Need some help with EMG 81-7


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2009
Reaction score
Kamloops, BC
Hey folks,

I'm in the process of installing a 707tw (N) / 81-7 (B) set in my sc207. Got it all wired up the way I think it should be, and ran into a problem with the 81-7.

I had to cut the Quikconnect plug off the end of the 81-7's wires, and now rather than having one lead wire and one ground wire, I have one lead wire wrapped with braided silver wire, which would be the ground. Now I think I need to solder the lead wire to the switch, and the ground to the back of a pot. But the ground coming from the 81-7 is just a mess now, it's just a bunch of frayed, unshielded crap. In order to ground the pickup, do I just carefully unravel a bunch of this braided wire and somehow solder it to a pot? If I do this, the ground wire will be exposed, will this be a problem?

I'm sorry if this is a confusing post, but it's a confusing problem. :wallbash: When I cut off the Quikconnect thing from the 81-7, I expected to have a nice black wire and a nice white wire, not a white wire wrapped up inside another wire that has to be unbraided and possibly re-wrapped. :realmad:

I've plugged it in with the way I have it wired now and everything works except the bridge pickup. Master volume, master tone, 3-way switch, coil-tap, neck pickup - all are working fine, it's just the 81-7.

Has anyone had to mess with the 81-7 in this way before? Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you all. :bowdown:

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