New Micro Amp Day...

  • Thread starter Diocide
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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
Reaction score
Hartford, CT
I traded a dude a pedal for a Orange Terror Stamp. He said it starts to act funky after it's on for more than 20 minutes or so.

I took it for a spin today and it sounds pretty damn good.

Ran my Balaguer baritone straight in, gain is about 3 o clock and the volume is at 11 o clock.

Cab is my custom with Celestion G12K85's.

Sounds pretty good, but I'm not sure how it would hold up with a drummer etc. It actually has a decent amount of low end, unlike a lot of the micro amps I've tried.

I'm going to try and run some pedals into it this weekend and see what happens.


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