Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery


Another Sinking ....
Aug 8, 2010
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Helsinki, Finland
You was asking for a full album and that is not gonna happen. Or at least you were referring to Meshuggah which did a full album.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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St. Paul, MN
Yeah dude...I don't see it. It isn't artistic integrity if they rerecord parts? And they like the new version so much they're keeping it? They do what they want, I highly doubt Sumerian (of all labels!!) said to cut the screams out. Misha even gave an explanation earlier in the thread, man.


Jul 7, 2009
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Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
I think their answer was directed more towards the screaming side of things. Rearranging a part for an EP is hardly something Sumerian would have enforced, Misha spoke wonders about how nice Sumerian are towards the band, I doubt a band that has (long list of brutal bands) would want to change vocals to be more 'in.' I think Jetpacks just works with clean vox, and it's Periphery's choice. They do what they want! :D


Dec 28, 2009
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I asked misha to re-record there debut album they've been working for five years because it didn't suit my personal tastes and then they re-recorded jet packs maybe to make it more accessible to girls? Girls suck ass anyway).

I have a feeling this dead horse has had the living shit kicked out of it for far too long but heres an explanation......

its funny, we were asked to do a radio edit cuz sumerian wanted to run a radio campaign for us, and my gut reaction was that it was going to be fail, but we all ended up loving the radio edit so much more than the original that we will just be playing that version live haha.

after spence wrote the singing part we were like man that part sounds so wasted with screaming. Though given how aggressive the riff was supposed to be im not surprised we all initially agreed that screaming would fit better.

Its kinda the way it goes though, when we hear a song we try to envision which parts would have singing and which ones would have screaming, and we just do our best based off of the vibe, im just glad we got a chance to revisit and improve this song further!

Yeah the radio version kicks ass... and somewhat scarily my wife even likes it :lol:

coochie woochie


who callin my phone?
Jul 1, 2010
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Frederick, MD
There was once upon a time when I posted this:

... to which Jake Bowen replied,

...and Misha agreed with Jake wholeheartedly:

... and then this happened:

... in which they clearly re-recorded vocals, a guitar solo, and removed all the screams (like 3 screams total I think) for some reason (maybe to make it more accessible to girls? Girls suck ass anyway). I love this band's music - I really do - and I appreciate the version in this video and have unspeakable amounts of jealousy for all of their individual talents. What I don't get is why they would say one thing and claim to have this artistic integrity and that they stand behind what they recorded, and then they prove that they like money enough to change their damned song for the sake of radio play. I like what they said about being true to themselves, and this one doesn't fell like that to me. It feels almost like their label wanted it.

BTW, Spencer's new vocal skills are killer. With as phenomanal as his cleans are, I can only imagine the screams these days.

I understand why you may be suspicious but the truth is that if the whole band (we run in a true democratic fashion) did not want to do this it wouldn't happen, the label suggests stuff to us but we're not forced to do anything. We were toying with the idea of doing a radio edit and we all thought it would be cool to have a song with no screaming since we do that kind of stuff too, and obviously Jetpacks was the track to do it on. This track isn't an indication of a style change or us trying to go "commercial".


Sir Paul of the Mosh
Apr 29, 2007
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Manchester, UK
There was once upon a time when I posted this:


I don´t know if you realise buy you´re coming across as incredibly entitled.
First of all you say it would be a quick job for them to simply re-record the vocals. Really? It would be a quick job?
Also, what does making a radio edit of a song have to do with re-recording the vocals for an entire album just to suit a vocal minority that somehow feels they deserve something? Sometimes you have an idea and just go with it, which could have been the case here.
Further, how does this challenge their artistic integrity? You have no idea what the reasons were for re-recording some parts and you can be pretty sure they did it to please themselves. They don´t have to prove anything to you either.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2010
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Wichita, KS
The above posts show that Sumerian initiated the radio edit. The band did it and ended up liking it; good, it's a great version of the song...

On the "artistic integrity" bit, Misha said "we write for ourselves" but this song sounds like "we didn't think the common radio listener could handle anything other than singing so we edited 3 screams out of a song". That's cool ,they want money, and their label wants to be able to make money off of them with a "radio campaign". It's just sad that a band has to do that to get played just because most of the world still doesn't get the screaming thing. Sure they probably had fun playing, singing, and re-recording those parts; I have fun everytime I record and always use the time to express myself. However; I think true artistic integrity would have been for them to play the original with the same awesome video and say "this is who we are and what our music sounds like". It still would have been better music than anything else put out on the radio recently.

At least Jake said this:

This track isn't an indication of a style change or us trying to go "commercial".

I hope that's true. I hope they don't change their preference in music simply for the sake of money. It's so easy for talented musicians to dominate in the pop market when it's such a cesspool of hacks. It would be all too easy for these guys to fall into that trap and this great style of music that they've engineered could go by the wayside.


Gearus Pimptasticus
Super Moderator
Apr 15, 2006
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Out there, somewhere
The above posts show that Sumerian initiated the radio edit. The band did it and ended up liking it; good, it's a great version of the song...

On the "artistic integrity" bit, Misha said "we write for ourselves" but this song sounds like "we didn't think the common radio listener could handle anything other than singing so we edited 3 screams out of a song". That's cool ,they want money, and their label wants to be able to make money off of them with a "radio campaign". It's just sad that a band has to do that to get played just because most of the world still doesn't get the screaming thing. Sure they probably had fun playing, singing, and re-recording those parts; I have fun everytime I record and always use the time to express myself. However; I think true artistic integrity would have been for them to play the original with the same awesome video and say "this is who we are and what our music sounds like". It still would have been better music than anything else put out on the radio recently.

