Questions for Australians

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Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
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Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Ive never driven there actually, melbourne is a nightmare in the CBD though, hook turns, streets that suddenly snake around and lead you in the wrong direction, no right hand turns at MOST intersections X_X

Yeah, Melbourne is absolute heaven to drive around compared to Brisbane... Even with it's hook turns in the CBD, and the outer suburbs are just plain wonderful; a collection of long, straight roads :yesway:

It was a hard Tuesday night last night, we were all sleeping off 12 beers each at the time of this thread. :lol:

I happen to find Melbourne SO easy to get around in, but I would never attempt to drive through the CBD.

It may be interesting for you to go and see an AFL match, which you should easily be able to get tickets for while in Melbourne, and there's no shortage of venues.

Shopping in Melbourne is actually a big treat too, and very not gay.

:agreed: Melbourne shopping is easily the best in the country. Sydney has it's moments for some things (great markets), but it's so hard to dig through the thousands of asian-owned "souvenir" (read: Shit) shops.

shopping for what? guitars? overpriced and un educated salesmen ;)

Nah, seriously, Melbourne has some great shopping for just about everything.

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2010
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Melton, VIC, Melbourne
Ive never driven there actually, melbourne is a nightmare in the CBD though, hook turns, streets that suddenly snake around and lead you in the wrong direction, no right hand turns at MOST intersections X_X

NEVER drive in the CBD, just don't. Even if you can left turn your way to the only parking lot with spaces (which will be Melbourne Central), it'll cost you $40.

Learned that pretty quick.

I can't believe people are still running with this whole giant spider/everything kills you thing. XD I guess it's slightly amusing :p At least the spider part, from what I've heard American spiders are far more terrifying, the only 2 actually dangerous spiders in Australia, one of which has relatively slow acting venom and the other is only found in some areas and ambulances must carry it's anti-venom. Huntsmans here do get pretty huge though, but they're fuzzy things that like hanging around people.


Silence is Violence
Jan 14, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia
For those who can't drive in the Melb CBD, you all suck. :fawk:

Yes shopping in Melb really is good, even in a masculine perspective. With Docklands, Bourke St easy access to train stations it's pretty cool.

If you like a bit of the cultural/pretentious (depends on your tastes) you can hit the bars and clubs on Fitzroy (Brunswick St) and St Kilda (Acland St). St Kilda's right next to the beach too.

And yes, you need to see an AFL game. Melbourne isn't the same without it.


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
NEVER drive in the CBD, just don't. Even if you can left turn your way to the only parking lot with spaces (which will be Melbourne Central), it'll cost you $40.

Learned that pretty quick.

I can't believe people are still running with this whole giant spider/everything kills you thing. XD I guess it's slightly amusing :p At least the spider part, from what I've heard American spiders are far more terrifying, the only 2 actually dangerous spiders in Australia, one of which has relatively slow acting venom and the other is only found in some areas and ambulances must carry it's anti-venom. Huntsmans here do get pretty huge though, but they're fuzzy things that like hanging around people.

It's just meant to be funny :lol:

For the record, we actually have a fair few venomous spiders... Not least of which are the Sydney Funnel Web, White Tail, Wolf Spider and Redback. They're not all "unique" to Aus, but they are certainly all here and all dangerous...

I think Snakes is more where we come into our own... Copperheads, the two species of Brown Snakes, The King Brown (Mulga), Tiger Snakes, Death Adders, Red Bellies, Yellow Bellies, Taipans, Fierce Snake... It's pretty crazy really.


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
Luckily the only Spiders we see in my parts are Huntsman, White Tails and Red Backs, the former being big and scary, but harmless, the latter 2 being reasonably dangerous but small and easy to kill, unlike Huntsman, which crawl until none of their legs work.


Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Australia fucking rules. Whether you spend more time in Melbourne or Sydney, I'm sure you'll have fun. Being that it sounds like you'll be in cities for the most part, don't worry about the wildlife - you won't see much.

The following advice should enhance your visit:

- Don't stop at stop signs, nobody does. In fact, every other driver and pedestrian will think you're looking for man-love if you stop at stop signs and will chase you, tirelessly.

- Do not tip a waitperson, they're actually paid decently. Tipping a waitperson can be dangerous to yer health.

- Our economy isn't fragile. But spend big regardless, it'll make you feel like you've REALLY had a holiday. Or you could spend strategically and save your money for the compulsory mullet hair transplant. That way you might be able to afford the 'Kenny Loggins' style perm, which everyone knows is totally badass and sexy.

- If staying in a hotel, the minibars are complimentary so go nuts.

- There's some really spectacular historic architecture and native culture, flora and fauna in Redfern and Kings Cross in Sydney, and in Footscray, Coburg, Sunshine, Deer Park and St Kilda in Melbourne. Definitely check those out. It's a sign of peace if you wear your travel money belt on the outside of your shirt.

- Most importantly, find out which suburb/city you're in before commenting on an Aussie Rules or League game. Doing otherwise can be dangerous to yer health.


Resident Studio Nerd
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
Yeah I was very bored shopping in Sydney, I can't wait for my next trip back to Melbourne, it's one of my favourite places in the country, the atmosphere is perfect.

Where did you go shopping in Sydney... Sydney is a BIG place...

