New Whitechapel track

  • Thread starter skeeballcore
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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Knoxville, TN
Heavy. I dig it.

Also, Alex. Could you please do one tiny little thing for me? Change the fucking w on your Facebook to a capital W? :lol: Major OCD. It kills me.

Oh dude TRUST ME, i want to kill myself every time I look at it!!!

A long time ago before Facebook was popular some kid made that page as a fan page and when we decided to make an official Facebook that page already had like 10,000 likes on it, so we just "commandeered" it from him and made it ours, but he made it with a lower case W and we can't change it now hahaha.

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Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
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Dayton, OH
Awful! :lol: The new track sounds great, though. When is the EP expected to be released?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Knoxville, TN
Really stoked to see a lot of guys that didn't really like us before are getting into this new song.

So how would you say this song is so different from our previous material? I mean the difference compared to Somatic and This Is Exile is obvious but I think it's still kind of in the vein of A New Era of Corruption sorta, with slight differences. Would you just say it's more "progressive"? Just trying to figure it out so I know what to do when writing in the future hahaha! ;)

Of course you can't please everyone, all the 14-18 year olds keep saying bring back Somatic and the older crowd says this stuff rules, so I guess i'm just glad the majority of our fans like it rather than the minority haha.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Knoxville, TN
Awful! :lol: The new track sounds great, though. When is the EP expected to be released?

November 8th, digital through iTunes, physical copies through our webstore/Metal Blade's webstore and on tour only. It will not be sold in stores. This is just a small release to tide every one over until our next full length next summer.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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I really love this. So damn brutal. I'm surprised it wasn't on an album, it's definitely a strong song. It seems a little more rhythmically experimental, like there are some cool changes in it and the leads are badass. Would've fit nicely on the last album imo.

the fuhrer

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Not Jesus land
Really stoked to see a lot of guys that didn't really like us before are getting into this new song.

So how would you say this song is so different from our previous material? I mean the difference compared to Somatic and This Is Exile is obvious but I think it's still kind of in the vein of A New Era of Corruption sorta, with slight differences. Would you just say it's more "progressive"? Just trying to figure it out so I know what to do when writing in the future hahaha! ;)

Of course you can't please everyone, all the 14-18 year olds keep saying bring back Somatic and the older crowd says this stuff rules, so I guess i'm just glad the majority of our fans like it rather than the minority haha.
I've never really listened to a whole lot of your stuff but I would say this is definitely more progressive sounding. I just liked how it was not full of nothing but repetitive chugs. The solo was good and the song had some cool riff changes. It's important to have those changes or else I just get bored of listening. Some of my favorite songs are my favorite because of a specific part of that song just stands out. At the same time too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, I really don't want to hear the same "awesome" riff for 6 minutes. I also really like how you saved the breakdown as sort of an outro. I absolutely hate when I start to get into a song and then here comes a breakdown and ruins it all.


May 22, 2009
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Walnut Creek, CA
Really stoked to see a lot of guys that didn't really like us before are getting into this new song.

So how would you say this song is so different from our previous material? I mean the difference compared to Somatic and This Is Exile is obvious but I think it's still kind of in the vein of A New Era of Corruption sorta, with slight differences. Would you just say it's more "progressive"? Just trying to figure it out so I know what to do when writing in the future hahaha! ;)

It's hard to give very specific examples since your Facebook player doesn't give me a time stamp. Progressive might be the right word in a sense. I like the addiction of more melody between the chugging in place of the dissonant chords that you used pretty regularly in your previous work. I also stated previously that I like the layers going on quite a bit. It's similar to how I felt about the newest Born of Osiris. Jason's leads on top of Lee's rhythms on that album complimented each other well. That's a bit of the feel I'm getting from the song you posted. I would definitely like to hear more material like this.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2011
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Cleveland, OH
This is pretty awesome. Had no idea WC were releasing anything soon, so this is def good news!


f*ckin bow down!
Aug 18, 2011
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I love this song. That's one of the brutalest things I've heard. I just can't describe it, this song is something more than the rest. And the lyrics...
Just fucking great.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2011
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powys, wales, uk
not only is it a great groove but it actually progresses and develops in a really crushing way. really like.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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St. Peters, MO
I can't hear it because I refuse to like something before I have heard it. What if I don't like it after I hear it and all of my facebook friends point at me and laugh.


Guitarist in Within Destruction / Abiogenesis
Mar 16, 2011
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I definitely think this is the most mature song I've heard from WC so far, really like the progressive vibe without even losing a hair of brutality. Insane production too, Mark is killer!

