Mosh Pit horror stories

  • Thread starter JoshuaVonFlash
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Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
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Dayton, OH
I've seen plenty of people get their shit rearranged at shows, namely shows that I've played. On our last national tour, we played at home at a venue called Bogart's. We played a new song that had this disgusting breakdown in it. As soon as the drum fill comes in, a guy runs into the pit and punches this guy directly in the jaw. Dude was out cold and got taken out on a stretcher.

I've also been punched in the face a few times, and also rolled my ankle seeing Glass Cloud and The Chariot a few weeks back. The sad part is that I just got knocked off balance while standing and fell sideways on my ankle. :lol: Still can't rotate it fully without it hurting.

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a very bad old bear
Jan 26, 2012
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Orlando, FL
At a fest years ago, I was watching a band and some guy spinning with his arms out like Zangief from Street Fighter caught me in the jaw. I couldn't eat for two days.

Also, at a Shai Hulud show in Orlando, some guy grabbed a girl by the throat for bumping into him or something, then he proceeded to get the shit kicked out of him by several people before security dragged him out.


Dang tootin
Jan 2, 2012
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Buffalo, NY
Lol, I am one of those big guys (weighing in at a hefty 115 lb and a staggering 5 foot 6) so for me every pit I've been in has been a nightmare.

The first I was was up in Rochester at a place called the Penny Arcade and it was a BTBAM show. So, we got there (me and my friends) and it was pretty sweet because when we pulled in and we were walking towards the place we saw BTBAM hanging out outside of their van. So we went over and Dan Briggs was super cool and talked to us for five minutes until the band split to go get food. This was when they were touring to support colors BTW.
Anyways, we get in and run to the front of the place so we can be like right up against the stage so we could watch BTBAM perform fakkin Colors from a few feet away. Anyways, turns out there is 7... count them SEVEN local bands set to perform before them. It was ridiculous. The first band gets up and is like 'LETS SEE SOME SHIT START OUT THERE BLAHBLAH'. They were some sort of hardcore or whatever and this huge guy starts windmilling his arms around and like... wading through the crowd and just smacking people in the back of the head. Now, I had kinda gotten separated from my group because people squished in between us to avoid that giant dude, so he makes a pass and smacks me in the back of the head and then like demolishes some chick about my size and pushes the guy she is with into the stage. So I turned around and put my arm up to kind of try and block the punch next time he comes around.
What ends up happening is the next time he comes around I turn thinking his is gone so my back is to him again and then I look to see where he is and I get pegged in the face and my glasses go flying off. So I am basically blind without my glasses because everything is blurry as shit and it is quite debilitating. So I kind of (without thinking) lunged at him with the urge to blind him because he blinded me. So I like jumped on him and started to claw at his eyes like in 28 days later and then all of a sudden I start getting the shit kicked out of me by like a bunch of people (I guess the big one just baits fights and then his friend's gangrape whoever is stupid enough to go at it.) So I got like all fuzzy and beat up and thrown out because I started a fight. :rant: I think someone was trying to fishhook me too, it was kind of stupid. Secrity was like 'I saw the whole thing, man, I can't let you back in cuz he'll kill you'.'

So it was the worst ever. One of the guys that was with us was really pissed because we all ended up leaving and it was like a two hour drive.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2013
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610 and 814
Personally I broke my nose during an Amon Amarth show.

I had a friend punch a lady in the face and knock her over. In his defense it was Cannibal Corpse, and a circle pit, the largest I've seen. She was also wearing heels and standing on the edge of the pit. So he tripped and she god a good whack. He couldn't apologize because of the sea of humanity behind him.

I had another friend who got the worst. He went to help some dude in the pit up, but he was already being thrown on his feet by the crowd, and he grabbed the dude's junk I'm talking a full fist full of testicles.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
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Sandviken, Sweden
At a Lamb of God show 2 years ago.

