New here, thought I'd say hi with a video! (8string metal fusion)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2014
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Eastern Washington, USA
Yeah I also dig your leads there, pretty tasty. I like your run from about 2:36 to 2:41, cool gaps with a nice THT part :)

One complaint I have, and not with you in particular, but on these style of videos there is always a part where it shows our shred subject sitting on some landscape of some sort, shredding away, and his/her guitar is obviously not plugged in. I complain about this in movies too, where the band is playing, and the guitars are obviously not plugged in and the amps aren't even turned on.. Most of Angel Vivaldi's videos are like that the whole way through..

It did sync up with your recorded audio beautifully though :)

Great work man, Your playing is great and the video was pretty good too. It's the only way I would ever admit I listened to a Miley Cyrus song.. Thanks for that!



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2013
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Oshkosh, WI
One complaint I have, and not with you in particular, but on these style of videos there is always a part where it shows our shred subject sitting on some landscape of some sort, shredding away, and his/her guitar is obviously not plugged in. I complain about this in movies too, where the band is playing, and the guitars are obviously not plugged in and the amps aren't even turned on.. Most of Angel Vivaldi's videos are like that the whole way through..

To me it at least kind of depends on the intent. I used to be bothered by it, however if part of it is to play with the fact you are obviously not playing at that time (kind of ala. the Red Hot Chili Peppers at the SuperBo... er, the "Big Game") and you are just having fun with it, I think it's fine. In movies, especially ones where it's serious and non-slapsticky, sure, and I think plugging in adds a layer of realism. However this video in particular seemed more tongue-in-cheek.

Anyway nice playing. I thought it added something interesting to a song I'm otherwise not a huge fan of.



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2014
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Welcome. Copenhagen is one of my favorite cities; so many parks! I could hang out at Kastellet all day :)


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2014
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Copenhagen, Denmark
Yeah I also dig your leads there, pretty tasty. I like your run from about 2:36 to 2:41, cool gaps with a nice THT part :)

One complaint I have, and not with you in particular, but on these style of videos there is always a part where it shows our shred subject sitting on some landscape of some sort, shredding away, and his/her guitar is obviously not plugged in. I complain about this in movies too, where the band is playing, and the guitars are obviously not plugged in and the amps aren't even turned on.. Most of Angel Vivaldi's videos are like that the whole way through..

It did sync up with your recorded audio beautifully though :)

Great work man, Your playing is great and the video was pretty good too. It's the only way I would ever admit I listened to a Miley Cyrus song.. Thanks for that!


Totally get your point man! My idea with this was to:

1. try out my buddy's new camera equipment
2. reach out to as many people as possible, hence the eggs and Miley Cyrus
3. do something cool with the 8string that I haven't heard that much of before


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
Copenhagen, Denmark
To me it at least kind of depends on the intent. I used to be bothered by it, however if part of it is to play with the fact you are obviously not playing at that time (kind of ala. the Red Hot Chili Peppers at the SuperBo... er, the "Big Game") and you are just having fun with it, I think it's fine. In movies, especially ones where it's serious and non-slapsticky, sure, and I think plugging in adds a layer of realism. However this video in particular seemed more tongue-in-cheek.

Anyway nice playing. I thought it added something interesting to a song I'm otherwise not a huge fan of.


Thank you!