New Guitar + New Bass Strings = Sabbath Cover


None shall pass.
Apr 22, 2005
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
I bought new strings for my bass, and hadn't recorded with my new Hellraiser, so this is what I've been doing all day :lol:

The reason I chose this song is because it's probably my favourite Sabbath song, and the first Sabbath song I ever heard. Probably the first metal song I ever heard. My dad has this album on vinyl still, and showed it to me when I was really young (like, 8 or 10 or something) on their old broken record player that made ran slightly slower than it was supposed to. The result was that the song was a step or two lower than usual and a little slower...this may be the reason I'm here (i.e. playing 7-strings) :lol:

I played the drums in using my MIDI keyboard and Reason, playing along to the original recording and changing a couple parts slightly (and messing up some parts slightly :lol: ), then recorded the bass and guitars.

Playing in the drums was brutal because I did each drum part individually (kick, snare, toms, cymbals) using Reason in Rewire mode, and my laptop was barely holding on, constantly cutting out mid take to let me know it was running out of RAM/processing power, so I did it in small sections. I could have bumped up the latency and not had any problems, but then it would've been even sloppier :lol:

Bass is my Fender Jazz Bass V through my Flextone II combo, mic-ed with my cheap Apex dynamic.

Guitars are all my Hellraiser through my Flextone II HD and Behringer cab with the same mic.

No vocals yet, if at all.

And the solos kinda suck because I just did a bunch of improvised takes until I found one I could live with :lol: And yeah, the drums get pretty sloppy in places, but I'm not too concerned about it as they're fine for most of the song and this was just done for fun.

The only processing is some EQ on the kick and bass, and rolled off the extra low-end on the cymbals and guitars, then some EQ, compression and limiting on the master (I have an unmastered copy too if anyone's interested).

Into The Void:

Man, I really love the bass sound I got on this, it sounds massive :lol:

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