New BMTH - Thoughts?

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Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
If they're trying to push the envelope and do something new and different then more power to them, I couldn't care less what they look like, despite my vehement disagreement with dressing like a hipster in any context. Some would say it's an insult to the rest of those in metal, and I can't say I disagree but it's not something to judge a band's music by.

I haven't heard it, but I give every band another chance every time that they bring out a new album, what's the point in insisting on holding onto a judgement on a band if it's outdated? You may discover something you really enjoy.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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They're a good band, pity Oli Sykes is such an unsavoury character.


Jul 20, 2010
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mulberry, fl
I don't like it, the music doesent engage me musicly...I just start feeling bored and want to hit the skip button.
Oct 15, 2009
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Hannibal, MO
*Disclaimer* This whole post is IMO *Disclaimer*

BMTH has always sucked IMO. And I primarily listen to deathcore. (Despite the hate) But Oli Sykes vocals have always sounded like he's trying to do it around his dad's dick. The guitar tone has always sucked, though it didn't this time, and the playing is still unimaginative. The drummer is pretty good, I have to give him props. I do like his playing. I've tried this band so many times and they just haven't been good every time I've tried.

Another thing that bothers me, is that there's this local band called Jason Todd (well they're kinda local) who do what BMTH do, but with more creative playing, a MUCH MUCH better vocalist, more melody, a better drummer and a badass keys player. I just can't get into it when I know I can put on Jason Todd and get something better. :2c:


Do you even lift
Feb 23, 2009
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Because the thread is for people to share their thoughts, there was never any prompt to share positive thoughts only.

Also, go ahead and be the perfect human but for the imperfect like myself, I personally think they look rediculous. There may be people who think I look rediculous, but I'm okay with that. Every time I hear the words/phrases 'bring me', 'horizon' 'the horizon' - I just think of the band and the tragic teenage girls who listen to their music, blissfully convincing themselves they listen to ultra mega brutal death metal of the highest calibre.


I'm not trying to 'act like a perfect human'.
If they dressed like Amon Amarth, half of the general population would change their thoughts about them.:lol:

On topic : I personally never liked any album before Suicide Season, I think they've come a long way.
I nod my head to a lot of the songs.

Edit : You know, the close-minded comment was a little unnecessary. Ittoa666 explained his position better.
And I support it. Obviously I'm viewing his post a little out of context.
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
*Disclaimer* This whole post is IMO *Disclaimer*

BMTH has always sucked IMO. And I primarily listen to deathcore. (Despite the hate) But Oli Sykes vocals have always sounded like he's trying to do it around his dad's dick. The guitar tone has always sucked, though it didn't this time, and the playing is still unimaginative. The drummer is pretty good, I have to give him props. I do like his playing. I've tried this band so many times and they just haven't been good every time I've tried.

Another thing that bothers me, is that there's this local band called Jason Todd (well they're kinda local) who do what BMTH do, but with more creative playing, a MUCH MUCH better vocalist, more melody, a better drummer and a badass keys player. I just can't get into it when I know I can put on Jason Todd and get something better. :2c:

I don't like Bring Me The Horizon at all, but the guitar tone definitely doesn't suck on Suicide Season. It was recorded at Studio Fredman using an EVH 5150 III and (I think) Engl Savage... just going off of memory. Anyways, the guitar tone on that album is quite a bit better than most of the bands people on this forum talk about regularly.

I haven't heard the new album, so I don't know about it. It was recorded in the same studio, but apparently people are saying it's more messy sounding overall.

Again, I don't like the band at all.


Oct 23, 2009
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Yorkshire, U.K
Always had a fair dislike for them because of the scene and attitude that they seem to bring with them...That said, their music is alright. Nothing I'd spend my time listenting to (but not much at all fits that category :lol:), but I'll give their new album a go when I remember.


oaf tobar
May 6, 2010
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I think album was pretty good. Better than all their past albums.
Still pretty bland and predictable but I got it because it's mostly enjoyable.

The band's image doesn't do anything for me, I just want their music.
But I probably will never want to see them live because it's more of a place
for the pedobear to go to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Norf Yorkshire, int pub
...I hate to say it but a few songs on it were pretty enjoyable...and I have no idea why :\

I liked there early albums...when I was at the time like 14/15 then suicide season came out when I'd already grown away from them and I ignored them since.

Gave this album a try...and some of its not actually that bad D:

Holy shit, Middlesbrough? I've probably met you...


Oct 12, 2010
Reaction score
Saint Louis, MO
*Disclaimer* This whole post is IMO *Disclaimer*

BMTH has always sucked IMO. And I primarily listen to deathcore. (Despite the hate) But Oli Sykes vocals have always sounded like he's trying to do it around his dad's dick. The guitar tone has always sucked, though it didn't this time, and the playing is still unimaginative. The drummer is pretty good, I have to give him props. I do like his playing. I've tried this band so many times and they just haven't been good every time I've tried.

Another thing that bothers me, is that there's this local band called Jason Todd (well they're kinda local) who do what BMTH do, but with more creative playing, a MUCH MUCH better vocalist, more melody, a better drummer and a badass keys player. I just can't get into it when I know I can put on Jason Todd and get something better. :2c:

my band has played with jason todd before, funny that you would mention them


Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
Crosswicks, NJ
I'm not going to flame you, calm down.

