PRS SE 7 -What kind of interest?

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Not using 5150s
Jul 24, 2005
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i dunno, i think that most people who want a 7 want to tune down, want to have the ability to use the guitar to its fullest extent, i would love to see one of these guitars in a bit of a longer scale, 24 fret, with a neck thru and a really flat wide neck. i have always loved the fret work on these guitars, just the radius and width always bummed me out. maybe 26 1/4 length 24 fret, flatter radius neck. something that can be used for more than standard tuning. i would be all over something like this.

Seems like you want a Schecter then :lol:

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2007
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Upstate NY
i dunno, i think that most people who want a 7 want to tune down, want to have the ability to use the guitar to its fullest extent, i would love to see one of these guitars in a bit of a longer scale, 24 fret, with a neck thru and a really flat wide neck. i have always loved the fret work on these guitars, just the radius and width always bummed me out. maybe 26 1/4 length 24 fret, flatter radius neck. something that can be used for more than standard tuning. i would be all over something like this.

Not me. I got into 7s so I don't have to tune down, or at least not as much. And seriously? A neck through PRS with those specs? Just buy something else and have the frets done to your liking. Besides, after the first re-fret or dressing it won't be quite the same anyway. I say a Custom 24 +1 string. End of story.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Seattle, WA
Not me. I got into 7s so I don't have to tune down, or at least not as much. And seriously? A neck through PRS with those specs? Just buy something else and have the frets done to your liking. Besides, after the first re-fret or dressing it won't be quite the same anyway. I say a Custom 24 +1 string. End of story.



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Didn't both Ibanez and ESP/LTD have 24.75" scale 7-strings at one point (SG copies)?

I know I played the Ibanez one time and it was fine.

Yeah ibby had the AX 7 model I think or something, doesn't have the best reputation though.


Beef Jerky Time
Jul 1, 2008
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Canyon Lake, TX
yeah you guys are right, i want a 7 string that cant do anything but one thing, also im gonna go out on a limb here and say that more then just death metal players use alternate tunings and extended scale. so yeah, you guys are right, i would love to just get me another guitar that can only be used for one thing. LETS NOT GO SAYING THAT EVERYONE ON HERE IS A DEATH METAL PLAYER. i may play in a metal band, but im almost positive that i love all music. and no offence, but i like a gutiar that can do a multitude of things. thats why i made a suggestion. i think there are enough one trick pony guitars out there. and i would not play a schecter thanks.

I understand you're reasoning for wanting an extended scale. What I'm trying to say is that, for some of us, extended scale is what will make it a one-trick pony. I do have quite a bit of experience with extended scales (3 Schecters, 3 Intrepids, and a baritone sixer who's make escapes me atm), and for me they really take away from the playability. I play a fair amount of all genres, and for country in particular, extended scales make some of them impossible for me to play. Chicken-pickin' on a baritone scale just destroys my wrist.

This thread is purely for gauging interest and seeing what the players would want. So like I said, everyone should just voice what they want, and not make broad assumptions about what is "better" for a seven string.

I apologize for trying to pigeon-hole you or anybody else into a certain genre. There are just so many new guitars that I would love to own, but then I see the scale length and they are ruined for me (case in point, RGD2127).

I just get frustrated that there seems to be this over-riding sentiment throughout the board that longer scales are inherently better, somehow.


Feb 21, 2008
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I'm not sure I'd agree that 1/2" doesn't make a noticeable difference, because people that can tell the difference between 24.75" & 25.5" should also be able to pick up on that, since it's only .25" away from the shorter scale.

Not saying it matters or would make much of a difference though. I have 25.5" & 24.75 6-strings and even though I prefer 25.5", I'm fine with both. If I wanted a 7-string PRS, 25" wouldn't stop me from wanting it.

I wonder if Carvin ever tried a 25" seven... since they're another 25" company, but went with 25.5" for the sevens. :scratch:


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
I'm not sure I'd agree that 1/2" doesn't make a noticeable difference, because people that can tell the difference between 24.75" & 25.5" should also be able to pick up on that, since it's only .25" away from the shorter scale.

Not saying it matters or would make much of a difference though. I have 25.5" & 24.75 6-strings and even though I prefer 25.5", I'm fine with both. If I wanted a 7-string PRS, 25" wouldn't stop me from wanting it.

I wonder if Carvin ever tried a 25" seven... since they're another 25" company, but went with 25.5" for the sevens. :scratch:

Typically, people can tell the difference between a 24.75" and 25.5" scale guitars, only because the two guitars differ in other ways, such as neck thickness, upper fret access, bridge type, fretboard radius, etc. For instance, a Les Paul and a Telecaster. Though, if you take two of the EXACT same guitar, except have one be 24.75" and 25.5" and did a blind study, I bet most wouldn't be able to tell definitively. Not to mention that .75" (not .25) difference is even more then the 25.5" verses 25" being most debated.

