NG(s)D: Dean Rusty Cooley RC7X and others (56K... good luck)

  • Thread starter OzoneJunkie
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2009
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dancing close to you
So, it arrived today. Very quick from Beat Street Music, seeing how I ordered on Wednesday (today is Saturday). Total price: $999 shipped.

So, bare (bear?) with me - I'm going to post my other guitars here as well, since they never got a proper NGD.

EBMM JP7: Ernie Ball MusicMan John Petrucci 7-string with pre D-Sonic bridge pickup, in Pearl Red Burst. Purchased this guitar new (even though it was 2(?) years old from a local shop). This guitar played well in the store. Once I got it home and adjusted the action a bit, a fret issue revealed itself. A high section with fret 18, causing fret out on the A,D,G strings, when fretting at the 17the fret. I took the guitar back to the store, they agreed there was an issue. The guitar went back to EBMM. Long story short - they decided a new neck was the right thing to do. 5 weeks later, JP7 back in my hands, and it plays beautifully. More on the JP7 in a bit.

Ibanez RG320FM: bought used for $350. Had DiMarzio Evolution pickups installed in both b/n positions.

HM87: Home made (circa 1987) strat style guitar, with Warmoth ebony neck. I did the body/wiring, and a local luthier installed the neck. I did the scalloping myself.

RB2: Rock Band 2 strat - quieter buttons, better strumbar. Enough said. GH3 LP guitar is better in some aspects but hurts my wrist after time. Never played a GH explorer - I hear they're the shizzy.

Ok, on to the Rusty Cooley RC7X in black (metallic black or whatever it's called). So, I'm posting pictures here, from my phone's camera, so the pictures suck. But, here's the rundown:

Bridge/Vibrato system: As you can see, the tuning posts are not low profile. They get in my way... but not so much as that I can't play it. Just causes me to slide my picking hand towards the neck, probably an inch or so more than where I'd normally play from.

Neck: very thin - slightly thinner than my RG320FM. Great access - nothing gets in the way. Big cutaway and contoured neck joint assure that.

Frets/fingerboard: well... certainly looks like rosewood to me. Frets are definitely not what I was expecting - they are no taller than my RG320, and in fact may be shorter. They're also very narrow. Having played a scalloped fingerboard for a long time, I can say that the RC7X does NOT feel like you're playing a scalloped board. Furthermore, the fingerboard/frets have a cheap feel to them. Not completely terrible mind you, but again, cheap feeling.

More on this- looking at the pictures of the frets - they certainly look tall, but again, they are not as tall as I was expecting. The Ibanez has taller frets.

More stuff: I can hear the battery moving around inside the cavity - haven't opened it up yet but it needs to be secured. Case is decent enough.

Overall opinions: Ok, I want to do a little comparison, history, etc. I've been playing since 83. I have not owned many guitars. Here's my history:
1984 American Fender Stratocaster
Korean Jackson - not sure what model.
My home made axe.
and now, again, the JP7, RG320FM, and the RC7X.

The JP7: a total picker's machine. I find my picking most accurate on this guitar. May be the string tension, which I perceive to be higher compared to the Ibby, even with the same string type. The frets are not tall - bending is not as easy as on the Ibby. Sweeps I'm more accurate on the Ibby as well.

Ibanez: Well suited for legato, bends, sweeps. Picking is very good on it too, just not as good as the JP7.

Dean RC7X: Hmm... falls short, in my humble opinion. I prefer both the JP7 and Ibanez. I can get around on the RC7X - in some things I feel it is superior. But I keep coming back to what I perceive to be a cheap feel to the fingerboard/frets. The neck itself I think is really good. Better frets - ones that I was expecting, and this could be a monster.

Will I keep it? I can't decide that after only an hour on the thing. I'll keep it for at least a month, then decide. Also, I have a pending Mike Sherman 8 string, fanned fret coming, so I'll likely wait until I have that, and then decide what stays and what goes.

Feel free to ask questions - and if you have requests for particular pictures, let me know - I'll do my best. Don't have a real digital cam, so again, the pix suck.

PS - adding pix to thread - forgive me if they fall into the next few posts...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2009
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dancing close to you
a few more things:

The fingerboard may well be ebony. It's lighter than my Warmoth ebony neck, but darker than the RG320FM Rosewood neck. I'd say it looks like Macassar Ebony to me...

