Noob to tube

  • Thread starter Cheesebuiscut
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Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
Wentzville, MO
patience young grasshopper. save your money and ebay will deliver cheap. they get mesa triple recs for as low as a grand once in a blue moon, and you can for sure find it for twelve hundred on the frequent.

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Mentally Guitarded
Oct 27, 2008
Reaction score
Bay City, MI
I have to agree with "XeoFLCL" VK100 is the way to go, my band is DevilsClub (New Studio Videos Posted) on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads check that out and see what you think of the tone. i got mine for $430 out the door when they first came out and it's my fave amp, our other guitar player uses a 6505 and it's just not as ballsy, on the fact that your feeding back: i'm guessing your using alot of gain and amps all sound bad when you use to much gain, so when you stand in front of the amp roll the gain back untill the feedback stops and adjust as you increase volume,this will work for a while with a band but personally i run a ISP Decimator at all times and my gain at about 3 or 4. the recordings we have on our bands page are at this setting

hope this helps

Its not really not as ballsy, its more of a tight low end as opposed to flubby. Thats what bass players are for.

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