Peavey 5150/6505 for home?

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2014
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Charlotte, NC
I had a 6505 + 112 and sold it. Picked up a Randall RG1503 212, and while it was definitely easier to dial in at lower volumes, it just didn't sound half as good as the 6505 when I turned it up.

So now I've returned the Randall and have another 6505 on the way. I tried my MXR 10 band EQ on a friends 6505 combo (didn't have the pedal when I had the first 6505) and I was easily able to dial in a really good sound at lower volumes.

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Jan 7, 2013
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Are people really being honest here? :spock:

Yes. Has anyone given you the impression that they are attempting to mislead the OP on purpose? :nuts:

When I say that my 6505+ 1x12 combo has been great for using at home, I assure you that I'm being honest.


SS.ORG Infiltrator
Jul 28, 2008
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San Francisco, California
Only problem with that is I found my old 6505 seemed lifeless when the volume was that low. It didn't really start to wake up until you went to 1. And that might be too loud for some people. Not to mention you would have to tweak the EQ, gain and presence if you wanted to play quiet to loud (or vice versa).

If you have your own house, you shouldn't have any problems.

yep. you'd surely miss the chest kicking thump and creamy mids that you can only get as you get louder.

pushing it to 1 and 1/2 almost got me evicted. :nuts:


Jan 7, 2013
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Thank you guys :)

Some people suggest me (or said it), if I crank it up sometimes, then worth to buy it.
Of course Ill crank it up, if I can...I mean I live in good place, no problem with neighbors, so I can crank it up on maximum.
My problem is, that my biggest room in my house is 6x4m...I dont know if you mean on this, or on neighbors...
What is the minimum room size for 5150 and for some 1x12 or 2x12 cabinet?

As far as a minimum size, I'd say it depends on the room. 6mx4m is a nice sized room, about 20ftx14ft. That's bigger than my bands practice space right now:lol:, so if it's just you or you and a buddy that seems like a decent size.


All The Br00tz
Oct 6, 2013
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The gain structure from the 5150 is mostly all determined by the preamp, and this is the same case with most modern metal amps. While it's true that it sounds better when it's blowing your walls down that's pretty much true of anything. My Eleven Rack is suppose to sound "the same" at whatever volume, but really it sounds better when it's loud because it's more intense and it drives my human instinct. I'd be willing to venture that if you took two tones you liked similarly and made one louder for A/B purposes you'd prefer the louder one regardless of which one it is. (ignoring cases where it's uncomfortably loud)

Anyways, the 5150 is fine for home use (so long as nobody cares that it's a bit too loud even at it's lowest volume). I played mine through a 4x12 for about a year with just a boost and a noise gate and it was pretty fantastic. So long as nobody is trying to sleep without at least a fan going you'll probably be fine.

As for the size of the room 6 x 4m is pretty decent. I like to be a good 10-15ft away from the cab for it to sound as it should.

Der JD

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2012
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The gain structure from the 5150 is mostly all determined by the preamp, and this is the same case with most modern metal amps. While it's true that it sounds better when it's blowing your walls down that's pretty much true of anything. My Eleven Rack is suppose to sound "the same" at whatever volume, but really it sounds better when it's loud because it's more intense and it drives my human instinct. I'd be willing to venture that if you took two tones you liked similarly and made one louder for A/B purposes you'd prefer the louder one regardless of which one it is. (ignoring cases where it's uncomfortably loud)

This. EVERYTHING sounds better loud. Tube amps, modelers, car stereos, studio monitors, the list goes on and on.

Run a 5150 or 6505 through a good attenuator, crank it up to the point that the power tubes are getting a workout and you'll see that the overall change in tone is fairly subtle. You'll notice more of a change in feel vs. a change in tone. With most modern high-gain amps it sounds better loud because the speakers and the cab enclosure itself have more influence (especially in the lows). Hard working power tubes is not a requirement.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2009
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Yes. Has anyone given you the impression that they are attempting to mislead the OP on purpose? :nuts:

When I say that my 6505+ 1x12 combo has been great for using at home, I assure you that I'm being honest.