Melbourne is a nice CITY... South Coast of NSW is pretty much win (Jervis Bay for the epic win)... but Sydney is a wonderful place once you get to know it... trust someone who lives here now :)

Driving in a City is all about planning :D Also learning the routes and backstreests (and public transport map so you can avoid driving where possible :cool:)

- There's some really spectacular historic architecture and native culture, flora and fauna in Redfern and Kings Cross in Sydney, and in Footscray, Coburg, Sunshine, Deer Park and St Kilda in Melbourne. Definitely check those out. It's a sign of peace if you wear your travel money belt on the outside of your shirt.

You know it's funny when people mock Redfern (even sarcastically)...

There are now only a few areas in Redfern that are gross and run down... one of them is right on Elizabeth Street so rarely do bad things happen there... The other is right in the middle of Redfern... and anyone crazy enough to walk around there around Centrelink payday deserves to be mugged.

I actually live near Redfern in Waterloo quite close to one of the housing commission estates, it's not as bad as you might think :agreed:

Oh and the Parks in Redfern are kind of nice... Just not at 2:00am...


Ibanez Foerever!!!
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
Moncton, Canada.
Thanks for all the tips guys, not much info on the games yet hehe. Were mostly staying in Cities, we live on the east cost of Canada and both grew up in small cities or towns so we like bigger cities hehe (I know my profile says Ottawa but I'm no longer in Ottawa). We'll be visiting the zoos and visiting the wildlife but we'll spend most of our time in the big cities.

Also, is this a joke? Sounds like its too good to be true... please let this be real haha.
- If staying in a hotel, the minibars are complimentary so go nuts.

This too, didn't know this.
- Do not tip a waitperson, they're actually paid decently.

Thanks, send me more tips !!


RG7 Whore
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Unfortunately its not true haha all mini bars in pretty much all hotels, motels, brothels etc are over priced like a mofo.

Definitely hit up the main attractions I listed.

You'll enjoy Taronga zoo. I'm unsure what Zoo's are like in other countries. But you'll be able to get up close and personal with most of our native animals. Definitely make it a whole day visit.


Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks, send me more tips !!

I was joking about just about everything in my post. The minibars will cost as much as a classy hooah on new years. Also, you can choose to give tips to waitstaff after excellent service, but it's not rude as shit to NOT tip them, as I believe it pretty much is in the states. Never understood that, and the USA is just gonna have to deal with me not tipping if I visit.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Melton, VIC, Melbourne
Thanks for all the tips guys, not much info on the games yet hehe. Were mostly staying in Cities, we live on the east cost of Canada and both grew up in small cities or towns so we like bigger cities hehe (I know my profile says Ottawa but I'm no longer in Ottawa). We'll be visiting the zoos and visiting the wildlife but we'll spend most of our time in the big cities.

Also, is this a joke? Sounds like its too good to be true... please let this be real haha.

This too, didn't know this.

Thanks, send me more tips !!

Bring lots of money... not sure what Canada is like relative to the rest of North America but stuff tends to cost about 2-4x as much here as it seems to in the USA (mostly online comparisons though XD). It's going up massively at the moment as well.

- There's some really spectacular historic architecture and native culture, flora and fauna in Redfern and Kings Cross in Sydney, and in Footscray, Coburg, Sunshine, Deer Park and St Kilda in Melbourne. Definitely check those out. It's a sign of peace if you wear your travel money belt on the outside of your shirt.

Haha nice one. Glad you didn't include Melton XD


Ibanez Foerever!!!
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
Moncton, Canada.
I was joking about just about everything in my post. The minibars will cost as much as a classy hooah on new years. Also, you can choose to give tips to waitstaff after excellent service, but it's not rude as shit to NOT tip them, as I believe it pretty much is in the states. Never understood that, and the USA is just gonna have to deal with me not tipping if I visit.

Haha, you had me there for a minute. I mean its a different country and I hear everything is upside down over there so it could have been true haha.


Got Hype(machine)?
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Au
Haha, you had me there for a minute. I mean its a different country and I hear everything is upside down over there so it could have been true haha.
that being said, its not compulsory or expected that you tip people here, Ive heard in over your way its the other way? that being said, if someone is exceptionally helpful or good at their job, Ill tip if I can afford to


All Fourths Advocate
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Bring lots of money... not sure what Canada is like relative to the rest of North America but stuff tends to cost about 2-4x as much here as it seems to in the USA (mostly online comparisons though XD). It's going up massively at the moment as well.

+1 Rody Walker from PTH said that Aussie bear is really expensive compared to Canadian.


Got Hype(machine)?
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Au
+1 Rody Walker from PTH said that Aussie bear is really expensive compared to Canadian.

saw them last weekend. AMAZING live band, and if you are out and about, pre bottled beer can be up to 8-9 dollars per stubby.


Silence is Violence
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
If you're gonna go to see zoos and wildlife, take the time to go to Healesville Sanctuary. About 45 mins/1 hour outside Melbourne but you'll love it.

And if you smoke... forget it. A pack of smokes costs $17.50AUD here. I was shocked that last time I was in Tokyo, a pack costs $3.75AUD, and I remember Greg Christian from Testament complaining to my singer about the prices here. :lol:

I was joking about just about everything in my post.

The second you mentioned Footscray, Coburg and Deer Park, I knew you were. :rofl:

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