New Sevendust song

  • Thread starter Bastard Toadflax
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Bastard Toadflax

Change is on the way...
Feb 23, 2005
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Central Florida (Palm Coast)
Has anyone heard the newest Sevendust song (with the new guitarist)yet? I'm pretty sure it's called "Ugly", I heard it on the radio the other day...It's alright (I caught most of it, missed a little of the beginning), you can definately tell it's not Clint...I don't think that it was a final version, but I don't really know.

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Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
Bastard Toadflax said:
Has anyone heard the newest Sevendust song (with the new guitarist)yet? I'm pretty sure it's called "Ugly", I heard it on the radio the other day...It's alright (I caught most of it, missed a little of the beginning), you can definately tell it's not Clint...I don't think that it was a final version, but I don't really know.
I heard a new one of their's, titled "pieces", dunno if it's the same song or not. I thought it rocked though.


ESP • Ibanez
Forum MVP
Apr 2, 2005
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Southern Maine
Haven't heard it yet but Im a Sevendust fan so I'll be checking that out. I LOVE Animosity. :hbang:


Forum MVP
Dec 14, 2004
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The woods..
why did clint leave.Dark new day sounds like sevendust v.2 with a slightly dif singer..i dunno doesnt sounds much dif..maybe personal stuff??

King Snarll

Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Palo Alto, CA
Kinda off topic, but is it just me or did the quality of Sevendust's work go down after their first two albums? I used to be a a solid fan, saw them on tour maybe five times, but their last album(s???) seemed to lack soul and lack the hard edge that earlier works did. I've lost track of how many albums they put out even....After they did the Snot dedication song, I've never heard anything of theirs that really caught my attention. (And I did like the Snot-dedicated song.) To be honest I probably own all their albums, but just don't play the newer ones because I don't like them. For some reason they seem to be in the Creed, Staind, Godsmack catagory now. I saw them play with Machine Head a few years ago....did they lose their edge?

Am I being too hard on them? Do I need to give those album(s) another chance? I know my friends who listen to heavy music seem to also have lost all interest in this band as well.



Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
King Snarll said:
Kinda off topic, but is it just me or did the quality of Sevendust's work go down after their first two albums? I used to be a a solid fan, saw them on tour maybe five times, but their last album(s???) seemed to lack soul and lack the hard edge that earlier works did. I've lost track of how many albums they put out even....After they did the Snot dedication song, I've never heard anything of theirs that really caught my attention. (And I did like the Snot-dedicated song.) To be honest I probably own all their albums, but just don't play the newer ones because I don't like them. For some reason they seem to be in the Creed, Staind, Godsmack catagory now. I saw them play with Machine Head a few years ago....did they lose their edge?

Am I being too hard on them? Do I need to give those album(s) another chance? I know my friends who listen to heavy music seem to also have lost all interest in this band as well.


I think their first album is great, I only like a few songs off of Home, but damn Animosity is my all time fav of their's. I didn't like Seasons all that much but it had some kick ass tunes here and there. I've always wondered why they haven't been more popular than they are.


that guy
Dec 20, 2004
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Tulalip "the #1 place for fun" WA
Bastard Toadflax said:
My bassist has the theory that he left to go to Dark New Day and get his brother rich (his brother plays bass).
:lol: maybe thats why they called the song "brother"

back when denial came out was a good time. they may not be quite as good as then, but IMO they are still way above alot of other bands coming out :yesway:

king snarll said:
For some reason they seem to be in the Creed, Staind, Godsmack catagory now
maybe because aaron lewis of staind did "follow" (which i thought was a really good track for their newer stuff) but stainds new album looks to be turning out to be the best thing they did since dysfunction :agreed: and mushoks tone sounds so raw it sounds almost exactly like his tone from tormented :evil:

Mind Riot

Devoted seven stringer
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
To me, Sevendust has always been a band that had hit or miss songs on their albums (with the exception of Animosity). I only like the first and last songs on their first album (I bought it after hearing ten seconds of the chorus to "Black" and the opening riff to "Born to Die" just roars). Home was better to me (the song "Home" has been stuck in my head for about five years now, heh, and the main palm muted riff is what I always play to check if my sound is working for palm mutes on the low A. Man that song is just brilliant. From left to riiiiiiiiight...) but still there was only about three or four songs on there that I really liked.

Seasons, I agree with whoever said above that there were a few good tunes here and there but the album as a whole got kind of boring. But as I said, that seems to be the way they have always been.

Now Animosity, on the other hand, is one of the best albums I've ever heard anywhere, and hands down my favorite album in the last five years or so. Amazing production (go Ben Grosse!), great drumming all the way through, great vocals, and some of my favorite heavy guitar tones ever. Plus, it's got soul and great arrangements, and some really rippin' riffs. Man, that album will knock you on your ass. "Dead Set" is one of the best songs I've ever heard in every way.

So anyway, I think that for the most part Sevendust has always been a hit or miss band and the producer was probably the factor in Animosity that made that one different, but man, when they get it right and hit their stride, they're freaking amazing. One of my favorite bands of all time.

I admit I have some trepidation about hearing their new stuff with Sonny, but Snot was an amazing band too and no matter where they go from here I'll always have Animosity. *tear*