Peavey 5150/6505 for home?

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All The Br00tz
Oct 6, 2013
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You are right, in Serbia is almost impossible to buying some strings what you want :D
Two weeks ago I was in the biggest musicshop in Serbia...I wanted to buy a 12-56 strings, the seller look at me, like I had ask something punishable :D
The guy told me, that this thickness had never asked by customers (ok, I belive, Serbia is not a metal country like Sweden, but, it's a musicshop, and it's the biggest...). The thickest strings was the 12-54, and only from the Dunlop. Unbelievable, but true.

I find it hard to buy strings from visiting physical stores in the US too. I end up buying them online.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2012
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My opinion: getting an amp like that for home use is pointless. I own a 5150 and love it. But whenever I play it at home I have to keep the volume so low it sounds like complete ass.

But I would do if I were you... Go to any music store in the world. Plug into their 5150/6505/whatever and play it at bedroom volumes. If you like it, but it.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2011
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Orlando, FL

i don't think telling someone that a tube amp with 50-100w that needs to have the tubes juiced in order to sound like it's supposed to is capable of that at home volumes. Are people really being honest here? :spock:

Why spend 500+ dollars on something that will never be used properly, will never sound like it should? That money could be spent on something that would fit that persons needs much better.

At a 1,2 or even 3 volume setting that amp won't sound any better than a modeler.

Here is a clip I recorded this past Sunday using my 5150 212 combo through my Aftershock 212 cab with Eminence Legend V12s...Volume was at .5. Sounds awesome to me...



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2009
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Here is a clip I recorded this past Sunday using my 5150 212 combo through my Aftershock 212 cab with Eminence Legend V12s...Volume was at .5. Sounds awesome to me...


Ok, first you're micing it, that's different. That's like having your ear right up to the speaker. Second, I'm not trying to be a dick here but it doesn't sound much like a 5150. It's not bad at all for the type of tunes your playing but it isn't what the OP is trying to achieve. What he is trying to achieve is a bone crushing metal tone and metal tones on tube amps require volume. That type of headroom can't work in a household environment :flame:


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2014
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As I read through these threads I find myself wondering if half of the people saying you "can't get good tone" on a 5150/6505 at low volumes have actually ever played one (or even heard one in person, lol). Also, saying they need to be pushed even beyond "3" on the post gain knob to get good tone is bordering on idiocy. I don't know about everyone else, but my 6505+ starts to sound like it should at "1.5." This is not an unreasonable volume for home playing, even with my 412 cab. If you shared a wall with someone, maybe a tad lower would be ideal. Really, it sounds excellent at 1.5. It sounds slightly better at "2." At "3" it will drown-out even the heaviest-handed of drummers.

Point is, they will work for home use. I lived for a year in a townhouse that shared a wall with a neighbor who never left her house. I regularly ran my 6505+ at 1.5-2. I never had a complaint.

But you need to run a boost (TS) to get it to sound good at those lower volumes. An EQ is also very helpful at both lower volumes and higher volumes.


Murder Machine
Sep 14, 2007
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Oshawa, ON, Canada
i've jammed out a 6505 on a mesa cab in home and stores with a boost and at reasonable home practice levels with great results

yes it will work for a home practice amp, end of story


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2009
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As I read through these threads I find myself wondering if half of the people saying you "can't get good tone" on a 5150/6505 at low volumes have actually ever played one (or even heard one in person, lol). Also, saying they need to be pushed even beyond "3" on the post gain knob to get good tone is bordering on idiocy. I don't know about everyone else, but my 6505+ starts to sound like it should at "1.5." This is not an unreasonable volume for home playing, even with my 412 cab. If you shared a wall with someone, maybe a tad lower would be ideal. Really, it sounds excellent at 1.5. It sounds slightly better at "2." At "3" it will drown-out even the heaviest-handed of drummers.

Point is, they will work for home use. I lived for a year in a townhouse that shared a wall with a neighbor who never left her house. I regularly ran my 6505+ at 1.5-2. I never had a complaint.

But you need to run a boost (TS) to get it to sound good at those lower volumes. An EQ is also very helpful at both lower volumes and higher volumes.

The point is if he's going to spend the money on one just to mainly play it at low volumes at home it's not worth it. There's more suitable things he could buy.

But hey at the end of the day if he wants one he wants one.


Murder Machine
Sep 14, 2007
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Oshawa, ON, Canada
It's better to buy what you want than to settle for less or something else

Besides, even if it's mostly used as a home level use amp, if he ever jams, plays live or records, he will already have the amp that does it all. Why get a home use amp, and then have to buy the bigger louder amp later for those uses. I'd personally only ever have a smaller practice amp at home if my main rig is at a jam space


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Massachusetts & Czech Republic
You are right, in Serbia is almost impossible to buying some strings what you want :D
Two weeks ago I was in the biggest musicshop in Serbia...I wanted to buy a 12-56 strings, the seller look at me, like I had ask something punishable :D
The guy told me, that this thickness had never asked by customers (ok, I belive, Serbia is not a metal country like Sweden, but, it's a musicshop, and it's the biggest...). The thickest strings was the 12-54, and only from the Dunlop. Unbelievable, but true.
Yeah, it can suck. Not just music gear, lots of things I could easily get near home right outside Boston were either hard to find or more expensive in Prague.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2014
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Richardson , TX
When I had my 5150, it was great (and it got used a lot at home). Yes, it sounds better louder, no one can deny that, but if thats what you want you can find a way to make it work (pedals, cab clone or the two notes torpedo?, volume pedal... etc). I now have the Mesa Mark V that I can switch to the 10 watt mode, but I tend to use my ipad and jamup because it sounds awesome, the app costs $20 (cheaper if you buy it on sale) and it wont wake up my kid at night. I have also used the TSE 50, I believe its called, It was seriously one of the best modeled 5150 tones I've worked with. Do what will work for you, but if you go the computer route, you still need an interface (or you could use a rocksmith cable), and a way to monitor the sound (studio headphones would be cheaper but you could get monitors).