Prostitution: Should it be legal?

  • Thread starter leftyguitarjoe
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Waynesboro, PA
To answer the original question, in one word, NO.

This type of thing goes hand in hand with gambling, drinking, and drug use. Please don't take my post as flaming or attacking to anyone, I am not. I am however going with overall observations.

Legal Prostitution WILL increase STD's, violence, and oppression, no matter what rules/laws/regulations you attach to it. It would further objectify women in an already chauvinistic society/world, and such themes would run rampant. Have you watched TV lately? Like gambling ALWAYS increases crime, poverty, and personal/familial loss, prostitution would increase these too. Marriage would decrease. Abortion and single parents would increase, and in scale so would welfare claims. It would also open a gateway to other legalization of crimes which would further suck our country/world into the cesspool that is threatening us.

Further, I believe any self-respecting person with a sense of honor would earn another's affections.

How many people have been ruined by prostitution? How many families? This a course for fail.


I am Denko (´・ω・`)
Nov 28, 2009
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Lancaster, CA
I see it as a necessary evil. I certainly would be pissed if I had a daughter and her profession of choice was to fuck as many people as possible, however I see it as yet another form of personal choice being run by the government when it's really none of their business. If two consenting adults wanna have sex and one of them chooses to pay money for it as the basis, then I say go for it. If anything this might cause the number of failed marriages to decline. Reason being that people can just stop lying about what they really want, and there would be no need for shit like saving up for 3 months to buy a girl an engagement ring just so she'll keep fucking you. So called 'playas' can get their game on without fear of hurting anybody.

I do see that some regulation would be required of course. We don't want another baby boomer generation bankrupting the government. I'm also pretty sure I wouldn't want to see another new deadly STD (similar to HIV) popping up, so frequent testing would need to happen.

Tbh, I actually do see the scenario that Xaios was saying (that whole client-prostitute convo) happening. :lol:

I imagine that a business would take care of that beforehand though, and not with the actual hooker.

tl;dr version:
I'm all for the legalization of prostitution. It's a necessary evil (even was once allowed by the catholic church at one point for this very reason). It relieves men (and even women) of sexual frustration which therefore lowers the amount crimes like rape and molestation. It also, in my mind, would actually lower the divorce rate due to people not being force to marry before they fuck. I see it as a form of 'try before you buy' sort of thing.

Who knows, if this became legal, it could even become an olympic sport.:lol:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
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I think it should.

As for not being able to eliminate STD's completely from the trade, you don't exactly have any guarantees either when you pick up chicks at the bar. If someone gets the HIV from a prostitute, well, that's their own fucking fault for going to a prostitute :shrug:


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
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To answer the original question, in one word, NO.

This type of thing goes hand in hand with gambling, drinking, and drug use. Please don't take my post as flaming or attacking to anyone, I am not. I am however going with overall observations.

Legal Prostitution WILL increase STD's, violence, and oppression, no matter what rules/laws/regulations you attach to it. It would further objectify women in an already chauvinistic society/world, and such themes would run rampant. Have you watched TV lately? Like gambling ALWAYS increases crime, poverty, and personal/familial loss, prostitution would increase these too. Marriage would decrease. Abortion and single parents would increase, and in scale so would welfare claims. It would also open a gateway to other legalization of crimes which would further suck our country/world into the cesspool that is threatening us.

Sorry, but thats just plain wrong.

At first: the only real direct connection between prostitution and gambling is, when pimps cashed out big time, they go to the casino. They do this, if prostitution is legalized or not. Besides that, no, there is no connection. Its 2011, not 1895. Between prositution and drugs? Well, (some) drugs are increasing illegal prostitution (because broke heroin-addicts will do anything), not vice versa. Big difference.

But anyway: Prostitution happens - if its legalized or not. The difference is: When its legalized it can be "controlled".

Living in a country which legalized prostitution years ago - ALL statistics show clearly that in EVERY aspect, direct and related issues got much better, if not even could be cleared out.

Why? Well, because brothels are under heavy regulations here, every prostitute has a monthly all-over health check (including HIV of course), and also the buildings/rooms are getting controlled. Owners have to keep books of everything, its pretty transparent, taxes are paid, the women are INSURED, they have RIGHTS, further it is at the same time controlled that no illegal or underage girls/women are hired in the legal brothels.

Where is the downside here? Because again: Prostitution DOES happen and WILL happen, legalized or not. Why not make it safer??

Illegal prostitution still exists of course, just as everywhere, but its going down year by year. This is of course just a matter of how hard everthing is controlled - if i take a look at "neighbour" countries, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria...things are far worse there when its up to illegal prostitution (because corruption is still a big issue, but thats a different story...)

