Playing Agile 8 with NO tone control...Pot and Cap advice please!

  • Thread starter Riffmagus
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
Uk, South East
Hey all,
I have been getting back to my Stoner / Doom roots and been playing around with the Agile 8 with the tone controls dimed all the way back - so '0'.

I love the warm, round sound - which with the para eq on the Pod X3 boosted around 1.6 and 3.2 helps bring out the pick attack. But it's still very wooly.

For me, there is something very tempting to explore this technique. I do notice that my tone pot is WAY to fizzy on 10 - even by POD standards, and it appears to do very little until I back off to around '2' then we hit the wooly territory.

Are there any tone mods, or cap changes I can use to get more control out of the Agile?

I love the smooth sound this gives, but guess I need to EQ a ton to bring some pick attack out - or even try a 'cocked' wah sound. The sky's the limit.

when it comes to using the guitar in this fashion, Victor Griffin's work in 'Place of Skulls' is where I'm coming from - it's such a sweet sound. And that's a stock Gibbo bridge pu into a Laney GH100r if memory serves correct.

Hope this makes sense, I'd appreciate any advice how to make this tone more defined - without having to violin the pot itself when playing.

On a side note, I am getting rather fed up with the Pod X3 distortion tones - I might just get a Blackstar HT5 - and then use the Pod eq and fx to taste. Plus a decent 1x12 - it always seems to come back to tubes.

*sigh* the quest for tone is never complete!!

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U gonna eat that?
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hey all,
I have been getting back to my Stoner / Doom roots and been playing around with the Agile 8 with the tone controls dimed all the way back - so '0'.

I love the warm, round sound - which with the para eq on the Pod X3 boosted around 1.6 and 3.2 helps bring out the pick attack. But it's still very wooly.

For me, there is something very tempting to explore this technique. I do notice that my tone pot is WAY to fizzy on 10 - even by POD standards, and it appears to do very little until I back off to around '2' then we hit the wooly territory.

Are there any tone mods, or cap changes I can use to get more control out of the Agile?

I love the smooth sound this gives, but guess I need to EQ a ton to bring some pick attack out - or even try a 'cocked' wah sound. The sky's the limit.

when it comes to using the guitar in this fashion, Victor Griffin's work in 'Place of Skulls' is where I'm coming from - it's such a sweet sound. And that's a stock Gibbo bridge pu into a Laney GH100r if memory serves correct.

Hope this makes sense, I'd appreciate any advice how to make this tone more defined - without having to violin the pot itself when playing.

On a side note, I am getting rather fed up with the Pod X3 distortion tones - I might just get a Blackstar HT5 - and then use the Pod eq and fx to taste. Plus a decent 1x12 - it always seems to come back to tubes.

*sigh* the quest for tone is never complete!!

Using something less digital for distortion tones and eq-ing with the pod sounds like a plan..

As for what to do with the guitar itself..
Have you tried to fiddle the pup height?it is the only thing i can think of before starting to change things