Need help for Bareknuckle pickups in RGA321F

  • Thread starter rockstarazuri
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
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Tokyo, Japan

I'm looking to replace the stock Dimarzio IBZ pickups in my RGA321F, and I'm a newbie when it comes to Bareknuckles. Which of the pickups complement the guitar best? RGA321Fs are fairly bright guitars.

Here's what I'm looking for :

1) I'm looking for a set that sounds good for progressive metal, djent, jazz fusion etc. I like the sound of the pickups now, coupled with the maple+mahogany body it sounds clear and articulate (notes ring out nicely when playing songs like Periphery's Scarlet), but they don't seem to have 'punch' in them. I'd like to keep the articulate tone of it now but with added punch and midrange I guess.

2) I like the Crunchlab + Liquifire kind of tone in my RG1527M and S5470, but for this guitar I want to try something different :) maybe something with a bit more clarity and less compressed tone?

3) I had Deactivators in an old mahogany Ibanez 7 and it was overly shrill and bright. It was good for cleans but I hated it for distorted tones. I prefer not to have something that sounds like or close to that.

4) Perhaps this is asking too much, but something with a medium high output that sounds good clean with the volume rolled back would be a plus too.

Also, will the covered version of the pickups fit in the guitar without routing? What leg length should I look out for? The Crunchlab in my RG1527M is a bit too close to the strings to my liking even after lowering it all the way down.

Help would be much appreciated :) thanks!

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GAS problems
Dec 25, 2007
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I'm considering the Rebel Yell/ VHII combo for my RGA121. I've heard great comments about them in similar guitars.

If the routing is the same as on my 121 I would imagine you might need to do a little routing.


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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I'm looking to replace the stock Dimarzio IBZ pickups in my RGA321F, and I'm a newbie when it comes to Bareknuckles. Which of the pickups complement the guitar best? RGA321Fs are fairly bright guitars.

Here's what I'm looking for :

1) I'm looking for a set that sounds good for progressive metal, djent, jazz fusion etc. I like the sound of the pickups now, coupled with the maple+mahogany body it sounds clear and articulate (notes ring out nicely when playing songs like Periphery's Scarlet), but they don't seem to have 'punch' in them. I'd like to keep the articulate tone of it now but with added punch and midrange I guess.

2) I like the Crunchlab + Liquifire kind of tone in my RG1527M and S5470, but for this guitar I want to try something different :) maybe something with a bit more clarity and less compressed tone?

3) I had Deactivators in an old mahogany Ibanez 7 and it was overly shrill and bright. It was good for cleans but I hated it for distorted tones. I prefer not to have something that sounds like or close to that.

4) Perhaps this is asking too much, but something with a medium high output that sounds good clean with the volume rolled back would be a plus too.

Also, will the covered version of the pickups fit in the guitar without routing? What leg length should I look out for? The Crunchlab in my RG1527M is a bit too close to the strings to my liking even after lowering it all the way down.

Help would be much appreciated :) thanks!

Hi there. I received your visitor message asking for advice, and I am happy to help.

The good news is, you're NOT asking for too much. Bare Knuckle absolutely has models that can do exactly what you're looking for without compromise. There's two ways you can go. You could get a very powerful, high output pickup but with the versatility you're looking for, such as the Blackhawk or Holydiver. Or you could go with one of their medium models that perform beautifully for metal as well as more classic styles, such as the Black Dog or Rebel Yell.

The Blackhawk is the hottest of the bunch. Extremely powerful, fairly compressed (in a good way), nice bottom end punch, thick mids, crisp highs. Rolling the guitar volume down a bit yields terrific results for more progressive rock or fusion styles. Coil tapping produces good results too. Neck model has a nice warm, juicy lead tone. Very tight bottom end, would handle extremely low tunings great. The midrange is more of a low-mid, darker sound but then very crisp with the pick attack.

The Holydiver is also high output but not as over the top as the Blackhawk. It has amazing definition in its own right, but has a more organic character than the Blackhawk. It's not quite as tight, but handles low tunings very well with the right amp. It has a sweet, singing lead tone that is never thin or harsh, yet is very articulate and harmonically active. Rhythm tones are really punchy, thick, and aggressive with a nice midrange growl that cuts through. Since it is less compressed than the Blackhawk, there is more pick dynamics with the HD.

