Need advice before buying a Siggery


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Paris, France
Hello lads,

I'm currently looking for a 8 string guitars and I've been offered a mint Siggery Heresy 8, bolt on neck for 1500€.

Do you think it's a good deal ?
As we don't see much on these guitars in France, I'm a bit lost regarding the price...
Thanks in advance for your advices / answers.


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Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
I haven't played one personally but I've noticed his fretwork is pretty terrible. It was mentioned in this recent NGD thread since the pics showed the frets better than some other threads did:

I thought it looked like other Siggery NGD's had the same uncrowned frets and funny enough a few people who have owned or played them mentioned it wasn't just that guitar that had uncrowned frets. If the builder doesn't know how to do fretwork properly, honestly I'd be questioning his/her ability to build a guitar properly in general as that's pretty basic stuff… :lol: Also FWIW, I've seen a LOT of Siggery NGD's followed up with the guitar ending up the classifieds section soon after. It could be that some people just didn't get along with certain aspects of the builds (or they chose tone woods poorly) but the sheer quantity that have gone up for sale, sometimes the same guitar more than once, is pretty high.

My general opinion is to stay away from that builder, but perhaps there are some guys who have gotten one and loved it, so take that with a grain of salt. I would be curious to see of the guys who rave about them, how many of their guitars had uncrowned frets as well and how many of them actually didn't realize that was something the builder didn't do… :lol: :ugh: When I noticed it in another Siggery NGD and didn't say anything as I didn't want to ruin the NGD, the guy was talking a lot specifically about how great it played which was a little amusing to say the least. :rolleyes:

I think it's unfortunate in that a lot of guys going small builder these days don't actually know the differences between what a good build and a bad build look like, so they will pontificate about this and that and it turns out the builder is actually terrible. :2c: I've noticed a lot of these guys don't have the experience with nicer instruments to even know what to look for in a quality guitar so their reviews are rather skewed. Siggery is one of the guys who can sometimes build what looks like a nice guitar from a few feet away, but when you look at the details you can see that things are not quite right. When a builder doesn't appear to know that they need to crown frets, you never know if they're using the right types of glues, if they're waiting long enough between rough cutting, assembling, spraying etc. to avoid future warping or cupping of the wood, if the truss rod has been inserted properly and full adjustment will be available to the neck, etc. Since he's already shown signs that he doesn't understand the basics of stuff like frets, personally I'd be questioning other things as well. :flame:


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Paris, France
Thanks for the reply man.
Hmm...Fortunetaly, I can try it before buying it as the guy lives near my place.
So I ll pay strong attention to the fret work / playability.

Anyhow, 1500€ sounds rather expensive then ?