Prostitution: Should it be legal?

  • Thread starter leftyguitarjoe
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He seldomly knows...
May 23, 2009
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Formerly from Cucaramacatacatirimilcote...
If a sex worker had protection of law, there'd be no real pressure on her to have unprotected sex. Rape is a crime, and if someone forced her to have unprotected sex. I don't believe (in these days of social media) that the rapist would be anonymous for long.

The main reason prostitutes who are raped don't come forward is because of legal complications. Take that away, and you have a news story about a rapist driving this kind of car, with this physical description. Other prostitutes would keep up on such things. That scumbag would be caught pretty quickly if he was already dependent on prostitutes. In some states, where concealed carry is legal, he'd even be dead.

And, thinking that someone would do something to ruin their ability to keep their license and their livelyhood, I find that very unlikely.

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The Somberlain

Hollow Man
Mar 14, 2010
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Tacoma, WA
To Xaios

STD testing should be part of the regulatory process of purchasing "favors." Should we not have credit cards because checking ID before a purchase is a bureaucratic inconvenience? No; those who wish to partake, like substance and guns need a perfunctory background check. This new commercial enterprise need not be different.


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
You realize we're talking about HAVING SEX, right? Not exactly something that most people use a daytimer to keep track of when they plan to do it.

"Thursday at 7? Ooooh, sorry, that doesn't work for me. I'm planning on having the contents of my testicles sucked out in a hotel downtown by a girl named Olivia. I can try to squeeze you in at 8:30 though."

STD testing isn't something that can be done at the drop of a hat. There are very, VERY few diseases that can be detected within minutes of a test. Some of them take at least two weeks to know the results. It's not like doing a criminal record check or a credit check where the results can be brought up on a computer near-instantly. Maybe in the future it will be like that, but it just ain't so right now.

I'm not saying that it absolutely can't work, but the shear volume of work and beaurocratic overhead needed to make it work would be absurd. This would only strengthen the demand for what would become illegal prostitution, thus making the whole endeavor pointless.


He seldomly knows...
May 23, 2009
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Formerly from Cucaramacatacatirimilcote...
So, Xaios, it's your contention that, unlike places where prostitution is already legal, prostitutes in the future would avoid safe sex?

If so, why would you think that a licensed prostitute would avoid protecting their health?


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
So, Xaios, it's your contention that, unlike places where prostitution is already legal, prostitutes in the future would avoid safe sex?

If so, why would you think that a licensed prostitute would avoid protecting their health?

Okay, first of all, that is NOT what I said, not even close. Don't put words in my mouth.

The problem isn't the argument for or against safe sex, but how it meshes with the necessary red tape to make prostitution legal. My ONLY purpose up to this point has been to point out the utter impracticality of prostitution as a legalized institution. This is because the unique nature of the enterprise means that it would necessitate an incredible amount of bureaucracy to maintain, and it appears that's exactly the case in places like Nevada. Plus, a quick search on Google tells me they're still a far cry from truly reconciling the issue.

Hell, just go here: Prostitution in Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's EXACTLY as I said: prohibitively expensive and has little benefits for the workers aside from a paycheque (no unemployment, retirement or health benefits). It also has a high volume of illegal prostitution, including child prostitution and human trafficking problems, and enforcement is shoddy. And while the regulated end of the industry does seem to benefit from the laws requiring protection from STD's, who cay if it's the same case with the prostitutes who are working illegally, which there evidently still are. I imagine they don't keep as detailed a record set on them. I sincerely hope the women doing it illegally are using protection, but the fact is, because they've chosen (or have been forced) to work illegally outside the confines of law, it's no guarantee.


He seldomly knows...
May 23, 2009
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Formerly from Cucaramacatacatirimilcote...
Xaios, it wasn't my intention to put words in your mouth. Since you addressed a few points from other posters, it seemed like you just dismissed mine.

You keep talking about how much paperwork and bureaucracy it would take to make any regulated business work. I don't see this as a huge issue. Sure, there are doctors and lawyers who practice without a license, and who get caught. There are doctors who do illegal procedures.

By using your arguments, there is no point to having legal and licensed medical professionals. It just wouldn't work.

Similarly, having a system where someone had to have a license in order to drive is just too onerous.

Clearly, the idea of needing a bureaucracy to enforce anything, including paying taxes, doesn't preclude something's feasability. Similarly, the fact that doctors and drunk drivers break the law doesn't mean that the licensure system doesn't work, just as the fact that scumbags also pimp out children.

And, of course, you're glossing over my proposal that pimping be illegal as well.


To say that legalization doesn't work because there are still those who break other laws is a little off-base. It's like saying religion doesn't work as a whole because there are those who take advantage of the faithful, don't you think?