But hating on a band because of how they dress is a very elementary way to think, which is what I got out of your first post.
If you don't like them, cool. Why post in a thread about them?

You are borderline retarded. The man stated his opinion - it differs with your own. Deal with it.

I don't even care to weigh in on the band, just disappointed in your reading skills. Quit trying to pick a fight with everyone who doesn't agree with you. :wavey:

[Sign any and all neg rep, thank you.]


Not So Kool-Aid
Aug 14, 2009
Reaction score
You are borderline retarded. The man stated his opinion - it differs with your own. Deal with it.

I don't even care to weigh in on the band, just disappointed in your reading skills. Quit trying to pick a fight with everyone who doesn't agree with you. :wavey:

[Sign any and all neg rep, thank you.]
Signed you some +rep for this one, great post :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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I think of BMTH's style change from suicide season on as:
Bury your dead and gallows put together.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Seattle, WA
I honestly used to hate almost everything about this band, especially their appearance, reputation, and fanbase.

But then a friend of mine dragged me to a show on their Suicide Season tour, and I was actually extremely impressed by the performance. I was actually 100% blown away by how good they were live. Granted, I went in with expectations that were about as low as you can go, but it was a very nice surprise.

After that I listened to Suicide Season and thought it was pretty good, but with the exception of one or two songs, wasn't exacty in love with it.

Didn't really think about them until this new album came out, went in with a fairly neutral opinion, and I have to say that I honestly think this album is one of my personal favorites in a long time.

I still don't like the majority of their fanbase, or what their overall attitude outside of the music seems to be, but I think it's a total shame when people don't even give them a chance anymore. Obviously we all have varying musical tastes, and I have no problems with someone disagreeing with mine and disliking BMTH, but it aggravates me when it seems the default reaction to them even being brought up is vehement disgust and not allowing for actual fair debate or unbiased listening.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
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I honestly used to hate almost everything about this band, especially their appearance, reputation, and fanbase.

But then a friend of mine dragged me to a show on their Suicide Season tour, and I was actually extremely impressed by the performance. I was actually 100% blown away by how good they were live. Granted, I went in with expectations that were about as low as you can go, but it was a very nice surprise.

i was going to say something along these lines. they really do put on a good live show imo. i saw them at the house of blues in boston with everytime i die and oh, sleeper. it's pretty damn hard to top etid live and i walked away from the show ranking bmth a close 2nd for the night. going to see them again in nov. i think.

as for the album ive only heard a few tracks on youtube and nothing really jumped out at me other than "it never ends" which i liked. definatley going to buy the album and give it a try though.


Doom man of Doom.
Sep 5, 2008
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Melbourne, Aus
I don't like Bring Me The Horizon at all, but the guitar tone definitely doesn't suck on Suicide Season. It was recorded at Studio Fredman using an EVH 5150 III and (I think) Engl Savage... just going off of memory. Anyways, the guitar tone on that album is quite a bit better than most of the bands people on this forum talk about regularly.

I haven't heard the new album, so I don't know about it. It was recorded in the same studio, but apparently people are saying it's more messy sounding overall.

Again, I don't like the band at all.

And anyway, I don't understand why so many people on this forum go on and on about "guitar tone, guitar tone, guitar tone", when in the grand scheme of things in heavy music, it's really just a small part of the big picture.
No point spending weeks trying to find the best guitar tone in the world for an album when the sound of the drums and bass guitar completely suck.
People have to stop obsessing over just the guitar tone and listen to the production as a whole.
And anyway, while I'm here, the guitar sound on the newest album isn't bad by any means, but it's definitely too large sounding and kinda cloudy.
It probably sounds smashing by itself, but the guitar tone in the full mix doesn't come across so well, and to me that definitely doesn't constitute "great" guitar tone if it's not properly complimenting the mix.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2010
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Franklin, WI
I haven't heard much of this new album but my general opinion of BMTH is half-decent riffs destroyed by disgusting vocals :2c:

Oh my god, this. x100000000000

That being said, I only liked one or two songs off of this album. Don't Go would've been good if it weren't for the horrible vocals.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2010
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Wantagh, NY
Ehhhh... i just listened to Anthem. I dont really like Bring Me the Horizon because i feel like they use riffs that sound almost identical to other songs, even though they do put their own twists on it. As for the breakdown, yeah it was decently heavy but i feel like its exactly like every other breakdown they've ever had. Olli has some pretty good low growls and high screams, and it confuses me as to why he doesnt utilize his best attributes more in the songs rather than doing that bitchy girl like talking that he always does (the single thing that turns me off the most about BMTH).

On a side note, i think that any songs that involve an "anthem" turn out to be overly corny and that turns me off big time. Its perfectly possible to have a song become anthemic and not be about it itself being an anthem, just look at Metallica or Lamb of God or Slayer etc. Trivium did this on "The Crusade" and although i really liked the song at the time, whenever i listen back to it today i just think "....come on." I highly recommend that bands stay away from trying to make a song anthemic, and just write music for what it is.

Im not trying to say that BMTH is the worst band in the world, there are a lot of other bands that do much worse, but it annoys me that a band that can be doing much more creative things and have so much potential are going down that road. If you like BMTH, thats your thing and i respect that and I'm not trashing anybody, but this new album isnt really my cup of tea.