Questions about a 1995 bassman cab / potential NR(ig)D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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So on a whim I decided to swing by the pawn shop a couple blocks from my house today (yes they were open the Sunday before labor day!?) And waaaaay in the back was a sunny beta bass head (no housing so it looks like it was possibly removed from a combo) and a 2x15 fender bassman cab. After checking the serial number it looks like it was made in 1995. No pics cuz it's still at the shop, but it has black tolex, silver grill cloth, the "fender made in the USA" badge on the front, and a vent at the very bottom. Also this one has the speakers directly over/under each other, not diagonal like ive seen with some bassman cabs. I've been doing some reading online but with all the variants off the bassman it's been hard to find exactly what speakers they were using for these at the time. The back plate just has the serial #, the model name (bassman 2-15), and the impefance info (both speakers are 8ohm for a total impedance of 4ohm).

It even sounded pretty good with the cheapy pbass copy I pulled off the wall going into the beta bass head. It's hard to believe the beta bass is only 100 watts. Going into both channels with the master on 5 it sounded every bit as loud as my mkIII, which is apparently 700w.

They have the head priced at $450 & the cab for $130, but they said they do $500 for both out the door, no tax. With that in mind does that sound like a good deal? I definitely don't need it, but me n my guitarist both have a habit of hoarding amps & cabs so we can keep our options open as far as what we wanna play .plus it's cool to figure out what kinda tones you can get when ya run a bunch of different amps in stereo.

So yeah, does it sound like a solid deal? I'd love to hear y'all thoughts n opinions.

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