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Active Member
Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
Utica, NY
Bought myself a couple new things over the past 2 months and I figured I'd show them off! I bought an EVH 5150 III 50, a Mesa Recto 4x12, and an Ibanez S5470.

I was a bit lazy with the pictures so I'm putting the guitar in as well until I take the time to maybe take some better pictures and post a separate ngd.

I apologize in advance if these pictures appear extremely large, I'm not a photographer nor a photo editor. And please excuse my rather large air conditioner...

Suppose I should do a bit of a review and such...

As some may know, I got the cab about a month ago and was a bit lost for a few days but I ended up getting it all figured out! Hadn't purchased a head for it yet at the time so I hooked up my Tiny Terror combo to it and once I got to turn it up a bit the thing sounded great! With the V30s it seemed to give it a bit tighter, more modern sound, which I really enjoyed.

I had been using a Bad Monkey OD with the combo for quite a while and it didn't really seem to add much to it as far as tightness goes but when hooked up to this cab it made a world of difference. Sounds very big and got me much closer to a modern metal tone. May seem odd that I bought a Tiny Terror and am so worried about the more modern tone but when I had purchased it I had been listening to a lot Clutch and was looking for that sound, which it was perfect for, but that changed soon after.

So on to the EVH... The amp sounds absolutely amazing! When I first went to try it out it was hooked up to a Marshall MA412 and it sounded great even through that. I couldn't stop thinking about how great it sounded for days after trying it and I just knew I had to get one. So I ended up getting one off ebay for around $650! I thought that was just a great deal.

With my Mesa cab, this amp is just the bees knees. I do not gig and live in an upstairs apartment with a bunch of cranky downstairs neighbors so I do not get to play loud, and this amp is perfect for that. I can play it all night long at low volume without bothering anyone and it sounds amazing. Way better than the TT and my HD500, which surprised me quite a bit.

It's very clear and articulate and although I'm not really a djent player, it can do so very easily. Besides having played it with the Ibanez above(which has 2 Dimarzio PAF 36s and a True Velvet), I've also tried my Schecter Damien Elite 8 with EMG 808s, C-1 classic with SD JB/59, and my girlfriend's Ibanez S571 with stock pickups. All of my guitars have sounded amazing through it including the 571, though it could definitely use a pickup upgrade in the future.

Not sure if my settings for channel 3 are quite visible in the picture but I've kept all eq at around 5-6 on the dial. Presence is at around 4 I think and Resonance is also at I think 5 though I haven't really fiddled with that much since I first got it. I'm really liking where it at right now though I have found every setting I've tried to be very usable and I really don't think you can go wrong on the dials. I've kept the gain at around I think 4 and that it about all I need. For reference I play mostly black metal in the vein of Emperor and Ihsahn, and also some death metal, mainly Decapitated, and it sounds great for both.

I would say that it doesn't need a boost but once I tried my Bad Monkey with it, I just can't play without it. The amp is definitely tight enough without and does not need any more gain but I found it just a wee bit lacking in something when playing single palm muted notes on the low E quickly a la Angel of Death or some Emperor songs.

As many before me have said, it'd got a pretty nice clean channel on it that's taken all the effects I've thrown at it with my pod very well. So far, I've only used the pod in the loop of it and have had very good results. When I first plugged it in it was set on one of my dual amp/dual cab clean patches with some effects and it actually sounded great right away without any tweaking. After making a few quick effects only patches it sounded even better. I tried pretty much all of the effects on all 3 channels and had good results with all.

My only gripe with the amp is the shared eq with channel 1 and 2 but being an apartment player, I can deal with that.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an amp that's good for pretty much any type of metal and or need something that can sound good at low volumes I highly suggest you get this amp!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2008
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Toronto Canada
A bit overkill for an apartment ( I have the same head and 2-12 in an apartment) but wait till the cranks go out so you can turn it up!!
I find on mine it does sound really good at low volume but even at 2 on master its completely different!!

Nice review too!


Active Member
Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
Utica, NY
A bit overkill for an apartment ( I have the same head and 2-12 in an apartment) but wait till the cranks go out so you can turn it up!!
I find on mine it does sound really good at low volume but even at 2 on master its completely different!!

Nice review too!

Thanks for the comment!

I figured the 4x12 would be overkill but 2x12s never seem to come up on craigslist around here and online 2x12s and 4x12 seem to go for roughly the same price. I figured why not spend maybe $50 more and get 2 more good speakers! I could always run the amp into one of the 4ohm stereo jacks I guess and just use 2 speakers with it I suppose if I felt the need but haven't had any problems playing all 4 and it sound great so why not!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2008
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Toronto Canada
Why not exactly!

If you have the room the 4-12 is a no brainer, it just moves more air and give you that wicked gut punch when you palm mute at decent volume.

As soon as we get a bigger place that is first on my list!


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
Reaction score
Very nice guitar. I have one just like that, same color and all :)