Obama re-elected!!!!

  • Thread starter GuitaristOfHell
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Dec 23, 2010
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St. Augustine Beach, Florida
Some from my facebook feed:

"Research communist party and the planks(goals) and maybe that will shine some light on the situation. We now have for a second term a president who supports infanticide (born alive infant act). It's astounding alright!"

"bottom line these are the end days"

"Now let us notice that Satan is "an angel of light" . The world system that prepares for the Antichrist will be characterized by deception and dissimulation. It will appeal to the masses because it will be godless and Christless. It will be what is called "humanitarianism'."

"People, stop being so negative and forget the PRESIDENTIAL election! We have Halo 4 now and two states have legalized weed, hopefully more soon, everything is all right with the world..." <Personal Fav. :lol:

"Well I thought Americans were smarter than this, but I guess not. I pray for the future of Our Great Country and Our Military. Obama, yo ..."

"Obama you still suck and you better not make any back door deals with Russia or China!!!!"

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ss.org Irregular
Mar 1, 2009
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One of my favorites from the last 24 hours lol



GAS Master
Apr 12, 2011
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Harrisburg PA
I've seen some ridiculous statements from both sides the past few days. People saying the world is ending and shit, just a lot of overreaction. Honestly I voted Romney because I agree with alot of his policies but I dont have a burning hate for Obama and hopefully these next 4 years are productive and everything works out. I figured the election would turn out the way it did. Best of luck to Obama on 4 more years.


May 29, 2010
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Charleston, SC
I've seen some ridiculous statements from both sides the past few days. People saying the world is ending and shit, just a lot of overreaction. Honestly I voted Romney because I agree with alot of his policies but I dont have a burning hate for Obama and hopefully these next 4 years are productive and everything works out. I figured the election would turn out the way it did. Best of luck to Obama on 4 more years.

Just out of curiosity, what policies of his do you agree with?


GAS Master
Apr 12, 2011
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Harrisburg PA
Just out of curiosity, what policies of his do you agree with?
I agree alot with his energy policy regarding energy independence and I also believe he would be the person we need to get the deficit down, however I did not believe that he would be able to fix it himself but that he would at least be able to get things back on track for 2016. I also disagreed with a lot of things Mitt has done in the past or said as well but I still favored him over Obama. I dont want to start a firestorm over what my opinions are and what I believe so i will just leave it at this. :wavey:


Active Member
Nov 3, 2012
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the war zone state
The financial crisis is coming no matter who is president. This started long before them and it will only end (if at all) long after they are gone.


I am Denko (´・ω・`)
Nov 28, 2009
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Lancaster, CA
I've spent a good portion of today reading conservative web-sites and media. It is absolutely mind blowing to me that instead of owning up to the marginalization their moral absolutism causes they think they need to double down and become more conservative....

Proof that people never learn from their mistakes. "People, even moderates, cannot tolerate our party anymore because it is too extreme. The only way to fix this is to be SOOOOO extreme that they can't help but love us." :nuts: :lol:


Ya ya ya I am Lorde
Jan 28, 2009
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Lanark, Ontario
So of course, the market dropped today. Historically, that's what it does after an election. It also usually happens to rise just before the election, just like it did this year. Not to mention, it's all time peak was around 14k, and it closed just under 13k today, so no matter how one slices it, it's business as usual, move along people, nothing to see here, etc, right?



God damn it. :wallbash:

I was starting to compile links to the quotes and articles that are exasperating me, and then I figured screw it; you all know. You're reading/seeing the same crap I am.

Just, do me this favor: Go look at the DJI, and adjust the graph to get the historical context. You know what? I'll even do the work for you.

To illustrate why people are freaking out today, we begin by viewing the DJI over the last 5 days:

It's looking pretty grim, right? Fair enough. But, let's pull back, and look at the last month:

Oh, shit, Son! We're fucked! :eek:

Just kidding, of course. Let's keep pulling back. Here's the last 3 months:

"Dude, you're not helping!" :ugh:

Just stay with me, here, all right? :cool: Here's the last 6 months:

See that? This is arguably no worse than it was 6 months ago, and it was worse than that in June, which we obviously recovered from pretty quickly. However, we still don't have the full picture...

Let's jump up a bit to cover the last 5 years. This is important, because it includes the crash of 2008:

See what that brings into view? The peaks on the left side are just before the collapse of 2008. Do you happen to notice where the line resides on the right side of the graph, representing now? :wavey:

Finally, let's pull back all the way out, to about 40 years:

This final, macro-view hammers home the small point I made in my first paragraph: The all time peak was - relatively speaking - barely any lower than where we are right now, today. Please keep this in mind as you wade through all the hyperbolic nonsense out there. :yesway:

Full disclaimer: I am not (yet) an investor, a market watcher, an economist, or anything other than another music loving jerk with internet access. I'm just not buying that the sky is falling when we look at it in historical context. I'll welcome alternative perspectives, though, primarily because I'm the opposite of expert!

All that said, if one is a day trader, I guess today was pretty rough. There's a moral to that story, too. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
Your 5 year graph is wrong, it only spans a couple days unless I'm looking at that wrong. :lol: Nonetheless I knew what you're getting at....:yesway:

Yeah stocks always have peaks and valleys, but in the long run are always on an incline even if ever so slightly. I do think it will begin to level out though especially since the internet hype has begun to die out this past decade.


