New Cynic EP in November 2011!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
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The new song is... amazing :O !!!!!! Paul's voice is absolutely amazing :O And those vocal harmonies... amazing :D Really love it :D

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2007
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The Netherlands
I got the impression they didn't leave willingly, moreso they were forced out due to creative differences. (heavy vs. Aeon Spokey)

No, we left. Just to clear this up. This new song partially shows you why. It's really not our cup of tea and the new Exivious will show you why :)

Into Obsidian

☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠
Sep 15, 2011
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Cleveland, OH
No, we left. Just to clear this up. This new song partially shows you why. It's really not our cup of tea and the new Exivious will show you why :)
Explain yourself, Sir.

EDIT. I remember you, I will certainly check out the new Exivious:yesway:


Sycamore Trees
Oct 20, 2010
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Tucson, AZ
I'm not really that huge into this one. Again, Sean is the best part. I'll reserve all judgement until the final product however.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2008
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Moon, EU
Next month they have a gig in my city, together with Chimp Spanner. Can't wait, killer combo.


Jun 6, 2007
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Los Angeles
The EP is absolutely incredible, a complete journey from beginning to end. The soundscapes are deep and involving, and the inclusion of worldly instruments like the tabla and sitar really adds to the immersion. The mix is also amazing...just a treat to listen to.

I am loving the direction that Paul is taking the band in....this is my #1 release of 2011 for sure (Heritage is a close 2nd)


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Boston, MA
A lot of people seem to hold this opinion....maybe I'm just mellowing out :lol:

I haven't heard it yet, except the posted CBA track. However, I think they mellowed out on TIA, and that was an excellent album. In fact, I'm sure it will be a timeless favorite for many here.

However, people were clamoring for a Cynic reunion for a long time while Aeon was making some pretty mellow music - mostly because it was the aggressive and heavy elements that they missed. And on TIA, to a degree, we got that! But then there was a lot of people upset that the Re-Traced EP lacked this heavy element entirely. So I would hate to see a second EP that is lacking that aggression. I think that is why many people are showing disappointment.

I like peanut butter cups. You can make one with extra chocolate, or a little extra peanut butter, and I'll still be happy. But don't hand me a chocolate bar, or a spoonful of Peter Pan, and tell me it's a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Both elements are crucial.

Cynic should be more than a platform to showcase Pau'ls songs. I want busy drums, tricky licks, and solos that twist my brain. Otherwise, it's just a heavy Aeon Spoke album to me. It's his genius ability to showcase his songs with such technicality that make TIA and Focus two of my favorite albums.


not guthrie govan
Dec 14, 2010
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Belgrade, Serbia
I haven't heard it yet, except the posted CBA track. However, I think they mellowed out on TIA, and that was an excellent album. In fact, I'm sure it will be a timeless favorite for many here.

However, people were clamoring for a Cynic reunion for a long time while Aeon was making some pretty mellow music - mostly because it was the aggressive and heavy elements that they missed. And on TIA, to a degree, we got that! But then there was a lot of people upset that the Re-Traced EP lacked this heavy element entirely. So I would hate to see a second EP that is lacking that aggression. I think that is why many people are showing disappointment.

I like peanut butter cups. You can make one with extra chocolate, or a little extra peanut butter, and I'll still be happy. But don't hand me a chocolate bar, or a spoonful of Peter Pan, and tell me it's a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Both elements are crucial.

Cynic should be more than a platform to showcase Pau'ls songs. I want busy drums, tricky licks, and solos that twist my brain. Otherwise, it's just a heavy Aeon Spoke album to me. It's his genius ability to showcase his songs with such technicality that make TIA and Focus two of my favorite albums.

you pretty much nailed it here.

the EP sounds like heavier aeon spoke songs.

I named Traced in Air my favorite album that came out in the first ten years of the 2000s, so I'm not one of those Focus purists either, this just doesn't do what Cynic should do compositionally.

And that's what really bother me about Paul. People wanted to hear Cynic again, that's why the reunion went so well.

It seems like now after getting success, he wants to force this lackluster pop music down our throats, thinking that Aeon Spoke never took off because not enough people heard it. That band never took off because it wasn't good Paul, because you are not good at making and singing ambient pop rock.

Sure these songs are alright, the playing is cool, everything sounds ok, but there is hardly anything hear that sounds like Cynic compositionally.

If he really wants to remake old Aeon Spoke songs then he should just break up Cynic again so we don't get out hopes up that we are getting another cynic album when we are not.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Boston, MA
. That band never took off because it wasn't good Paul, because you are not good at making and singing ambient pop rock.

I agree with everything you say, but not this. The truth is, he's VERY good at writing ambient rock. He's a great songwriter, for sure. But AMBIENT ROCK is not having a gigantic resurgence in popularity right now - technical/progressive metal is! So when people started yelling for a Cynic reunion, that's what they were hoping for. (and what TIA delivered)

And when there's a big 90's alt-rock resurgence down the line, maybe people will suddenly be screaming for a new Aeon record?

That's the thing - Paul has proven that he can use any song for either project - look at something like Integral Birth. It's how he chooses to flush them out and arrange them that determines if it's Cynic material or Aeon.

The trick, now, is to wrap it all together. We don't want 3 ambient songs interspersed with 3 metal-y songs. We want it all rolled up into EVERY song - that's what makes Cynic amazing.


not guthrie govan
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
Belgrade, Serbia
I agree with everything you say, but not this. The truth is, he's VERY good at writing ambient rock.

I don't know man, I agree that making a good song out of those old ones is possible, like with Integral Birth, but generally, I found that AS stuff very hard to listen to. I thought the singing was atrocious and that the songs were boring as sin.