The moment LOG comes out, my friend (who is MUCH bigger and heavier than me) body slams me and I rolled about 4 times before smacking into a wall :lol: There were a lot of worried looks but I was perfectly okay and jumped into the pit several times during the show. :) Most violent show in my life! Some guy was headbanging so hard he hit his head in the floor and couldn't stand up for about 5 minutes. My body kinda stopped working correctly after the show too :lol: All the food I ate felt like it was going into other organs instead of my stomach, and I couldn't stand up very long without feeling dizzy/sick. This went on for a week. :lol:

Another story, but not really a moshpit story.

I went to see KSE earlier this year. Everyone was excited to see them and the crowd started chanting SATAN SATAN SATAN SATAN. It made no sense but everyone joined it. XD
Kinda OT though

Do you guys have these lone dudes who appear in EVERY local show in your place? Kind of like recurring characters in a cartoon?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
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One of my mates got pushed to the floor a split second before chimera did the wall of death. Got kicked in the jaw and broke it. He still has a slightly sideways jaw. Brutal haha.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2011
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The Netherlands
I got poked in the eye by an asshole stagediver at a punk rock show once. There was nobody there to catch him and he came out of nowhere when I was jumping around in the pit. I spent the next three months with a red bloodshot eye. One centimiter to the right and I would have been blind in one eye.

I've been extra carefully avoiding stagedivers since then...
Oct 15, 2013
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Billings, MT
2 stories.
1st isn't really a horror story just one I find a bit funny. I was at a show about 4 years ago Anthrax and Rob Zombie. Figured I'd check one of the Big 4 off my concert list. During Anthrax's set (Caught in a Mosh) I lost a shoe in the middle of the pit. Luckily it was a bunch of 40 and 50 year old guys who weren't moshing as much as walking in a circle, anyway they all saw this stopped. Opened up around my shoe and let me pick it up and put it back on before they started back up again haha.
2nd was a few months to about a year ago, I forget the band I think it was God Forbid, but someone had fallen to the ground and I slipped over and fell on top of him. The guy who had fallen had let out a blood curdling scream. I thought I hurt the guy but he yells "GET UP, GET UP!!!" I get off him and help him up and his front side of his body is covered in puke and beer that was on the ground. He ran out of there, I believe to the bathroom to wash off. Thankfully I fell on him instead of the ground haha.

JoshuaVonFlash regular
Jul 25, 2013
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Cleveland, Ohio United States
2 stories.
1st isn't really a horror story just one I find a bit funny. I was at a show about 4 years ago Anthrax and Rob Zombie. Figured I'd check one of the Big 4 off my concert list. During Anthrax's set (Caught in a Mosh) I lost a shoe in the middle of the pit. Luckily it was a bunch of 40 and 50 year old guys who weren't moshing as much as walking in a circle, anyway they all saw this stopped. Opened up around my shoe and let me pick it up and put it back on before they started back up again haha.
2nd was a few months to about a year ago, I forget the band I think it was God Forbid, but someone had fallen to the ground and I slipped over and fell on top of him. The guy who had fallen had let out a blood curdling scream. I thought I hurt the guy but he yells "GET UP, GET UP!!!" I get off him and help him up and his front side of his body is covered in puke and beer that was on the ground. He ran out of there, I believe to the bathroom to wash off. Thankfully I fell on him instead of the ground haha.

canuck brian

Bowes Guitars
Oct 16, 2006
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I don't have any from a respectable show...but when I was around 18 years old, 5'7 and 230 pounds, i got to the front of a Marilyn Manson show (antichrist tour) and i started getting crushed against the railing. Some tall asshole with a voice that was is in the middle of finally cracking due to puberty decided to put both of his arms over my shoulders and screaming the lyrics. He kept dropping a few knees into my legs and I screamed at him to .... off. Nope. Didn't listen.

This went on for about 20 minutes before i was starting to black out from being crushed and having this asshole scream in my ear. I hoisted both of my legs up, feet against the barrier (i was getting squished enough that i didn't fall down) and whipped my upper body and head back as hard as i could to plow thru the 3 rows of people behind me.