I think a lot of it is wishful thinking and that burning desire to have one. I had the 6505+1x12 and as much as it possibly can work for some people, for most it cannot. I tend to presume most people here have a home/condo/apartment with neighbors and neighbors play a big role in this.

It's not just about the tubes as the post above says, it's the overall feel of the amp. At low volumes you're not going to achieve what i believe most people are looking for when purchasing a 5150. So, when you start pushing the sound you start to become conscious of whose going to get pissed off.. your neighbor, other people in your house, etc. You tend to start playing less and less.

At least this is what i found from my own personal experience. I had the 6505+1x12 in my garage, but then neighbors down the damn street could hear it in the middle of the day. So, i moved it into my living room which started to rattle some shit around the house and quickly pissed off gf, roommates. I had it in the room for a while but noticed ear fatigue striking within 15min. It just didn't work :noplease:


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Massachusetts & Czech Republic

Peavey RockMaster Preamp. All tube. 90+% 5150 tone. Can be modded.
Digitech GSP1101. Great 5150 sim.
AMT P1 or P2. Peavey owners seem to like them and say they are comparable?

One of these alternatives could leave you some money for other stuff like computers.
As a Rockmaster owner, I can't argue with that recommendation. However I wouldn't say it's 90% 5150 tone. If you've ever heard/used any of the Ultra series or XXX that's much more similar since they're descendants of the RM. They can be had fairly cheap too, it's usually no trouble to score one for around $200 on eBay. I got main there for right around there give or take $10(I forget exactly). Got a Classic 60/60 power amp there too for $145+50 shipping, that's a particularly good deal though. For strictly home use by yourself you might want a less powerful power amp though.


cat enthusiast
Oct 17, 2011
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auckland, nz
you can do it at bedroom volume. doesn't sound a good as it does turned up, but you can def do it at bedroom volume.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2014
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A big thanks to all of you :)

I've watched this comparison(GSP1101 vs 6505): Digitech GSP1101 vs Peavey 6505 - YouTube
For me its very similar.
If I buy this GSP1101, and I use it as interface, so directly into my PC with USB, and add some cabinet impulse, like recabinet etc, then the tone will be also very similar to the 6505? Or wouldn't, becouse the cab isn't real?
The other preamp, the rockmaster preamp I couldn't find here where I live.
The another option is the eleven rack. What do you think, it's also good for high gain tone?
I have a scarlett 2i4, so if I buy one of these amp sims, then I can sold the 2i4...not much money, but more than nothing :)

Ohh, and my main goal is, that I get the tone like the In Flames have on The jester race and on the Whoracle albums :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2009
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Ohh, and my main goal is, that I get the tone like the In Flames have on The jester race and on the Whoracle albums :)

Worst In Flames tone :ugh:. Those albums are in desperate need of remastering. They used a Marshall Valvestate 8100 with i believe the Boss MT-2 pedal thrown in front for those early albums.

Just get a 5150 and be done with it. You'll be happy.


Can't stop, won't stop
Apr 13, 2014
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I use a 6505+ at home at mouse fart levels all the just fine for me.


not quite a shredder
Jan 18, 2012
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Hampton Roads
Personally, on the 5150 I had - it was really difficult to find a spot on the volume knob that was not either "off" or "too loud" for home use. There are definitely ways to get around this like an EQ in FX loop, or even just really careful fiddling of the knobs, but right out of the box, probably not the best amp for home use if there's other people around.

Someone mentioned getting the combo version - that makes sense


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2014
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Worst In Flames tone :ugh:. Those albums are in desperate need of remastering. They used a Marshall Valvestate 8100 with i believe the Boss MT-2 pedal thrown in front for those early albums.

Just get a 5150 and be done with it. You'll be happy.

Long time lurker on this site, but after reading this ridiculous post, I had to start an account. Your post, of course, is an opinion -- but it's an opinion that I'd wager 99% of In Flames fans would disagree with. You were correct in that they used a metalzone through a valvestate, but you missed the part where they also mixed in a Boss Hm-2 to get that tone.