Also - its much "easier" here now for girls/women to ask and search for help if they are forced into prostitution. Because not only are there official offices specialized in this, but they dont have to accuse themselves of a crime anymore - so whatever happens afterwards can only be BETTER (and not going from one "cell" to another).
("easier" in quotation marks, because of course it is everything but for sure not "easy", but from the states/governments side it is made as easy as possible)

And finally - if you are really interested, than research statistics and studies about the relation between sexual abuse/sexual crime and prostitution - you will soon find out that many crimes are prevented if potential criminals have the possibility to get sex/their "kicks" legal.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2008
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Well SOMEBODY likes his prostitutes!

Just kidding that was a great post.

I think there's bigger shit to worry about and what happens between consenting adults is nobody's business. The only issue I feel strongly about is forced prostitution, aka sex slaves. Around here they busted a place that had a bar as the front, and then you walked through some alleys to a safehouse where they had women basically under lock and key. It was a big story in the press. But I think criminalization only makes these kind of things more likely. In any illegal trade there is a huge premium that provides criminals with the incentive to risk their freedom. That drives them to be ruthless. On the one hand they are making a lot of money. On the other hand they know they are going to jail if they're caught. Combine those two and you have someone who is seriously not fucking around. The kind of person who will imprison the women, beat them, threaten their families, get them hooked on drugs, etc.. If it was legal there wouldn't be such a monetary incentive for pimps to be that way.

Dead Undead

New again
Jan 23, 2011
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Sorry, but thats just plain wrong.

At first: the only real direct connection between prostitution and gambling is, when pimps cashed out big time, they go to the casino. They do this, if prostitution is legalized or not. Besides that, no, there is no connection. Its 2011, not 1895. Between prositution and drugs? Well, (some) drugs are increasing illegal prostitution (because broke heroin-addicts will do anything), not vice versa. Big difference.

But anyway: Prostitution happens - if its legalized or not. The difference is: When its legalized it can be "controlled".

Living in a country which legalized prostitution years ago - ALL statistics show clearly that in EVERY aspect, direct and related issues got much better, if not even could be cleared out.

Why? Well, because brothels are under heavy regulations here, every prostitute has a monthly all-over health check (including HIV of course), and also the buildings/rooms are getting controlled. Owners have to keep books of everything, its pretty transparent, taxes are paid, the women are INSURED, they have RIGHTS, further it is at the same time controlled that no illegal or underage girls/women are hired in the legal brothels.

Where is the downside here? Because again: Prostitution DOES happen and WILL happen, legalized or not. Why not make it safer??

Illegal prostitution still exists of course, just as everywhere, but its going down year by year. This is of course just a matter of how hard everthing is controlled - if i take a look at "neighbour" countries, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria...things are far worse there when its up to illegal prostitution (because corruption is still a big issue, but thats a different story...)

Also - its much "easier" here now for girls/women to ask and search for help if they are forced into prostitution. Because not only are there official offices specialized in this, but they dont have to accuse themselves of a crime anymore - so whatever happens afterwards can only be BETTER (and not going from one "cell" to another).
("easier" in quotation marks, because of course it is everything but for sure not "easy", but from the states/governments side it is made as easy as possible)

And finally - if you are really interested, than research statistics and studies about the relation between sexual abuse/sexual crime and prostitution - you will soon find out that many crimes are prevented if potential criminals have the possibility to get sex/their "kicks" legal.

Ah, but remember, in America, we're backwards and hypocritical. Either way we're fucked (ka-zing). We say (more like generalize, or stereotype) that Europeans are more morally loose, but then we fail to look at our own situation. It only further proves how ignorant we actually are.

I don't think America will ever be mature enough to handle... well, anything, really.


Oct 10, 2010
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Grants Pass, Oregon
Xaios said:
Oh God, someone has to superimpose Obama's face onto a picture of "A Pimp Named Slickback" from The Boondocks! :lol:

Ask, and you shall receive.



All Fourths Advocate
Aug 12, 2009
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Queensland, Australia
I just recently found out that it's already legal here in Australia. I don't know what impact that has but I certainly haven't become a sexually corrupted fiend because of it.

Also gambling is legal here. It's like Vegas, but with kangaroos. :lol:


All Fourths Advocate
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
I would assume that if you buy the same prostitute's services, you get a card, and each time you pay for sex, she stamps it. When you have ten stamps, you can redeem it for free anal.

But that's just my take on it.