When time permits, I'll throw on some different strings. Could effect the feel I'm experiencing when I say it feels cheap.

Playing it a bit more, it's growing on me. Can't say I'm in love with it, but I am liking it more, the more I play it...


May 20, 2009
Reaction score
Those are some nice guitars you got there but what's with that baby picture?


Feb 2, 2009
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Peterborough, UK the RC7X needs some taller frets on to make it truly legendary?

Might have known it was too good to be true :) Then again, if thats all it needs I guess it stops being truly good value for money and simply becomes an excellent 7 string if it fits your exact taste?

i.e - it won't ever be better than a JP7/Ibby 7 but with a little love its as good as?

What the hell am I wibbling on about.....*goes for coffee*......


.... Your Face!
Jun 28, 2005
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Florence, Ky
You suck, that's the same options on a JP7 I've been wanting for a long time. I loves me some pearl redburst and piezos.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2009
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dancing close to you
Yeah, had to throw in the rubber baby... for fun.

Been playing the RC7X for a few hours now. It's hard to put my finger on it. I like it more and more. I think the question of whether or not it's the right guitar for someone, and if it's worth the money would likely come down to opinion. Like I said - I don't think it's perfect, but the more I play it the more I "get" it...

I have to say regarding the Ibanez - even though it's not a high end Ibanez, there's something about that guitar - the frets and string tension - that some things are just so easy on it. Vai style - big bends and smooth vibrato - it just excels at that. It has a feel that even the JP7 doesn't have. But I love both the Ibby and the JP7. And as I play the RC7X more, I'm digging it as well.

I'll say this - I don't throw money around lightly, but I can afford to buy a $1k guitar sight unseen, and then turn around and sell it at a loss if I don't like it. That's something that I don't normally do, but I've kinda GASed for the US version, but would NOT spend 2700 on the US version - to me that's too much for a non custom. But, hey, if it's exactly what someone is looking for and what they'd want out of a custom, then to some it IS worth 2700.

So, admittedly my words won't help you make a decision - they shouldn't. The smartest thing I can think to say is: try one for yourself. Then decide.

I think next week I'm going to hit the NYC music stores - I thought I had seen the US RC7 in one of the stores. I'd like to see how the US version compares...

You suck, that's the same options on a JP7 I've been wanting for a long time. I loves me some pearl redburst and piezos.

Luck to have found one - especially with the older pickup. Was worth the wait - it going back to EBMM for a new neck. Had it been any other guitar, I'd have taken it back to the store for a return...
Jul 19, 2008
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I'm no expert, but those craters on the board smack of rosewood. Ebony has a much finer grain. And Madagascar Ebony, while lighter, is typically more exotic looking and definitely more expensive. So I highly doubt that's what it is.

I'd contact Dean and ask what the deal is. I actually contacted them myself to ask about the bridge and the fretboard, but they never got back to me. If it turns out to be rosewood, then I'd demand a small partial refund, because it WAS advertised as featuring ebony. Either that or I'd demand a return/full refund, and I'd even push for the dealer to swallow the return shipping due to false advertising.



Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2009
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dancing close to you the RC7X needs some taller frets on to make it truly legendary?

If you look at my home made guitar - and see how deep the scalloping is on that - well, you will never feel the fingerboard wood on that.

The RC7X - just doesn't seem any different, fret-height-wise, than any other guitar... to me...

I'm no expert, but those craters on the board smack of rosewood. Ebony has a much finer grain. And Madagascar Ebony, while lighter, is more expensive. So I highly doubt that's what it is.

You might be right. However, I'm basing my "guess" at Macassar (note, not Madagascar) Ebony on a few things:

Looking at the guitars on Mike Sherman's sight, the ones with Macassar - the RC7X fingerboard looks similar in shade/color.

Last time I talked to Mike - if I'm remembering this correctly (blame me, not Mike if I'm off here): the darker ebony that used to be used often is actually scarcer now, and that Macassar Ebony is easier to get...


Feb 2, 2009
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Peterborough, UK
Ah, I as a player who (when I played :lol:) used scalloped necks I might actually replace the frets with jumbos to get something approximating the string control I like :)

The local shop is a Dean Dealer so I might wander by and see if they have one, although its run by morons who probably wouldn't get a 7-string on an offchance.