The Black Dog is even lower output, however it easily has just as aggressive of a sound as the others. It's has wonderful bottom end definition, really thick mids, warm yet clear highs. Because it is lower output, it has a very clean signal path despite having a lot of crunch and roar. This enables you to get away with a lot of gain, low tunings, etc without sacrificing clarity. The Mule model is the same way, only a little bit brighter and less midrangey than the Black Dog.

The Rebel Yell is also an interesting choice. It's hotter than the Black Dog, but a bit less than the Holydiver. Its tighter than the HD and a bit snappier in the upper mids with a nice snarl and bite. It has wonderful lead tones as well, harmonics just drip off this thing. It's not as warm as the others but its still plenty full in its own right. Your Ibanez has mahogany body and a rosewood fingerboard, so it should sound balanced with the RY.

What I would NOT recommend would be models like the Painkiller, Aftermath, or Cold Sweat. Theyr'e all great pickups that in many cases would work well in an RGA321F, however based on what you're looking for, I don't think they would be good fits as those models are much brighter and drier sounding, without as much bottom end punch. I prefer the Aftermath in mahogany neck guitars, for example, or at least maple neck guitars that trend warmer than brighter.

If you would like to discuss this further or possibly even order, I would be happy to help. You can PM me here on the forum, email me at, or hit me up on Facebook. We have the lowest prices on these and are happy to ship to you in Japan.




Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
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Tokyo, Japan
Nick, thanks for the reply! It has been very helpful :)

Also, I'd like to ask, do you need any modifications on the pickups to fit them in the guitar? Also, what pickup width should I look out for? My RGA has the triangle pickup tab routing, not too sure about how deep the routing are.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
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Las Vegas
Nick/zimbloth has always been spot on with my BKP recommendations. I just had a RGA121 outfitted with BKPs of his suggestion and that guitar just slays


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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Nick/zimbloth has always been spot on with my BKP recommendations. I just had a RGA121 outfitted with BKPs of his suggestion and that guitar just slays

Thanks man, always happy to assist :)

Nick, thanks for the reply! It has been very helpful :)

Also, I'd like to ask, do you need any modifications on the pickups to fit them in the guitar? Also, what pickup width should I look out for? My RGA has the triangle pickup tab routing, not too sure about how deep the routing are.

The uncovered BKP should fit in there nicely, but theres always the chance of a slight modification needed. It's something any decent tech can do cleanly and easily though, we do them here in our store practically daily.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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The uncovered BKP should fit in there nicely, but theres always the chance of a slight modification needed. It's something any decent tech can do cleanly and easily though, we do them here in our store practically daily.

With a little rasping covered BKPs will fit a 121/321 nicely.

The only thing that could be a problem is the depth of the route. You might want a deeper route so the pickups aren't that close to the strings, just saying.

Got a set of covered Aftermaths in my 121 for 1 year now and I couldn't be happier for 'djent' and all other higain stuff (here's my post about them:

I had the same problem with the D-Activators...they were too shrill and almost like a single coil, a nasty one. The ToneZone again was too woofy...


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
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Tokyo, Japan
The thing is, I really like the clarity of the current Dimarzio IBZ pickups, so I'm looking for something close to that with a little more djent and body? I don't want it to get muddy etc lol

I wonder which one is closest to the sound character of that?

Also, as a reference, I have a Suhr SSH+ in my Rasmus, I really like how that one cleans up with the volume rolled down
Apr 22, 2012
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Little Rock, AR
Definitely with Zimbloth here, I have an RGA121 that I recently fitted with a Cold Sweat neck and a Holy Diver bridge. The clarity is present even with obnoxious amounts of gain and while it is a very hot pickup (the holy diver), it is very versatile.

