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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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ehh i'm the wrong person to ask as i'm pretty jaded to horror. It's more intense than outright scary imo
I should have waited for the long trailer and the press tour to come out because I had only seen the teasers and was incredibly hyped for this movie. i rarely have time to go the theatre anymore and made a plan to go alone and really sink into it. I couldn’t get into it. I really like Maika Monroe and love Cage but the movie was slow and the interpretations stiff. I chalk it to bad direction. There’s parts that worked but was it horror? Mystery? A thriller? Now that they are even talking it up like it the new silence of the lambs I don’t know what to say… I found it to be super silly and kinda dumb. It also sucks that this will come to streaming soon while I’ll have to wait for Maxxxine until later in the year. :D that’s the other one I could have watched that day.


resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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Can't remember if I posted this already, but I'm kinda looking forward to this. Been ages since I've seen an M Night movie, and I like most of them for what they are.



Silence is Violence
Jan 14, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia
Deadpool and Wolverine

Well, here we are; Deadpool and Wolverine. The movie with Deadpool and Wolverine in the MCU, Wolverine is wearing the 'yellow suit', and a ton of swearing and meta jokes. That's it. That's the whole movie. It's actually more like a subreddit than an actual movie.

To get things out of the way, I had fun, I laughed a lot and I enjoyed the ride. And Deadpool and Wolverine is certainly unsubtle about making every meta joke they're allowed to get away with right until past breaking point, then telling jokes some more. But I know naked intellectual property brand management and fanservice pandering when I see it. And even if we're getting glut full to appease fans such as myself, it all feels patronising. Even the long awaited 'yellow suit' stumbles in its symbolic representation, marring whatever arc Wolverine had. I'm weirdly reminded of Rise of Skywalker and The Flash, the latter especially, as it's the same premise and plot; paper thin with very little stakes and drama. Both of those movies left me cold, but in this case, at least, this is the better made version of those, even if it doesn't say much.

Of course, what is Deadpool and Wolverine without both Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. Both are having great time reprising their respective roles. Both are also doing an amazing job keeping this entire movie from falling apart to what would be a messy supercut of Family Guy excerpts. Stuck to doing crowd pleasing greatest hits beats as decreed by the Mouse trying to give what the fans ostensibly want.

Ultimately, Deadpool and Wolverine is the MCU giving back to the fans everything they wished for, but at the cost of narrative depth. It's superhero drive through meal you'll appreciate until it's done. It's fun, goofy and entertaining enough, but I do hope they don't make another movie like this again.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Longlegs- Without really spoiling anything, I think this is one of the more creative and actually hypeworthy horror movies of the year. I have a feeling it'll become a cult classic (or at least people will meme Nicolas Cage's performance to death like they did with Wickerman). Cage chews scenery like a madman in the movie and alternates between unintentionally funny and actually creepy.
It does a great job of building atmosphere and tension in the first half. Unfortunately it then meanders til it punches you square in the face with the ending. The cinematography and framing are great, with a very naturalistic feel. The gore seems to be mostly practical effects and looks very convincing overall.

Worth a watch imo
I watched this yesterday. I think it's pretty good but I think the last act is sort of unremarkable and the "secret reveal" was predictable. At least it has a real ending instead of something ambiguous and stupid. I think it bit off more than it could chew in terms of combining subgenres, and when you have so many disparate crazy things in your movie I think it maybe needs a little more explanation than we got, but it's pretty good. Cage is fun and creepy, though I think he'd have been creepier if they hadn't cast Nic Cage just cause of the extra-movie baggage that comes with him acting like a lunatic (if they'd gotten someone else to do the exact same thing, I wouldn't expect to see it ending up in a supercut with Vampire's Kiss scenes, I'd expect people to have actually found it weird and creepy). Not sure why he looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein, though. I don't think those plastic surgery procedures even existed back in 1971 when we first see him!

