Pickup Suggestions for RG2027XL similar to Fluence Modern Ceramic without routing

  • Thread starter James W Thomas
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James W Thomas

Dr. Jim (Actual doctor, but not that kind)
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
For my RG2027XL, I'm looking a new set of pickups as similar as possible to the Fishman Fluence Modern Ceramic set, which of course won't fit without routing. I'd grab these without hesitation if they did; this sound is exactly what I'm looking for. Any suggestions?

There aren't many options out there due to the routing for the existing pickups. I noticed the Jeff Loomis SD set looks like it ought to fit. Any feedback on tone vs. the Fluence ceramic? How about fit - do the covers make it too tight by chance? BTW I checked out the Fishman Javier Reyes set (looked like a good fit) and wasn't very convinced that it would work but I'm open to correction.

I'm also open to suggestions for passive pickups. I'm guessing DActivator might come up. They're still on the DiMarzio site but they seem very, very hard to get. Are they even still in production?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
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Portland, OR
Is the rounded corners on the routings the reason the Moderns won't fit? Have you actually tried, or measured the existing routings? If it's a close enough fit you can take a metal file to plastic pickups and/or also carefully use sandpaper in the routing, but obviously if it's too big of a difference you're boned.

James W Thomas

Dr. Jim (Actual doctor, but not that kind)
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
No, I haven't tried. I had thought -wrongly- that they were the size of EMG 707s but it might be that the mounting tabs might be all that's stopping me from using the Fluence Moderns; that shouldn't be hard to fix. I put out feelers to a dealer about this - I have to think someone here must have tried this already too. Great thought, thanks!