I use the guitar in two bands, an alt rock band and a punk rock/post hardcore band, and it performs very well in both cases. It sounds great for metal of all sorts and can certainly achieve the djent tone (though not as effortlessly as the painkiller in my explorer but the painkiller is not as versatile)

Basically, I can't recommend the Holy Diver enough (and the cold sweat is a fantastic partner, especially if you like the liquifier sound)


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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The thing is, I really like the clarity of the current Dimarzio IBZ pickups, so I'm looking for something close to that with a little more djent and body? I don't want it to get muddy etc lol

I wonder which one is closest to the sound character of that?

Also, as a reference, I have a Suhr SSH+ in my Rasmus, I really like how that one cleans up with the volume rolled down

The stock IBZ pickups are muddy and terrible compared to the BKPS man, so if you're concerned about clarity, dynamics, and tone you're on the right path here.

Definitely with Zimbloth here, I have an RGA121 that I recently fitted with a Cold Sweat neck and a Holy Diver bridge. The clarity is present even with obnoxious amounts of gain and while it is a very hot pickup (the holy diver), it is very versatile.

I use the guitar in two bands, an alt rock band and a punk rock/post hardcore band, and it performs very well in both cases. It sounds great for metal of all sorts and can certainly achieve the djent tone (though not as effortlessly as the painkiller in my explorer but the painkiller is not as versatile)

Basically, I can't recommend the Holy Diver enough (and the cold sweat is a fantastic partner, especially if you like the liquifier sound)

I agree but I think the Cold Sweat neck, while great, gets over somewhat over-hyped at times. The Holydiver neck model is phenomenal in its own right. If going with the HD bridge I recommend opting for the calibrated set. You'll save money that way as well. I love the HD neck, I have three guitars currently loaded with HD sets and they all sound great. Despite those guitars all being very different (an Ibanez 7, a PRS, and a semi-hollow Carvin).


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
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Which BK would be considered the closest to sounding like the old Tim Shaw pickups?

The T-top is one of my favorite sounding pickups. Or any of the mid to late 70's Gibson pickups.

I'm finding that I don't like 'HOT' pickups anymore. I just got a Tone Zone and had to back it off way down away from the strings. The Norton is much better suited for me. It's closer to a T-top type output and tone.

Apologies to the OP. But while we have Nick's attention...


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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Which BK would be considered the closest to sounding like the old Tim Shaw pickups?

The T-top is one of my favorite sounding pickups. Or any of the mid to late 70's Gibson pickups.

I'm finding that I don't like 'HOT' pickups anymore. I just got a Tone Zone and had to back it off way down away from the strings. The Norton is much better suited for me. It's closer to a T-top type output and tone.

Apologies to the OP. But while we have Nick's attention...

To answer your question, I would have to know what the specs of your guitar are, and also what kind of strings/tuning you use. However my philosophy on the pickups has changed a lot over the years, and I agree with you to an extent. I too now prefer the medium or even lower output BKP models, even for extreme metal stuff. However, I find thats mostly the case with warmer guitars. With brighter guitars, say your typical alder/maple variety, I find higher output models fair better since the added saturation also helps warm things up. With more balanced guitars ("medium"), of course thats where things get a bit more wide open. Most will sound great, it depends on your desired sound.

So, for example, on my warmer guitars such as my PRS or mahogany Ibanez 7s, I tend to go for models like the: Black Dog, Mule, VH2, etc. On my brighter guitars like my korina/ebony PRS, the semi-hollow neck-thru Carvin, or my alder bolt-on Ibanez Apex100, I tend to like the hotter ones such as the Holydiver, Blackhawk, Nailbomb, etc. The good news is, with Bare Knuckles theres very little compromise. Their hot models clean up great and have nice dynamics, and their low output models have plenty of aggression to sound great with metal (as long as you have a high gain setup).

There are some exceptions of course. Plenty of their high output models sound great in warm guitars too, such as the Painkiller, Aftermath, ceramic Blackhawks, etc... but thats my general feeling.

My favorite BKP models at the moment are the Black Dogs and Holydivers, but I love most of them honestly. The only ones I don't love are the Cold Sweat and Miracle Man, but its personal taste.

