My 7-8 String solo project...

  • Thread starter allseeingeye
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May 15, 2012
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New Orleans
Hello everyone. Recently I've been doing a lot of recording at my house and am going to finally bite the bullet and make an attempt at getting some of it heard.

But first, some background on my "studio" set up which may explain a lot, lol.

For my DAW I use Mixcraft 6. It's an inexpensive program that I actually love using. It's easy to use with a ton of features.

As my Audio Interface, I actually use the Behringer XENYX X2442USB mixer. There are extreme drawbacks to going this route but for the time being it's all that I have. I can't individually assign channels to each track in Mixcraft (due to the limitations of the Behringer driver) which means that for drums, I have to basically have everything (9 seperate channels total) mixed perfectly on the board itself because Mixcraft will only recognize the entire unit as one Audio Device, therefore dumping them all onto one track in Mixcraft. As a result, any EQing on that track affects all of the drum sounds. Obviously not ideal, but I do my very best to make it sound decent.

Guitars: Currently my main rig is a Bugera 333Xl Infinium head and Bugera 4x12 slanted cab. I think it sounds great and records very well too. I use a single SM57, and always pan one track hard left and the other hard right. I do not like using any post-EQ on guitars. I set everything on the mixer to 0 for the guitar tracks and instead tweak the sound on the amp itself.
The guitars I record with aremy ESP LTD V-307 & string with EMG 707's and my Ibanez RGA8 with Seymour Duncan Blackouts.

Bass: I use an Ibanez SR405QM 5 string bass played through an Acoustic B200H head and B115 cab miced with the SM57. Again, no post-EQ on the mixer.

Drums: PDP X7 kit with an extra kick drum that I purchased for it. Miced with a CAD 7 piece drum microphone kit I bought for cheap, and added an extra kick drum mic as well. I don't have enough tom mics, so I split the 8" and 10" toms. The 12" gets it's own mic, and the 14" and 16" floor toms share a mic as well. I use 2 overhead mics but honestly I think they suck, and I'm having difficulty keeping the cymbals at a lower volume than I'm getting right now.

Vocals are done through an SM58.

So, with that brief description of what I'm using to record, I'll move on to the content itself.

I play death metal. Everything you hear is me. Guitars, drums, bass, vocals. I'm to blame for it all. The songs are mine, for good or bad. Because I have to play everything, I often find myself limiting my skills for the sake of song writing and ease of record-ability, which is quite frustrating. I'd much rather be working with others, but I just don't know anyone else who is into the same type of stuff in my area. My project name is mostly undecided right now, but I'm leaning towards Nemesis, since it is largely indicative of the subject matter I write mostly about (alien astronauts, Sumerian texts, the Anunakki, etc)

Constructive criticism is welcome, flame-warrior assholes are not.

Nemesis - The God Particle - YouTube

"The Blistering Truth" ESP LTD V307 - Bugera 333XL Infinium - EMG 707 - - YouTube

Bugera 333XL - Ibanez RGA8 - SD Blackouts - Behringer XENYX 2442USB - SM57 - SM58 - PDP X7 - YouTube

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