Potentially blown monitor?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
I recently upgraded my KRK Rokit 5's with some used M-Audio BX8's (the StudioPhile series) and while they are a huge improvement over the 5's in terms of low frequency and a flatter response I've been noticing that the left monitor seems to be a little quieter than the right. last night I panned a guitar track back and forth between the left and right monitor and it seems the output and the sound is different on the left monitor.

This is the kind of thing that bothers me tremendously so I'm obsessing a bit about it now. I even switched back to the KRKs for the meantime while I try to figure out how I can determine if it's just my ears (or maybe that I'm a little crazy) or if there's something actually wrong.

I was thinking of swapping the left and right monitors to see if it is potentially their positioning on the desk/in the room or even the cable, but my question to the forum is whether there is some kind of test tone or frequency sweep I could use to determine if the speaker, probably more than likely the tweeter, is blown.

Thanks in advance.

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