Apr 13, 2009
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East Coast
So it is an OFR...

FWIW here's the info on the fretwire.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The 6000 series is the largest wire Dunlop offers. Both tall and wide, has maximum mass for easy bending and a scalloped feel. Measures .058" tall and .118" wide. 18% nickel/silver hard alloy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2009
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dancing close to you
And I was expecting tall fretwire. I have not tried the US version. My suspicion is that while the body/neck specs are the same, that the fretwire is different than the US counterpart. I could be way off on this - it could be my expectations were/are off. Again, it's just that my Ibanez RG320FM has taller frets - I was thinking the RC7X would be more like that, fretwire-wise.

Funny that was down for a day. Had it been up, I was going to list the RC7X for sale. But, now that I've spent more time with it, it's really grown on me. The neck is totally sick, that's for sure. My sweep and bigger stretch stuff is faster and cleaner on the RC7X than my JP7 and RG320.

I'm not sure how I feel about the EMGs. For fast picking stuff there's a clarity there that I like. However, having Evolutions in my RG320, well, I dig those pups for leads - that Vai tone - I like.

It comes down to this: I don't care for the fretwire on the RC7X. It's just not as tall as I thought it should be, and I feel the fretwire is also not as smooth as it could be - doing bends and vibrato - the strings don't glide as smoothly as I'd expect. Not terrible or anything, just could be better.

The RC7X might go up for sale, might not. Need some more time with it. Right now I like my JP7 better overall, but the more I gell with the RC7X the more I dig it...


Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Peterborough, UK
You could re-fret it I guess. Tall, stainless steel fret goodness....:) Then again, I feel that it should be taller as standard and I definately recall Rusty talking about the huge fretwire on the US version....

(oh what it is to own guitars vicariously, I can tell you :lol: )


Apr 13, 2009
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East Coast
Keep in mind that there's brown looking ebony, it's just most of us are used to the extremely black colored ebony which some companies even use die to get that look. I asked somebody about the Macaaasr Ebony vs Rosewood and was told the way to tell is Rosewood is very consistent color where as Macassar will have definite streaks like the one below.
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
I haven't tried the RC7X yet, but the USA version has the biggest frets I've ever used and it's very noticeably easier to play than the JP6 I used to have as well as a bunch of Ibanez guitars I've had.... it takes very little effort to fret notes and tapping/hammer ons & offs/legato in general just feels easier.... I don't know of any Ibanez that come with the massive Dunlop 6000s.... so, not sure why your Ibanez would feel like it had larger frets. I was hoping the RC7X would be just like the USA version, trem & frets & all.... I actually like the trem on the USA version much more than floyds I've used... kinda sucks the RC7X has an OFR and possible smaller frets... I'd still like to try one though. The USA version is by far the easiest playing guitar I've ever touched... the EMGs i'm iffy about... kinda want to change them, but need to figure out how I want to do that if I'm going to...


Apr 13, 2009
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East Coast
At NAMM they were identical except the either the NAMM model was "polished" so to speak or they changed some things..


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Zagreb, Croatia
Awesome marketing move, make a kickass guitar that everyone loves, then make a cheaper version that's totally different.


Doom man of Doom.
Sep 5, 2008
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Melbourne, Aus
Honestly really surprised to hear about the fret wire. Can anyone else that has played one confirm that is has smaller frets than the USA model?
If it does indeed have the Dunlop 6000 fretwire, I'm surprised you find that small, because it is bigger than anything else offered on any production guitar that I know of, apart from an Yngwie Malmsteen strat that also has Dunlop 6000 fretwire.


Doom man of Doom.
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Aus
Hmm re reading your original post a little more, I must have somehow skipped over the part where it says narrow frets.
It definitely can't be Dunlop 6000s then, because they are damn wide frets. Dunlop 6100s are still wide and tall, just less so than the 6000s.
The only fretwire I know of that would be as tall as Ibanez fretwire or at least close to, while being really narrow is 6105 fretwire.
It's very much possible you have 6105 fretwire. Perhaps take the guitar to get refretted with Dunlop 6000s to get that massive fret feeling they talk about on the USA series.