Aug 22, 2006
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I mourn for our country today.
Not Because Obama won but because of how divided its become.
Elections are always a tough thing for me as being a registered independent, I am very liberal socially but very conservative Fiscally.
So who is someone like myself supposed to vote for?
Romney was a lame candidate, shit he needed the bible thumper Ryan as his running mate to even get the GOP to back him.
Getting Obama into office was hopefully going to kill some of the racial bias that exists in this county, but I think it's gotten much worse.
When people say you're a rascist when you don't agree politically with somesones ideals just because he happens to be 1/2 black that's as bad a saying I'm agreeing with him only because he is black.
It's lame and IMO inexcusable for anyone in the media to use those sorts of tactics.
Peolple like Sharpton should be ashamed of themselves rousing hate mongering to try to benefit his partys agenda. Trump and Karl Rove should just shut the fuck up for once.
Gee I wonder why the general population has such a bad taste in their
mouth regarding the Republican party. some of the absurd statements coming out of these baffoons mouths (all the rape shit was beyond reprehenisible) is not helping, now is it.
Obama and Boehner and company better get off of their asses and start working together or this counry is going to be in even deeper shit before you know it.
I see Jerry Browns proposition to raise taxes on the wealthy has passed. Now lets see which of the Obama backing hollywood elite flees California
to avoid paying it.
Man oh man does this country ever need term limits and a viable 3rd party.
Well I've got my fingers crossed, I can't be celebrating because really Obama has done shit since he's been in office (regardless of who is too blame), if he wore the republican moniker and had performed as he has I really doubt Chris Mathews would be falling down and praying to him like he currently does.
Can you imagine if Romney had actually won last night , Mathews may have a fucking stroke on air LOL!
and the republican party has become a bad 1950's joke, so excuse me if I don't whoop and hollar and party it up because a so far ineffective president has just been granted another 4 year stay.
He's got to figure out how to get the GOP guys to actually work with him and the GOP guys have got to open their eyes and swallow the fact they, well you know what .................you're a little bit off target with your stead fast extreme right wing ideologies, or I fear we will be right where we are now in 2016 :(
I really worry about my kids future in this country.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2007
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I know a few bankers/investors that were like, "oh god obama was reelected the markets are gonna die! Better pull money from here and here and here..." As someone with an economics degree I just facepalm at this kind of idiocy.

I'm pretty moderate (slightly left leaning I guess) but the current republican party seems to be so extreme and blind lately. I think if we really want to see change we should start with education, especially in teaching everyone MORE about economics so that we can actually agree on more policies, especially ones that are counter-intuitive and can be misconstrued easily.

Sidenote: why do almost all the candidates feel it is smart for a "balanced budget" or are they just saying that as a buzzword for the stupid people?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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West Haven, CT
I think if we really want to see change we should start with education, especially in teaching everyone MORE about economics

See now the danger here is people could start advocating for a different economic system then what we have now.


Lost in a loop
Feb 3, 2010
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Atlanta GA
On education, good point, I think it is where so many people are lost. Capitalism has been branded a bad word and the definition changed by so many.

I am also a socially liberal but financially conservative person. I keep things pretty simple, I believe any law passed is one less freedom I have and more govt control. I could give a rats as about gay marriage, or smoking pot and the abortion argument will never be settled because both sides have good points no one will budge on. I honestly didn't even know until a few years ago that gays could not get married, I mean what business is it of mine or the govt to control that. Crazy. But I also feel the same that the govt takes my money that I worked for at gunpoint(because the IRS will put me in jail) and gives to some one else. I'm not talking about people who need a hand, I mean for bullshit things like the study of blue berries affect on the honey bee population and shit like that.

I think in terms of a game like Monopoly or Call Of Duty. The maker sets the rules and we all have to play the game under those rules. That is the purpose of govt to me, set the laws, leave them alone and let us live. We don't need 10 million pages of laws to dictate everything we do, just a basic set. We're not that damn stupid. Things that are good ideas do not need to be laws, for example, seat belts. I always wear my seatbelt, even before it was a law because it's just smart. But why does there need to be a law? If someone is dumb enough to not wear it, get injured, that is their fault. But they should be free to make that decision on their own. Anyway, I could go on forever so I'll stop.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
Ahhh, but a victim-less crime has a victim most of the time. if you don't wear your seat belt and end up in the hospital (without insurance that is) they still have to help you. Where does their loss go? On everybody else and insurance providers pick up part of the tab as well. And before you say they should turn you away, what if you have insurance, but you enter the hospital as a John Do because your ID is not on you? I imagine you'd like to live in that instance...

Who decides what is a waste of your money and what isn't too? Some people think war is ridiculous and some feel like it is the only thing protecting us from certain doom. Some people think NASA is a complete waste of money.

Personally I think Libertarianism is an ideal that can't be reached. Although I'd have to agree somewhat about the blueberry thing. :lol:

I am socially liberal, but do not hold a very specific ideal financially as I feel things should be taken case by case. Also, under fiscally conservative policies it seems like things like the environment always take a backseat which is something I'm not okay with. Corporations NEED to have their freedom restricted.