The Reverend

Dec 12, 2010
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Arlington, TX
Hey, I was once one of those young-ass fans! Jerk! I've been following y'all since the beginning! :lol: When y'all played SXSW in '09 Phil dedicated your set to me, and it remains one of the high points in my life.

Anyways, like I said, it's definitely quite different than TSD or TIE. The difference between this new song and AEOC isn't so much in the structure, but in what you're actually playing. It's very Meshuggah-esque, and lacks some of the melody it seems to me you guys have been moving towards in each subsequent release.

The ONLY issue I've had with you guys is when after TIE the songs went into a pretty basic song structure. Just to generalize to the max, it was similar to verse-chorus-verse stuff. I personally feel like this stifles the songs. I remember hearing the song The Somatic Defilement for the first time, and the way that song builds up into that epic outro blew my mind, and influenced my songwriting in a way not much else has. It's just a personal taste, but I like songs that are more of a journey as opposed to songs that repeat some tasty riffs, and have some other stuff peppered in for flavor.

I'm not quite sure you guys could make something I didn't like, though, so be aware that everything I say is biased.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Knoxville, TN
This is a final mix and master. Keep in mind this wasn't recorded in our most ideal element, there for the raw tracks we delivered to Mark were less than what he probably would have tracked himself. In other words, he made the best of what he had to work with. Not dogging the place we recorded, i'm just saying we definitely would not accept this as "album" quality, but thought it was good enough for a small EP. I agree there are minor details with the mix that would probably sound a lot better through higher quality tracking.

Thanks again for all of the positivity guys, really means a lot because I worked really hard on this song and Ben definitely helped a lot too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Knoxville, TN
Hey, I was once one of those young-ass fans! Jerk! I've been following y'all since the beginning! :lol: When y'all played SXSW in '09 Phil dedicated your set to me, and it remains one of the high points in my life.

Anyways, like I said, it's definitely quite different than TSD or TIE. The difference between this new song and AEOC isn't so much in the structure, but in what you're actually playing. It's very Meshuggah-esque, and lacks some of the melody it seems to me you guys have been moving towards in each subsequent release.

The ONLY issue I've had with you guys is when after TIE the songs went into a pretty basic song structure. Just to generalize to the max, it was similar to verse-chorus-verse stuff. I personally feel like this stifles the songs. I remember hearing the song The Somatic Defilement for the first time, and the way that song builds up into that epic outro blew my mind, and influenced my songwriting in a way not much else has. It's just a personal taste, but I like songs that are more of a journey as opposed to songs that repeat some tasty riffs, and have some other stuff peppered in for flavor.

I'm not quite sure you guys could make something I didn't like, though, so be aware that everything I say is biased.

I definitely understand where you are coming from man and appreciate your intelligent way of explaining your feeling rather than be like "OMG EVERTING CENTS TEH SUMATIK DEPHILEMANT HAS SUXED" hahahaha.

The Somatic Defilement was definitely more riff based, it was more of one riff leaded into the next with no repeating really. From Exile on we utilized repeating riffs and catchy parts more to make songs more memorable.

I guess it just depends on the kind of person you are and how you like your song structure!

the fuhrer

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Not Jesus land
Hey, I was once one of those young-ass fans! Jerk! I've been following y'all since the beginning! :lol: When y'all played SXSW in '09 Phil dedicated your set to me, and it remains one of the high points in my life.

Anyways, like I said, it's definitely quite different than TSD or TIE. The difference between this new song and AEOC isn't so much in the structure, but in what you're actually playing. It's very Meshuggah-esque, and lacks some of the melody it seems to me you guys have been moving towards in each subsequent release.

The ONLY issue I've had with you guys is when after TIE the songs went into a pretty basic song structure. Just to generalize to the max, it was similar to verse-chorus-verse stuff. I personally feel like this stifles the songs. I remember hearing the song The Somatic Defilement for the first time, and the way that song builds up into that epic outro blew my mind, and influenced my songwriting in a way not much else has. It's just a personal taste, but I like songs that are more of a journey as opposed to songs that repeat some tasty riffs, and have some other stuff peppered in for flavor.

I'm not quite sure you guys could make something I didn't like, though, so be aware that everything I say is biased.
When did they start to get really big? I saw them back in 08 with Unearth, Protest The Hero and Acacia Strain and it seemed like they had a decent number of fans then. Serious question, not trying to be an ass I just figured they had been around.

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