To answer your question though, without knowing the specs of your guitar, I'd say if you like the Tone Zone but wanted something a bit more 'open' and 'organic', I think you'd be right at home with the Nailbomb or Holydivers. Or you could go with the lower output models like I described above, such as the VH2s. The Black Dog/VH2 is also a great combo.

Feel free to PM me, call, or email if you have any further questions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Forks, WA
Painkillers in my RGA321f were too bright for me. Also please, for the love of god, don't route the guitar. Email Tim (from BKP) with a pic of your guitars pickup routes and they will try and work with you. If you had an RGA121, routing may not be too big a deal, but the finish on the RGA321f is pretty nice and you'd risk some shitty tech half-assing it.

I ended up with uncovered, ceramic nailbombs in my rga321


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Painkillers in my RGA321f were too bright for me. Also please, for the love of god, don't route the guitar. Email Tim (from BKP) with a pic of your guitars pickup routes and they will try and work with you. If you had an RGA121, routing may not be too big a deal, but the finish on the RGA321f is pretty nice and you'd risk some shitty tech half-assing it.

I ended up with uncovered, ceramic nailbombs in my rga321

I think the ceramic Nailbombs are easily as bright, if not brighter than the Painkillers. They're just not as midrangey, but either can work great. Personally in my mahogany Ibanez guitars I prefer the Black Dog, Blackhawks, Holydivers, etc but thats just my tastes. I find both the ceramic NB and the PK a bit abrasive in maple neck guitars.

But honestly, any half-decent tech can easily file the routes to make it look ultra clean. The REAL pain in the ass guitars to do these things for are Carvin 7s, and we knock those out with ease all the time. Again just have to find a good tech. There's no reason to fear having to do a little routing/filing.

There's nothing really Tim can do about it if the Ibanez routes too small for aftermarket pickups. You can get the short legs and the tri tabs and all that, but there's only so much you can do if a cavity is undersized. But yeah only uncovered ones should slide in without modification.

Could Emeralds also be a possibility here?

The Emeralds I dont think are one of the better BKP offerings for metal personally. I found them kind of vanilla sounding relative to the other medium hot output models like the Rebel Yell, Holydiver, Crawler, Nailbomb, etc. The lower output models like the Black Dog and VH2 I thought had much better definition on the bottom strings than the Emerald as well.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Hi all,

Strangely enough I am looking to pickup a RGA321 at the weekend, I'll also look to replace the pickups pretty quickly.

If I were looking towards the heavier / more brutal end of metal, would the current suggestions still apply?

Zimbloth, I read your thread regarding the RGA121 and the Painkillers a few years ago and you were mightily impressed by them - has anything changed? I thought It was a toss up between the Painkiller or the Aftermath set, but after reading this I'm not so sure...

I really love Periphery style cleans at the neck (obviously aftermath set), but I really love the brutal grind of the modern Painkiller clip on the BKP website... I think it sounds fantastic! Would the Aftermath set give me the best of both worlds in addition to a more versatile combination? Or am I looking at it the wrong way?

I'm in Drop C most of the time...

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
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To answer your question, I would have to know what the specs of your guitar are, and also what kind of strings/tuning you use.

To answer your question though, without knowing the specs of your guitar, I'd say if you like the Tone Zone but wanted something a bit more 'open' and 'organic', I think you'd be right at home with the Nailbomb or Holydivers. Or you could go with the lower output models like I described above, such as the VH2s. The Black Dog/VH2 is also a great combo.

It would be going in an all mahogany LP, no maple top and or an RG321. Tuned to either E standard or E flat. Strings would be regular 10's.

I like the idea of the Black Dog/VH2. Though I'm really enamored with the Schenker 'cocked wah' sound, I'm afraid the Holydiver and definitely the Painkiller would be too much of a good thing.

I agree that the Cold Sweat/Miracle Man are too flatly EQ'd and neutral sounding for my rock-n-roll needs. Where as the HD & PK are overkill. Nailbomb sounds interesting, but I don't know where it falls in the tone lineup in regard to mid emphasis and output.

I think the BD/VHII are right up my ally. I'm just really digging low output growl/crunch and tactile feel right now.


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