New BMTH - Thoughts?

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Oct 14, 2010
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New BMTH might be their best album yet. Suicide season was pretty damn heavy, but they seemed to lose some of the breakdowns.

This new album selectively places the breakdowns, and does the whole "experiemental thing"

You've got to admit though that the chorus from Fuck is catchy as hell. I didnt see anything like that coming from BMTH.

I've also seen them live at Warped this year, and they werent that bad, although Every Time I Die was much better then them considering they both played Main Stage.

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Feb 2, 2009
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Lowell, MA
I just think of the band and the tragic teenage girls who listen to their music, blissfully convincing themselves they listen to ultra mega brutal death metal of the highest calibre.

My 15 year old brother's friends (male and female) love BMTH. He constantly tries to introduce them to better bands, but to no avail.

To paraphrase:
"Hey guys, check out this band Painted in Exile."
"Pretty cool. Wait... why are they rapping? What is this jazz part? Too weird, needs more breakdowns."


Being confused on since 2008
Nov 18, 2008
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Chimaera SD
My 15 year old brother's friends (male and female) love BMTH. He constantly tries to introduce them to better bands, but to no avail.

To paraphrase:
"Hey guys, check out this band Painted in Exile."
"Pretty cool. Wait... why are they rapping? What is this jazz part? Too weird, needs more breakdowns."

I don't like the rap either, but jazz is cool, and more breakdowns=cheesy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Frederick, MD
I can't believe everyone hates on Olly's vocals... his vocals are pretty unique sounding on the last 2 albums.

And his voice is brutal as hell on Count Your Blessings, pretty much the same sound as a lot of other bands people on here listen to :lol:


Not So Kool-Aid
Aug 14, 2009
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I can't believe everyone hates on Olly's vocals... his vocals are pretty unique sounding on the last 2 albums.

And his voice is brutal as hell on Count Your Blessings, pretty much the same sound as a lot of other bands people on here listen to :lol:
Unique doesn't make them good :lol:
Feb 2, 2009
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Lowell, MA
thanks for finally using their whole name :lol:

i googled it and foudn their myspace, its not as bad as i expected :hbang:

neither are the vocals

They're not as bad as everyone says. They're just overwhelmingly mediocre and generic, yet have a gigantic fanbase despite doing the exact same thing countless other boring hardcore bands are doing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
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So I listened to 3 songs to see what all the fuss was about. The first was 'Pray for Plagues', which was decent if extremely generic death-core, then another song called 'The Sadness Will Never End', then 'It Never Ends' (seriously? Go read a book guys, you need more ideas).

Comparing the first song to the other two makes them sound like different bands. Was the youtube clip mis-titled or something? In any case, they're definitely not for me but aren't terrible by any stretch. I can see why 15yr old's get on board with it.

Can't wait for 30 years from now when all of these kids are still stuck with those god-awful neck tattoos...can't cover that up.


Do you even lift
Feb 23, 2009
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I want to apologize to Ittoa666 in this thread, re-reading his post made it clear I took his comment in a different way from which it was intended, as is normal for the internet I suppose.
Can't edit all of my posts, only some, but whatever. Point made, some of the insults were unnecessary by a select few, myself included.
Sometimes some people read things in a different context. And I read it in a different context. Thank you TheMasterplan. But just like religion, everyone interprets things in a different way.
But point made. Apologies are in order.


Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
Crosswicks, NJ
I want to apologize to Ittoa666 in this thread, re-reading his post made it clear I took his comment in a different way from which it was intended, as is normal for the internet I suppose.
Can't edit all of my posts, only some, but whatever. Point made, some of the insults were unnecessary by a select few, myself included.
Sometimes some people read things in a different context. And I read it in a different context. I can read perfectly fine, thanks TheMasterplan. But just like religion, everyone interprets things in a different way.
But point made. Apologies are in order.

Fixed for ya. :yesway:

But seriously, didn't mean to be so personal - just happened that way. Cheers. :cheers:


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Seattle, WA
I can understand people feeling like a lot of their songs sound too similar to eachother, but as for them being generic, I really don't see how. I absolutely am not a fan of the deathcore genre, but have given it so many chances that I've ended up hearing a lot of the bands within it. And BMTH remains the only one I actually enjoy listening to, and I don't think they sound like anyone else.