Just do the math. (This is all using a .009 gauge set.)

A .009 high E string on a 24.75" scale has a tension of 12.33lbs.
A .009 high E string on a 25" scale has a tension of 12.58lbs.
A .009 high E string on a 25.5" scale has a tension of 13.09lbs.

To put that in perspective just a little bit, if you were to place a .010 string on the high E on a 25.5" scale, the tension would increase by 3.15 lbs (.010 gauge tuned to E = 16.24lbs).

That means the difference in tension is over six times greater when going up one string size compared with adding .5" to the scale.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2009
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I think 25" is plenty long for a 7 string. If PRS were to make a 7-string, I don't think the prospective market is the group of guys looking for super-tight modern metal tones. I think they'll be making the guitar for those who already like PRS guitars and would like to have a bit of added range. At 25", you get that trademark sweet, creamy tone that PRS have built their names on. Even with that said, I have my Gibson LP tuned to A# with .056's and if you ask me, the 24.75" scale handles it just fine. If PRS put out a 7 with a 25" scale and I had money for a new guitar, I'd definitely give it a shot.



Mar 2, 2009
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tomsriver nj
I understand you're reasoning for wanting an extended scale. What I'm trying to say is that, for some of us, extended scale is what will make it a one-trick pony. I do have quite a bit of experience with extended scales (3 Schecters, 3 Intrepids, and a baritone sixer who's make escapes me atm), and for me they really take away from the playability. I play a fair amount of all genres, and for country in particular, extended scales make some of them impossible for me to play. Chicken-pickin' on a baritone scale just destroys my wrist.

This thread is purely for gauging interest and seeing what the players would want. So like I said, everyone should just voice what they want, and not make broad assumptions about what is "better" for a seven string.

I apologize for trying to pigeon-hole you or anybody else into a certain genre. There are just so many new guitars that I would love to own, but then I see the scale length and they are ruined for me (case in point, RGD2127).

I just get frustrated that there seems to be this over-riding sentiment throughout the board that longer scales are inherently better, somehow.

see i think this is the problem with guitar companies, if a guitar company would just realized that there is a wide market out there for a seven string player, they would make so much more money, move more guitars and have a HUGE player base.

i only said that i disagreed with everyone else because everyone else was saying there was NO call for an extended scale, longer neck guitar from this company(read back). when in fact there is such a call because there are players that love the quality of prs and would love to see a guitar they could use.

i was not saying however that there shouldnt be a standard (24.5to 25.5) scale neck. i was only saying that i would like to see a guitar like this happen. not that there shouldnt couldnt or wouldnt be the opposite of what i would like to see.

so from what i see here it is all of you who is telling me that i cant have what i want because it isnt as pure as what you want. far be it from me a lowly death metal player to have an opinion that might not mesh with all of you other 7 string players out there...but i would love to see PRS be the first company to put out a multitude of options and styles of 7s. that would be just uncalled for. (if you all couldnt tell i am offended that the fact that i play in a death metal band was brought into a thread about what we ALL would like to see from prs. sorry im not in a bluegrass band). :fawk:



Power Metal Cellist
Dec 18, 2007
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Manhattan, NY
The problem with your argument is that in fact the 7-string market is a tiny little niche within the overall guitar market. Miniscule. There is no "HUGE player base."

Complain about it all you want, but it's a sad truth. Even a company like PRS will likely only release one seven-string model as tooling up for a totally different neck and headstock width/shape, different body routes, and different bridges is expensive and they need to see the potential for a good return on said investment in order to start building product.

Building two different models with only a body shape difference is expensive. Offering two different models with different neck/scale/fingerboard specs or neck attachment methods is even more prohibitively expensive, and limits your market even more.

My reason for asking for a more traditional PRS-ish seven is that we don't have anything like that on the market. There is no 25" scale vintage trem or stopbar mahogany body/neck guitar out there right now. And isn't providing more options always better? Schecter, Ibanez, and to a smaller extent Rondo have the extended-range area covered. Let's get something different.


Mar 2, 2009
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tomsriver nj
The problem with your argument is that in fact the 7-string market is a tiny little niche within the overall guitar market. Miniscule. There is no "HUGE player base."

Complain about it all you want, but it's a sad truth. Even a company like PRS will likely only release one seven-string model as tooling up for a totally different neck and headstock width/shape, different body routes, and different bridges is expensive and they need to see the potential for a good return on said investment in order to start building product.

Building two different models with only a body shape difference is expensive. Offering two different models with different neck/scale/fingerboard specs or neck attachment methods is even more prohibitively expensive, and limits your market even more.