TS-- if you'd like to get Jester Race/Whoracle tone, get a Boss Hm-2 with your 6505 -- it'll get very close, and also pull off the more modern IF tones without the pedal.

Also, I've never had trouble getting excellent tones out of my 6505+ at any volume. Running a boost up front and an EQ in the loop really helps with bedroom tone as well.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2009
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Long time lurker on this site, but after reading this ridiculous post, I had to start an account. Your post, of course, is an opinion -- but it's an opinion that I'd wager 99% of In Flames fans would disagree with. You were correct in that they used a metalzone through a valvestate, but you missed the part where they also mixed in a Boss Hm-2 to get that tone.
Well hey i'm glad i compelled you to join the conversation :wavey:. And yes it is an opinion but any rational human being that knows music,recordings, etc will tell you those early albums are rough around the edges in multiple ways than just how the guitars sound. Still if that tone still sounded "amazing" to people you'd see more of it but you don't because there's better gear and better tone to be had, sorry bud.

Oh and I did mentioned that they used the Boss pedal in there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2014
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Well hey i'm glad i compelled you to join the conversation :wavey:. And yes it is an opinion but any rational human being that knows music,recordings, etc will tell you those early albums are rough around the edges in multiple ways than just how the guitars sound. Still if that tone still sounded "amazing" to people you'd see more of it but you don't because there's better gear and better tone to be had, sorry bud.

Oh and I did mentioned that they used the Boss pedal in there. An overrated piece of equipment mainly praised for nostalgic reasons or from people that never actually got a chance to run that pedal when it came out. I did, it's overrated by a shit ton lol

You mentioned the metalzone pedal (which I think we could both agree is one of the shittiest pedals ever made), but their tone on those albums was largely driven by the hm-2. A metalzone pedal alone is not capable of that tone.

Anyway, what I like about the tone on those two albums is that it is fairly unique -- it's not quite the old-school Entombed/Swedish DM tone, but it's not the overly-clean/overdone 5150 metalcore tone either.

I have an HM-2, but don't use it all the time. But when I want to play death metal, I run it in the loop of my 6505+ just to color the tone (not with the often recommended "all knobs maxed" settings either, mind you). It provides a surprisingly unique tone that retains the tightness and clarity of the 6505+.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2009
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You mentioned the metalzone pedal (which I think we could both agree is one of the shittiest pedals ever made), but their tone on those albums was largely driven by the hm-2. A metalzone pedal alone is not capable of that tone.

Anyway, what I like about the tone on those two albums is that it is fairly unique -- it's not quite the old-school Entombed/Swedish DM tone, but it's not the overly-clean/overdone 5150 metalcore tone either.

I have an HM-2, but don't use it all the time. But when I want to play death metal, I run it in the loop of my 6505+ just to color the tone (not with the often recommended "all knobs maxed" settings either, mind you). It provides a surprisingly unique tone that retains the tightness and clarity of the 6505+.

Yah, HM-2 is what i meant. I'm just not a fan of that early sound. Frankly, their tone lately has been great, especially on the new album.

The best option for the OP in terms of tone would be to really get what Björn Gelotte uses now which is a Marshall JVm 410h. It will give him that slightly early In Flames sound that he's looking for with what they sound like now. A lot of people overlook the Marshalls for modern metal these days and they shouldn't.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2014
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^^We agree there. I rather liked the Marshall JVM 410 I tried -- better than most everything else I've tried, actually -- though I still prefer my 6505+. A lot of people don't like the JVM series for some reason -- I think it's because it doesn't sound like a classic Marshall.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2014
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Yeah, the odds of you finding one in Serbia are probably pretty slim. However they're regularly found on eBay.

You are right, in Serbia is almost impossible to buying some strings what you want :D
Two weeks ago I was in the biggest musicshop in Serbia...I wanted to buy a 12-56 strings, the seller look at me, like I had ask something punishable :D
The guy told me, that this thickness had never asked by customers (ok, I belive, Serbia is not a metal country like Sweden, but, it's a musicshop, and it's the biggest...). The thickest strings was the 12-54, and only from the Dunlop. Unbelievable, but true.

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