In general it's pretty sad when a band (and I'm not saying this is always the case) ends up getting such a bad reputation because of factors outside of their music, or sometimes even their control (like their fanbase). Or even ridiculous reasons like being really popular. Because if you hate a band because of such reasons, you can end up missing out on some really good music.

And even if you really don't like a band's music, there's no reason to get so bent out of shape and hate something that badly. At the end of the day, even if you genuinely love the art of music, it's just ridiculous to act like any band can go so far as to warrant more of a reaction than simply being ignored. If you don't like it, then it's just not your thing and you don't have to listen to it. But there's nothing wrong with other people feeling differently.

Because if you see music as an artform, then it is by nature completely subjective. There is no true right or wrong or good or bad beyond the perspective of a single individual.

That's why I never understood people hating on bands like Bring Me the Horizon, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, etc.

I mean, fuck it, even if you like Creed or Avril Lavigne I don't feel like you should be judged as having something wrong with your musical tastes.

You like what you like, and that doesn't make you better or worse than anyone else.

So I listened to 3 songs to see what all the fuss was about. The first was 'Pray for Plagues', which was decent if extremely generic death-core, then another song called 'The Sadness Will Never End', then 'It Never Ends' (seriously? Go read a book guys, you need more ideas).

Comparing the first song to the other two makes them sound like different bands. Was the youtube clip mis-titled or something? In any case, they're definitely not for me but aren't terrible by any stretch. I can see why 15yr old's get on board with it.

Can't wait for 30 years from now when all of these kids are still stuck with those god-awful neck tattoos...can't cover that up.

Each of those songs is from a different album. Pray for Plagues is from their 1st (Count Your Blessings), The Sadness Will Never End is from their 2nd (Suicide Season), and It Never Ends is from their 3rd and newest album (There is a Hell Believe Me I've Seen It, There is a Heaven Let's Keep it a Secret)


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Middlesbrough, UK
So I listened to 3 songs to see what all the fuss was about. The first was 'Pray for Plagues', which was decent if extremely generic death-core, then another song called 'The Sadness Will Never End', then 'It Never Ends' (seriously? Go read a book guys, you need more ideas).

Comparing the first song to the other two makes them sound like different bands. Was the youtube clip mis-titled or something? In any case, they're definitely not for me but aren't terrible by any stretch. I can see why 15yr old's get on board with it.

Can't wait for 30 years from now when all of these kids are still stuck with those god-awful neck tattoos...can't cover that up.

You're comparing the REALLY old stuff (I actually liked that at the time) to the second album which was a complete change, while here we are on about the 3rd album :)

"Count your blessings" + "This is what the edge of your seat was made for" are the two deathcorey albums, the more heavier stuff theyve done.

Then you've heard "Suicide season", some of its aight but most of it I dislike.

and now we're onto "There is a hell believe me I've seen it" which is sorta different again, a little anyway :)

@the guy who's from middlesbrough (cba multiquoting :D) I'm actually from Guisborough but no ones heard of this place so I just say middlesbrough :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Norf Yorkshire, int pub
@the guy who's from middlesbrough (cba multiquoting :D) I'm actually from Guisborough but no ones heard of this place so I just say middlesbrough :)

Haha yeah me neither, I'm from hutton rudby, and even people 10 miles away haven't heard of that. I go through Guisbrough fairly often!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2010
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Really enjoying this album, surprised me at first as they have been pushed all over the front cover of Kerrang magazine, but forget that and its a solid album worth a listen and a purchase. :agreed:


Causal Anomalie
Sep 20, 2009
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Taneytown, Maryland
I'm not trying to 'act like a perfect human'.
If they dressed like Amon Amarth, half of the general population would change their thoughts about them.:lol:

On topic : I personally never liked any album before Suicide Season, I think they've come a long way.
I nod my head to a lot of the songs.

Edit : You know, the close-minded comment was a little unnecessary. Ittoa666 explained his position better.
And I support it. Obviously I'm viewing his post a little out of context.

If they looked like Amon Amarth, i'd be more likely to have a beer with them, but hate their music/sound just the same :lol:. Hate the trendy wannabe-core sound that's popping up everywhere these days...especially when the vocalist sounds (and looks) like one of the beastie boy's 12 year old butch lesbian sisters.