My Budget Shopping Dilemma.. (Parker, RG, or maybe..)

  • Thread starter Brodessa
  • Start date
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Like a Lion.
Nov 7, 2012
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
So, a few days ago, I went to my friends house to jam and play guitar with him. It was my first jam sesh and it was a load of fun. Not only that, but I got to try out my first 7-string guitar while I was there! It wasn't anything special, just an Ibanez RG7321. BUT! I really enjoyed the feel of it. I think I would be able to easily get used to playing a 7, and churn out some really awesome playing with one. So, That has me gassing very hard for a new guitar now! I've got a couple hundred bucks to spare and I'm pretty interested in buying something.

So I started browsing and came across a good amount of RG7321s for around $200 and figured I could get one, use it as a solid starter 7 for awhile, and then maybe buy a different 7, or I could eventually swap the pups and keep going with it.
I also came across a 7321 for $170 that looked to be messed with a little bit that I'm considering. Looks like it might have a crunch lab in the bridge (not exactly sure about that, but I'm assuming) and the knobs have been changed from the original. No telling on the shape of the body or neck, but I sent an email inquiring about it.

Then, thinking about a new guitar made me browse for more and more. I ended up finding a Parker P38 from $250. Looked up some reviews, and did an alright amount of digging here on SSo. Everything I've read sounds super interesting, and I adore the body shape. Plus I've had some interest in getting a different sound from my current Ibanez RG. I think the P38 would probably deliver that and more. So, if anybody has info on P38 they are willing to share, please do!

Not sure if this is really worth a thread. But I often like reading the opinions of the guys on the forum. Any advice is welcomed.
Also, if there are any other budget used guitars that shine from around 200-300 bucks, shoot them at me! I like the options!

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Inspired Beginner
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I honestly loved my RG7321. Amazing starting 7 string. I did a D-Activator/Liquifire combo. Worth every penny I spent on it. If you can find a good deal on one, they are tanks and well worth the asking price!


May 15, 2015
Reaction score
$170 with a crunch lab, assuming not a cheap knock off pickup, if a great deal. For 300 you could find rg74xx ibanezes which are made in japan and better