On the positive side it looks amazing. Almost all the shots look carefully thought out and it does a ton of those sorts of shots where empty doorframes loom large in the background so you're uneasy about something popping out for the whole shot, etc. Lots of fancy lighting and visual motifs (like the way lights in this movie tend to be a golden yellow or orange/red instead of harsh whites).

Maika Monroe is very good as a really emotionally flat character. I liked what she was doing with the childlike voice. Hope she is in more stuff again.

I am really confused as to why they decided to market this thing as the scariest movie ever!!!111 like they did with Hereditary and Paranormal Activity and Babadook and so many before it. This movie really didn't even seem to be ATTEMPTING to be scary most of the time, besides the pretty scary early scene at Maika's cabin in the woods and one or two non-gory jump scares. It's more a weird serial killer movie with some nutty elements.


Nov 26, 2008
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Boston, MA
Deadpool & Wolverine

We all knew it was going to feature a multi-verse due to them pulling in Wolverine, but it's not so much multi as it is ...two, and the latter managed to be the one collecting cameos in the non-Deadpool universe; which honestly, probably the easiest way to get around universe hopping instead since yes, we are all tired of that. I do think the movie in general did suffer a little bit because at the end of everything, that's the skeleton which the movie was formed around, so no matter how good of a movie it was, if you're tired of shenanigans featuring variants/etc, you're still going to be reminded of it. It may have been a device used by Disney now to have it slide in with where the MCU currently is in (highly unlikely because that'd require them thinking on a macro level), but I think it's more just that they wanted a way to bring Hugh into it and that was really the only card to play.

The fan service in this one is definitely off the charts, from the opening Wolverine hunt scene and all the incarnations we've seen in the comics and IRL debates (he's supposed to be 5'3! well, here's what that would look like), to then finding Johnny Storm of all fucking people (although you can spot the "4" logo on him pretty quickly), and even going as far back as 2001 with OG X-Men villain cameos for a red herring of a Sabretooth fight. But if you think that's it, no, because they then do it AGAIN later in act two, and we get a new round of cameos, including my own panty dropping one of Channing Tatum fucking donning the headsock and giving us LIVE ACTION GAMBIT.

This one felt more close to what I think No Way Home wanted to be, because that one falls apart the second you put any pressure on the story moving forward with Strange, but it still was very much going above what the other ones did and bringing in elements that weren't really Deadpool's wheelhouse to play in. The thing keeping you watching above anything else will always be Hugh & Ryan playing off each other, with then being able to see DP & Wolverine kick each others ass several times throughout, then the gratuitous comic cameos, and THEN the movie's story in last place.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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I'm in a weird place with that movie cause I kinda liked Deadpool 1/2 and I like several of the X-Men movies, but this just seems annoying (largely thanks to having to watch that unfunny TURN OFF YOUR PHONES psa repeatedly) and exhausting. I hate the multiverse shit, even though I liked Into the Spider-Verse and to a lesser extent No Way Home. It's all just making me want to wait until I can stream it through a service I'm already paying for.


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
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The whole multiverse premise only exists because Marvel characters have never been written in any kind of a straight line, so if you want to corral them all to be milked on the silver screen you need some big time narrative device handwavium bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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The whole multiverse premise only exists because Marvel characters have never been written in any kind of a straight line, so if you want to corral them all to be milked on the silver screen you need some big time narrative device handwavium bullshit.
I don't think you DO have to do that, though! Just do what DC did with the batman movies in the good old days and every few years just make one that has nothing to do with the other ones and don't even acknowledge it. Just start making X-Men movies and don't include any references to other Marvel characters unless they're going to be a character in the movie, and then don't worry about some tortured explanation for why they're there - no one cares besides mouthbreathers that watch cinemasins. Multiverse shit is horrible and I don't think anyone but the nerdiest of the comic book nerds actually like it, based on plummeting box office receipts for things like Ant-Man 3 and The Flash. Then again, everyone liked seeing Tobey Maguire again, though I still think that was just cause it was Tobey Maguire, not cause they wanted some alternate dimension plot.

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