My reason for asking for a more traditional PRS-ish seven is that we don't have anything like that on the market. There is no 25" scale vintage trem or stopbar mahogany body/neck guitar out there right now. And isn't providing more options always better? Schecter, Ibanez, and to a smaller extent Rondo have the extended-range area covered. Let's get something different.

i can see your point, but if you dont want real answers, dont ask real questions. .what was asked was, what would you like to see happen if....... and my response was that of what i would like to see happen. as much as i feel like you have a point about 7 strings being a small player field, i have to disagree that any one company has it locked. when is the last time you were able to find a baritone rg 7 model in your local music store. NO ONE has it locked. it might get made, but you arent finding it WITH EASE. AGILE is really the only company that offers it on a large scale. and shit man, why wouldnt i want a prs quality 7 string guitar, what player wouldnt like to see that happen. so you are right about cost effective guitars, ill give you that, but dont ask, and i wont tell. telling me i cant voice the specs i would like to see happen is like you telling me i have to like fords, or i do not sir. i like what i like.

point well taken about the cost is a good one.

ps, im still pissed about the death metal thing. F*&K!


Power Metal Cellist
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
when is the last time you were able to find a baritone rg 7 model in your local music store. NO ONE has it locked. it might get made, but you arent finding it WITH EASE. AGILE is really the only company that offers it on a large scale.

Well, considering only Ibanez makes the RG, pretty much only Ibanez is going to be the one to provide it. They also just released the RGD320, which offers a 26.5" scale (albiet not in a seven string format.)

If you want a baritone 7, snag one of the new Damien-7s. 26.5" scale, mahogany body, bolt-on maple neck. I can guarantee you'll find one in nearly any major music store, and if not they can get you one fairly quickly.

Like you said, Agile fulfills the 27" 7-string itch, and they even do a very RG-ish shape and neckthru.

No one does a PRS-ish 7. No one. That's why I'm for something a little different, because if you want a "baritone RG7" buy an Ibanez or a Schecter, because they both actually make them, and they should be fairly widely available now.

(Also note that this thread is talking about the PRS SE range (the cost-effective made-in-Korea line) rather than a USA-built full-on $2.5k+ monster.)


Mar 2, 2009
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tomsriver nj
But you don't want something different.

You basically want PRS to do what every other company is doing with 7's

And WOW, you're annoying. Please do stop commenting.

as for you..... remember that shift key that was mentioned before. you know the one that isnt that far out of reach, i keep it right next to this key :fawk: have a nice day.


Mar 2, 2009
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tomsriver nj
Well, considering only Ibanez makes the RG, pretty much only Ibanez is going to be the one to provide it. They also just released the RGD320, which offers a 26.5" scale (albiet not in a seven string format.)

If you want a baritone 7, snag one of the new Damien-7s. 26.5" scale, mahogany body, bolt-on maple neck. I can guarantee you'll find one in nearly any major music store, and if not they can get you one fairly quickly.

Like you said, Agile fulfills the 27" 7-string itch, and they even do a very RG-ish shape and neckthru.

No one does a PRS-ish 7. No one. That's why I'm for something a little different, because if you want a "baritone RG7" buy an Ibanez or a Schecter, because they both actually make them, and they should be fairly widely available now.

(Also note that this thread is talking about the PRS SE range (the cost-effective made-in-Korea line) rather than a USA-built full-on $2.5k+ monster.)

i back all of these statements accept the one about the schecter. cant do it.


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
Well, considering only Ibanez makes the RG, pretty much only Ibanez is going to be the one to provide it. They also just released the RGD320, which offers a 26.5" scale (albiet not in a seven string format.)

If you want a baritone 7, snag one of the new Damien-7s. 26.5" scale, mahogany body, bolt-on maple neck. I can guarantee you'll find one in nearly any major music store, and if not they can get you one fairly quickly.

Like you said, Agile fulfills the 27" 7-string itch, and they even do a very RG-ish shape and neckthru.

No one does a PRS-ish 7. No one. That's why I'm for something a little different, because if you want a "baritone RG7" buy an Ibanez or a Schecter, because they both actually make them, and they should be fairly widely available now.

(Also note that this thread is talking about the PRS SE range (the cost-effective made-in-Korea line) rather than a USA-built full-on $2.5k+ monster.)

Since when did RGD's not also come in 7s?



Pictures of guitars I don't even own anymore!
Super Moderator
Jul 21, 2005
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Woodbridge, VA
But you don't want something different.

You basically want PRS to do what every other company is doing with 7's

And WOW, you're annoying. Please do stop commenting.

...and Wow, you're getting a nap. At least he's trying to articulate a position instead of just being an ass.


Pictures of guitars I don't even own anymore!
Super Moderator
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Woodbridge, VA
as for you..... remember that shift key that was mentioned before. you know the one that isnt that far out of reach, i keep it right next to this key :fawk: have a nice day.

You've been here longer, so you know better. Drop it after this. :nono:


Do not criticize as this
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score

really? arguing about death metal and 7-string specs? really?
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