NegRep For Free Porn
Apr 12, 2011
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Prostitution is not a bad thing, imo. I live in NV where it's legal.

Illegal Prostitution:
Skanky untested whores
Contributes nothing to economy

Legal Prostitution:
Less skanky, workers are tested and use protection
Less 'shady business' and crime happening
Contributes to economy

I actually worked as a freelance escort for a while. Not necessarily the same as a prostitute, as being an escort encompasses more than sex. Oftentimes the client just wants a nice evening out on the town.


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
Xaios, it wasn't my intention to put words in your mouth. Since you addressed a few points from other posters, it seemed like you just dismissed mine.

You keep talking about how much paperwork and bureaucracy it would take to make any regulated business work. I don't see this as a huge issue. Sure, there are doctors and lawyers who practice without a license, and who get caught. There are doctors who do illegal procedures.

By using your arguments, there is no point to having legal and licensed medical professionals. It just wouldn't work.

Similarly, having a system where someone had to have a license in order to drive is just too onerous.

Clearly, the idea of needing a bureaucracy to enforce anything, including paying taxes, doesn't preclude something's feasability. Similarly, the fact that doctors and drunk drivers break the law doesn't mean that the licensure system doesn't work, just as the fact that scumbags also pimp out children.

And, of course, you're glossing over my proposal that pimping be illegal as well.


To say that legalization doesn't work because there are still those who break other laws is a little off-base. It's like saying religion doesn't work as a whole because there are those who take advantage of the faithful, don't you think?

I apologize, it wasn't my intention to ignore your arguments, but that particular point was something I had really planned on touching upon.

Of course, there will always be people who skirt the law in almost any profession that pays well, and there will always be people who choose to make stupid choices. And the bureaucracy will always be there to manage the potential risk versus potential reward. The question is, is it justified?

Drunk driving is probably the most obvious comparison, being as many people are killed by drunk drivers every year. Unfortunately, society has been designed in a manner in which driving is pretty much an essential skill. It's a necessary evil, but there you go. Similarly, the risk of the presence of unlicensed medical practitioners doesn't outweigh the genuine need for real doctors.

In the case of prostitution, I just don't think it's worth it.

(Of course, I agree with the idea of much harsher penalties for pimps in either case.)


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
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Seattle, WA
I'm not really understanding why ppl want to "regulate" it... If a woman stands on a corner all day and all night waiting for someone to come along and bone her she can do so legally now so long as she doesn't ask for $ afterwards... :nuts:

There's a very fine line between a slut and a whore, you see.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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Bern, CH
I think prostitution has to be legal.. it always will be there.. I remember Lemmy talking about drugs, he said something like this: When people ask for it, there always will be a person who sells it.
he's right about that.

Here in Switzerland a girl can work as a prostitute at the age of 16! This is cruel -.-
She could perform in a porn movie, but she wouldn't be aloud to watch it till she's 18.
This country is messed up.


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
I'm not really understanding why ppl want to "regulate" it... If a woman stands on a corner all day and all night waiting for someone to come along and bone her she can do so legally now so long as she doesn't ask for $ afterwards... :nuts:

There's a very fine line between a slut and a whore, you see.

Suppose said woman was beaten into submission and forced into prostitution and is working the street corner on the orders of her violent pimp, and when she's not on the street, she's stuffed into a tiny bedroom with five other women, treated like human garbage and barely fed enough to stay alive. She might leave, but the abuse she's been put through at the hands of her "employer" has left her psychologically damaged.

Does that sound like something you really want to support? The industry would need to be regulated both to protect the workers and to protect clients.


BlackendCrust Metal™
Mar 29, 2010
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All I know is my pimp hates this thread, that being said I better double up on customers to night :(


I think it should be legal, its just one more way the gov can control you. :nono:

Whether it is moralally right or wrong is not for society to decide, its up to that person and thier own morals. :2c:

I would so sell my body....if i had any takers :fawk:


Rainbow In The Dark
Jul 13, 2008
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Where prostitution is legal (certain brothels in the US etc) it's retardedly safe and you can't even bring in a cell phone.

It's another bullshit law based on government thinking they have ANY right to EVER control what we do in the bedroom. They absolutely do NOT, and they NEVER will. And just like the illegality of a certain harmless plant, making it into a big criminal deal when it's not attracts BIG CRIMINALS that wouldn't otherwise exist. Huge amounts of dirty money, lives ruined and enslaved. Hooray.

Obviously it's more complicated to implement than I'm putting it, but jesus. There are still many, many laws to break down in the name of logic and compassion.