My first real recording, tell me how much you guys hate it (FFO: BTBAM, Opeth, etc.)

  • Thread starter MikeMonacoBrah
  • Start date
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Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island
i dont see a performance or hear live sound

someone mentioned how they'd probably like it better live, I was just explaining how we get good reactions out of people when we play shows, so he might.

Intro was really well mixed in my opinion, but then the song lost it's shine for my taste. Pretty good for a first recording though!

thanks so much! yeah, it seems like that's one of the biggest reactions out of people, the abrupt stop of the clean part no one seems to dig.

What are these vocals all about? lol. They are pretty awful. Otherwise its pretty good.

thanks so much! now when you guys say the vocals are bad, do you mean that because it's growling, or the actual styling of how he's growling? or are you referring to the clean singing? or both? just trying to gauge what most of you are getting at.

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Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island
It sounds really good! I wallposted you guys too.

thanks a lot dude!

just got word we're opening for scale the summit february 14th in New Jersey! if anyone's thinking about coming out to this, let me know if you need a ticket, I can get you one cheaper, and we need to sell a couple.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I listened to anonymous, It's a good song. The clean vocals need A LOT of work though. The growls sound fine to me. I like the song structure and the abrupt changes as well. :yesway:

EDIT: To me, the drum sound is a little harsh btw. But it might just be my speakers.
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario Canada.
that metal is wicked, the style is sounds very omniscient, and the pronunciation of the chugs is done tastefull. your guitars seem to know what they are doing, excellent potential there

ps. what kinda gutiars are these, 6, 7 or 8s
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island
I listened to anonymous, It's a good song. The clean vocals need A LOT of work though. The growls sound fine to me. I like the song structure and the abrupt changes as well. :yesway:

EDIT: To me, the drum sound is a little harsh btw. But it might just be my speakers.

thanks so much dude! that's what we're going for with a lot of this stuff, and yeah our vocalist has been working a lot more on his cleans for the next release we put out, we're very stoked for it.

that metal is wicked, the style is sounds very omniscient, and the pronunciation of the chugs is done tastefull. your guitars seem to know what they are doing, excellent potential there

ps. what kinda gutiars are these, 6, 7 or 8s

thanks so much dude! and we use 6's tuned to C# standard

Love it.



thanks so much! I really appreciate it a bunch, thanks for taking the time to listen