Got into the standing area thinking "what the hell...why is my head bleeding?" I ran my hands thru my hair and pulled out the front two teeth of the asshole behind me. I still have the scar on the back of my head.

JoshuaVonFlash regular
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio United States

I don't have any from a respectable show...but when I was around 18 years old, 5'7 and 230 pounds, i got to the front of a Marilyn Manson show (antichrist tour) and i started getting crushed against the railing. Some tall asshole with a voice that was is in the middle of finally cracking due to puberty decided to put both of his arms over my shoulders and screaming the lyrics. He kept dropping a few knees into my legs and I screamed at him to .... off. Nope. Didn't listen.

This went on for about 20 minutes before i was starting to black out from being crushed and having this asshole scream in my ear. I hoisted both of my legs up, feet against the barrier (i was getting squished enough that i didn't fall down) and whipped my upper body and head back as hard as i could to plow thru the 3 rows of people behind me.

Got into the standing area thinking "what the hell...why is my head bleeding?" I ran my hands thru my hair and pulled out the front two teeth of the asshole behind me. I still have the scar on the back of my head.
Dude that's legendary and that shirt shoulf be handed out at every metal show. :lol:


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2011
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London, UK
I was at a The Bled show in Leeds, and as the pit opened up, I ended up standing on the edge of it. This one kid next to me started windmilling both of his arms during a break in between songs, so that he was pummelling my shoulder with every swing. Without turning I raised my arm and straight punched him once in the face. He went down and then ....ed off to the back of the room whilst every else around the edge of the pit applauded! So more a comedy than a horror story!


not quite a shredder
Jan 18, 2012
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Hampton Roads
I bit through my tongue at the boathouse i Norfolk (can't remember band, infectious grooves maybe). My tongue had a slit down the middle. i can still pull the flesh apart to this day and reveal a trench in the tongue where it healed. Kept on rockin of course when it happened :hbang:

JoshuaVonFlash regular
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio United States
I bit through my tongue at the boathouse i Norfolk (can't remember band, infectious grooves maybe). My tongue had a slit down the middle. i can still pull the flesh apart to this day and reveal a trench in the tongue where it healed. Kept on rockin of course when it happened :hbang:
Was Dave Kushner in the band when it happened?


Member Of The 27" Club
Mar 26, 2010
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Orofino, ID
Not really much in the way of a story, but I was watching Candiria in Spokane when they were opening for American Head Charge and Otep, kinda up to the front and off to the side to avoid the pit. I was talking to my friend and was turned towards him, when all of a sudden some random dude just took me and my friend the fuck out. One second I was standing, and the next second I was flying into my friend and we were both falling down, me kinda halfway on top of him. And I'm 6'4 and a pretty big dude, and my friend is even taller than I am, so it would take a lot of impact to take us both down at once. :lol: Luckily, no one got hurt, and we enjoyed the rest of the show without any problems.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
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Planet Claire
This story is only horrific because I had to deal with nazi ....s. I saw Megadeth back in 2008 or so, I went with a friend and my girlfriend at the time. We all separated pretty quickly and I ended up near the front moshing around with some other dudes. I had hair down to my ass at the time, they were all bald meatheads. Around halfway through the show, they get all shirtless and start showing off their iron eagle and swastika tattoos, which apparently they thought I'd be impressed by. Discretion being the better part of valor, I decided it wasn't worth it to tell them what I thought and get my ass pounded by nazis, so I let the pit carry me away at the first possible moment.

The undercurrent of nazism in metal is really disgusting to me, I don't legitimately hate many people, but I hate these assholes with a passion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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Pic relevant to the story.

Behemoth concert at a smallish place.

Some asshole thinks it's a good idea to hardcore dance and kicks some chick right in the face. Maybe 5 dudes (all 3 times bigger than this kid) tackle the dude and beat him. The kid gets kicked out and the big guys get off scott-free as it was defense of others.

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