At least Jake said this:

I hope that's true. I hope they don't change their preference in music simply for the sake of money. It's so easy for talented musicians to dominate in the pop market when it's such a cesspool of hacks. It would be all too easy for these guys to fall into that trap and this great style of music that they've engineered could go by the wayside.

Yes, we get it. You've said the same thing multiple times now and made your point. Now give it a rest.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Washington DC
You cant argue with people who want to be irrational.
And yet like an idiot im going to try to anyways haha!

If we had added screams, then it wouldnt be an issue because it would have been more to his taste or more "acceptable" by the metal community.
Well none of us give a shit what the metal community wants or expects, we write for ourselves and always have.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps we think that THE SONG SOUNDS GENUINELY BETTER with singing?!
I mean god, you are treating this like we did this to make money? Like this will be some cash cow, but that we are ashamed of it and are therefore hiding it but here you are calling us out on it? REALLY!?

When you grow up someday, you will understand that other people like different things, and that just because they changed something that you like, doesnt mean that they made it worse.
What would really be selling out would be catering to butthurt arrogant fools who arent happy with how TOTLABROOTZ!!1 something is.
We dont write music for you, go write your own.

Get over yourself dude...

Now, for those of you who ACTUALLY care and will be receptive to this, this is what ACTUALLY happened:
We were approached with the idea of a radio edit. Everyone in the band thought, meh thats gay we are gonna have to have a castrated Periphery song out there and we were initially against it.
But we figured we might as well try it out and see what comes out, and i think Spence writes amazing vocal lines, so i said we would attempt it, but that if it sucked (which we all assumed it would) we wouldnt go through with it.
We ended up with a version we thought was so good compared to the album version that we not only decided it should be the official version, but that the video should also feature it. (Because if it truly was a radio edit, we wouldnt have played it live and we sure as hell wouldnt have shot a video for it)

And thats all there is to it. Pretty simple really!


Aug 20, 2010
Reaction score
The new recording is awesome! Did you guys use a new mic or something? It sounds more atmospheric, i love it!!

what i see from this thread is that.. Icarus lives, Icarus lives contest winner, frak the gods, jetpacks was yes,not enough mana, Absolom, eureka are some songs on the upcoming ep, am i right?


Big Bear
Jan 10, 2008
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Shropshire, England.
I absolutely fucking adore the new version of this track, it's funny how such a small change can make such a massive improvement to a track.

Good work fellas.


Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Somewhere in New York
Now, for those of you who ACTUALLY care and will be receptive to this, this is what ACTUALLY happened:
We were approached with the idea of a radio edit. Everyone in the band thought, meh thats gay we are gonna have to have a castrated Periphery song out there and we were initially against it.
But we figured we might as well try it out and see what comes out, and i think Spence writes amazing vocal lines, so i said we would attempt it, but that if it sucked (which we all assumed it would) we wouldnt go through with it.
We ended up with a version we thought was so good compared to the album version that we not only decided it should be the official version, but that the video should also feature it. (Because if it truly was a radio edit, we wouldnt have played it live and we sure as hell wouldnt have shot a video for it)

And thats all there is to it. Pretty simple really!
NO. Editing a song, realizing you prefer that version to the original, and then making a video for it and having it on the radio clearly makes you a sell out.

:)ugh: I hope the sarcasm comes through.)


Quintessentially So
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
Saylorsburg, PA
I absolutely fucking adore the new version of this track, it's funny how such a small change can make such a massive improvement to a track.

Good work fellas.

I wouldn't really call changing the vocals, arrangement, and solo a small change :p

But I too love this version even better :yesway:


May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Long Island, Ny
New version is much better. They did the exact opposite of what most people wanted them to do and people are calling sell out?


Sir Paul of the Mosh
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
I mean god, you are treating this like we did this to make money? Like this will be some cash cow, but that we are ashamed of it and are therefore hiding it but here you are calling us out on it? REALLY!?

Yeah Bulb, he also deserves some of the massive loads of cash you made since he is such a good fan and obviously entitled to something. So fork it over!

Looking forward to seeing you live here in Munich, I'll make sure to buy you a bunch of beers.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Cracow, Poland
Wow nice retaliation, Bulb :p I am all for the new track and absolutely love it over the album version, but with that being said it was a bit harsh. Then again, I would probably also react in a similiar way.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Washington DC
Not Enough Mana might not make it, we got screwed by someone we were counting on for studio time at the last minute for spence to record his vocals, trying to figure out other solutions so that it can happen, otherwise it will be on the next album


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Washington DC
I wouldn't really call changing the vocals, arrangement, and solo a small change :p

But I too love this version even better :yesway:

the only actual change is the arrangement and the vocals that result from that, there are better takes of the rest of the vocals and the solo but those are pretty much the same if you compare them


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Washington DC
Wow nice retaliation, Bulb :p I am all for the new track and absolutely love it over the album version, but with that being said it was a bit harsh. Then again, I would probably also react in a similiar way.

Dont worry, ill still be nice to the rest of you guys.
But when someone wants to be obtuse for no reason other than to just try to release some much needed endorphins into his system, i have no qualms with putting him in his place haha