Need opinions before I pull the trigger...

  • Thread starter EmpulseOrange
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Swamp East US
Hi guys, well my band is fixing to go on tour this summer, so time to drop down some cash on gear.

I will be getting an Eleven Rack (plus a ton of recording equipment to fully funish a small studio) and I plan on using that for my guitar tones. Rhythm guitarist is geting a Single Rec and buying my Blackheart 4x12 with Celestion's.

I currently have a custom made 4x12 with Celestions that I use for recording - not really something I want to take out on the road... So would a Laney/Blackstar/Avatar/or Randall 2x12 be loud enough? Would it even look right? (I also plan to run the 11rack through the Mains at venues as well)

---For rest of band:

2 Crown XLS1000 power amplifiers (4 channels total)
(Amp 1)
-ch 1 for powering Eleven Rack
-ch 2 for my bassist's bass POD
(Amp 2)
-ch 1 for powering Vocal Mixer (PV8 already have)
-ch 2 for powering Drum Mixer (PV8 already have)

Furman M8DX Power Conditioner

I want to put it all in a Carvin 12 Space Rack Case (with wheels) so most of our equipment is in one big rack case that can be wheeled around. Space is an issue.

We have 2 15" Active Kustom Speakers and 2 12" Peavey Passive Speakers (Not really planning on touring with these, more for band practice and small shows, they work, so why fix em hahaha)


So basically, we have the Peavey mixers and speakers, everything else will be bought, just wanted some advice on my potential rig BEFORE I pulled the trigger. Have to have a way to power 11rack, bass pod, vocals (2 mics), and drums (4-6 mics) and would like to keep it all together for ease of transport,space, and peace of mind.

We play a southern metal/sludge style in the vein of The Melvins, Mastodon, Kyuss, Down and Load-Reload era Metallica ( I know).

Budget is around $1500, give or take. Still have to buy some studio equipment as well.

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Previously CYBERSYN
Sep 7, 2008
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Sunny Coast, Australia
You can put every thing into the mixer and use 1 poweramp to run the speakers.

What size shows are you expecting? indoor? outdoor?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Swamp East US
I would say everything from smaller/med sized bars and venues, plus any festivals we are able to get on this year, but mostly focused on indoors. Maybe 1000 people at very most. Were in the midwest, so a good medium sized venue is like playing The Garden around here...

I have one peavey mixer that I use for drums, then bassist has one (same model- PV8) that he uses for vocals and temp when his bass rig took a major shit on us and had to make it thru a few shows like that). I also play drums at home and I can get a great sound from the little mixer and some Audix mics, so I am pretty set on the whole 2 mixer things, so we can set up one by the drummer and he can adjust it on the fly, and have one back on the backline that no one touches for vocals and if we needed to mic other guitar's Mesa or failure, or other situation, we'll be ready for it. (doubt it but we'll have the gear to get through it ha ha)

I'm hoping that this rig will help cut back on failures, I have a spare ValveKing head just in case, but If one PA fails, then we can still hook everything up into the good PA and still be able to finish a show.

Basically a whole lotta tax money being spent to get everything we need to survive a tour (not just hobby gigs) before we get out on the road and are broke as shit for a few months HA!


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Swamp East US
So I'm really thinking I only need one power amp... and with that in mind I may bump it up to the 2000w or would that be overkill?

ch 1 for drum mixer
ch 2 for vocals, bass pod, and Eleven Rack

Also, I have a Blackheart 4x12 with Celestions that sounds pretty good (not an orange by any means) and is VERY well built, would I notice a justifiable difference if I upgraded to an Orange 2x12 or Avatar 4x12? Or would that just be money that should be spent elsewhere unless Im just a gearhound?

I have the Valveking, would I be better off using that as a Power Amp, or how would I still be able to hook my cab up with the 11rack if it's output is going to a mixer? I only want my guitar to come thru the cab of course, so the out from a mixer into the cab isn't working for me right now... suggestions? Am I over thinking, over analyzing (Tool, ha ha), everything?

Just a big chunk of cash and want to make sure I do it right. Thanks!