of my time standing in the back witnessing the massacre that was my first Boston modern metal concert.

Bonus Story: Metal Mulisha dude comes out of the bathroom as LoG's set ends and people are leaving. And just walks out into the middle of the floor and just grunts angerily, throws a can/ bottle at the stage and walks away. A very strange dude as you can tell haha.

JoshuaVonFlash regular
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio United States
I have a few silly stories more then horror stories.

They take place at a Lamb of God concert my friends and I went to in 2009 at the Boston House of Blues near Fenway:

1.) As I lay dying came on and drunk some guy who looked like Bobby from King of the Hill but 40 and decked out in Metal Mulisha gear and spiked wrist bands ran up to me and my friends and was like ".... THIS PUSSY MUSIC, I WANT LAMB OF GOD!" in a trying to be brutal metal voice and then proceeded to bite down on his rockstar energy drink can and trying to rip out off a piece.... He then started gushing blood out of his mouth after realizing how terrible of an idea it was and ran away crying. Mixture of horrifying and hilarious.

2.) I'm standing in the front row - mind you I've only been to small scale thrash concerts prior to this since this was before I liked any modern metal - and Lamb of God comes on. Randy yells to the crowd "tear this ............ down" and then the music starts. I kid you not as soon as that first note was hit I was pushed forward by the crowd so much that I was flung in the air (Yes me and my 5' 10" 200 lb self) and carried backwards in some wear reverse crowd surfing motion in the most violet way ever. I'm finally let down.... in the back of the concert hall. I spend the rest of my time standing in the back witnessing the massacre that was my first Boston modern metal concert.

Bonus Story: Metal Mulisha dude comes out of the bathroom as LoG's set ends and people are leaving. And just walks out into the middle of the floor and just grunts angerily, throws a can/ bottle at the stage and walks away. A very strange dude as you can tell haha.
Dat boy still ain't right.:lol:

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