Pickup help needed. BADLY.

Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hjørring, Denmark
Hello there!
I'm standing with a VERY tough choice on my hands. Just got my Jackson Rhoads back from a friend of mine, who borrowed it for some gigs, missed the hell out of it, but during the time it's been gone, it got some trouble with some humming. Went it through and everything is good and dandy now.
My problem is, that I forgot how dissappointed I am with those Duncan Designed pickups, that sit in it stock. I am no good at changing pickups, so I would have to have my local guitar shop do it, and that costs money.(wich I don't have at the moment. Just bought an Ibanez RGD2127z :shred:)

I could afford to have the pickups changed, but I could DEFINATLY not afford to buy a new pair. The pickups that I have lying around are:

Duncan Designed HB 102 bridge and neck versions.
Caparison BH-IIR bridge pickup, originally from my Horus, but it was switched to a D-Acticator before I bought it.
DiMarzio D-Activator(as mentioned before) Bridge pickup. Was in my Horus until I decided to pop some EMG's in there.

Aside from those, I'm only in possession of singlecoils. My main dilemma is, that half of the humbuckers I own, is bridge models. I've seen a few people put a DiMarzio D-Activator Neck in the bridge position, but never the other way around. I know that it's possible with actives, but I don't have any spare EMG's at the moment.
All input is appreciated, and feel free to list what YOU would do with those pickups. ;)

Horns from Denmark!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Antwerp, Belgium
I don't see why the fact that they're bridge pickups would bother you. Sure, they're not voiced for the neck position but tone is a subjective thing and what the manufacturer hates might be exactly what you love.

The real question is, how much do you like the Rhoads? If you play it often I'd go with the D-activator...don't really know how it would sound in an alder body though.

You may also want to consider just looking at some video's on youtube, getting yourself a soldering iron and doing it yourself. It's seems like one of those things that most players think is really hard but it ends up being something you can learn with a little patience, kinda like changing strings on a floyd or setting up a guitar.


"TWAT" for short
Mar 18, 2012
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Austin, TX
I had a D-Activator in an alder Jackson and it was awesome in the bridge. If nothing else, I'd just settle with that in the bridge and the stock neck for now.

I'll second the suggestion of learning to do it yourself. I learned when I was about 16 and it took a few tries to get everything neat with no bad solder joints, but since then it's been smooth sailing :) patience, patience.