Randy Blythe arrested on charges of manslaughter

  • Thread starter Goro923
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Giver of the Likes
Feb 27, 2011
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Canby, MN
You. You are an idiot.

That is all

Really? Care to explain instead of saying someone is an idiot then bouncing? :noplease:

I shouldn't have said that you guys were basically implying it, it really just came off as that way. Sorry for offense if it was taken but it really did come off as that way with some of you.

And fuck yes on him getting out, I've been worrying about this quite a bit!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
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Adelaide, South Australia
BLABBERMOUTH.NET - LAMB OF GOD's RANDY BLYTHE: Czech TV Report On Today's Court Hearing Available

There is some footage of the incident. It appears as though Randy DOES have the kid by the hair if you look closely. Hmmmm :squint:. There is also a big guy behind Randy (presumably someone from LOG's security) that pushed the kid while randy is holding him. There is also some close up footage of the kid trying to climb on stage (he appears to be veeeery disoriented or something) and the bassist just kind of stands in front of the kid blocking him from the stage, which cause the kid to awkwardly stumble back on to the ground.

What a messed up situation all round! If it wasn't for Randy leading him by the hair and the excessively hard push the security guy gave the kid, I'd personally see it as just a typical crazy metal show antics that went horribly wrong. I mean, you see singers give stage divers little nudges or bumps (or more) constantly at metal, hardcore and punk shows and although i am 100% sure he didn't mean to kill the kid, throwing someone off by their hair is a bit too aggressive in my books. On the other side of the coin, you have to wonder why the kid was so persistent on getting up there? Apparently he was not under the influence of any drugs or booze. Perhaps he approached the stage in an aggressive manner that called for randy to take actions into his own hands. There is not enough video of the initial confrontation to tell. Either way, it was a freak accident and as far as i can see, IS manslaughter no matter which way you cut it or how shit the fact may be.

You have to think that randy was just trying to deal with an annoying stage diver while maintaining the "tough metal front man" act and did something in the moment that in hindsight, took it a bit too far.

It's like the whole Micheal Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) stand-up incident that happened many years back, but on a metal stage an with less use of the N-word.
Mar 30, 2011
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Butt salsa lane, oswego, illinois
judging from that video the guy that pushed the kid from behind should be on trial but even then he was just getting the kid off the stage out of fear of not knowing what his intentions were, good or bad. if randy is charged it will be complete bullshit because from what you can see in the video he barely has a hold on him.
Mar 4, 2012
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Overland Park, KS
BLABBERMOUTH.NET - LAMB OF GOD's RANDY BLYTHE: Czech TV Report On Today's Court Hearing Available

There is some footage of the incident. It appears as though Randy DOES have the kid by the hair if you look closely. Hmmmm :squint:. There is also a big guy behind Randy (presumably someone from LOG's security) that pushed the kid while randy is holding him. There is also some close up footage of the kid trying to climb on stage (he appears to be veeeery disoriented or something) and the bassist just kind of stands in front of the kid blocking him from the stage, which cause the kid to awkwardly stumble back on to the ground.

What a messed up situation all round! If it wasn't for Randy leading him by the hair and the excessively hard push the security guy gave the kid, I'd personally see it as just a typical crazy metal show antics that went horribly wrong. I mean, you see singers give stage divers little nudges or bumps (or more) constantly at metal, hardcore and punk shows and although i am 100% sure he didn't mean to kill the kid, throwing someone off by their hair is a bit too aggressive in my books. On the other side of the coin, you have to wonder why the kid was so persistent on getting up there? Apparently he was not under the influence of any drugs or booze. Perhaps he approached the stage in an aggressive manner that called for randy to take actions into his own hands. There is not enough video of the initial confrontation to tell. Either way, it was a freak accident and as far as i can see, IS manslaughter no matter which way you cut it or how shit the fact may be.

You have to think that randy was just trying to deal with an annoying stage diver while maintaining the "tough metal front man" act and did something in the moment that in hindsight, took it a bit too far.

It's like the whole Micheal Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) stand-up incident that happened many years back, but on a metal stage an with less use of the N-word.

As far as I can see, there are TWO people pushing the kid. Randy holding the guy's head/hair with one hand, then a security guard pushing him with both hands. Now unless they can prove which person caused the accident, or have both of them stand trial, I can't see how this isn't a total bullshit charge. It also looks like the kid/guy is already in the act of running and jumping off stage. There's no way that Randy's push gave him that much momentum.

The Reverend

Dec 12, 2010
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Arlington, TX
I'm going to shit if one more person questions that kid's motives. I'll shit regardless, as it's essential to life, but still. He wanted to stage dive. If you see someone getting onstage at an aggressive music show, they're going to jump, so get ready to catch them (if you're nice).

I can't watch the video, but if it is as y'all say, then I'm also interested in knowing how and why only Randy caught the charge. I suppose it's possible the security guys did too, and it wasn't publicized?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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Can someone someone post a direct link to the video, I'm either blind or stupid and can't find it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Honestly, I still side with Randy and not just because I'm a fan. The victim was being pushed towards the crowd by both Blythe and security, but all they really ended up doing was helping him stage dive. There is footage at the same gig right after where the victim was leaning over the barrier and fell over it face first. Looked like he was pushed by security, and looked more like the kind of fall that would have caused the injury. At least that's what it looked like from the video.


Stay negative!
Feb 12, 2006
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Sydney, Australia
Crazy stuff. Not really sure what's went on, it just seems like a terrible accident obviously. I'd hope he doesn't get jailed for this, but we'll just to sit back and see what happens.


Whisper into nose
Feb 22, 2010
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Vedbæk, Copenhagen, Denmark
If anything, I'd say it was the stumbling that could've triggered it, not the push. :squint:

At the push, Randy doesn't even have a clear grip at the guy, he just barely gets hold. His arm swings like it was supposed to push, but didn't hit. It was primarily the guard that had the full force there from what I can see.
But when the footage showed the guy tumble off the stage pretty much reveals how "drunk" the guy was. It's highly likely he was on something (autopsy reports, show 'em please), and there was hardly any audience at that area.

I'd call "not guilty", as the fatal injury was not done by Randy as far as the evidence shows.

Marv Attaxx

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Well, if you climb Maynards stage he's going Brazilian Jiu Jitsu all over you :lol:
Also: What Asrial said!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2011
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The autopsy report said he wasn't under the influence of drugs or alcohol but if he died 14 days later, wouldn't that stuff already be out of his system by then? Seems really weird that Randy's being singled out in all this. I hope it doesn't end up costing him in the end.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
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Adelaide, South Australia
^^^ Yeah, they said the coroners report showed no drugs or alcohol in his system, but he sure looks worse for ware in the second clip. Then again, I'm not sure if that particular piece of footage is from before or after the incident with Randy. You'd have to think it was from before, right? If you kept trying to climb up on stage after falling that hard, then you're not so bright or you have some other reason to be up there that has nothing to do with stage diving.

There is footage at the same gig right after where the victim was leaning over the barrier and fell over it face first. Looked like he was pushed by security, and looked more like the kind of fall that would have caused the injury. At least that's what it looked like from the video.

Are you refrering to the second clip in that news report or is some other video? If the latter, link pls?

EDIT: Some pictures have popped up of him allegedly holding the kid down by his shirt on stage. http://www.examiner.com/slideshow/lamb-of-god-1


Aug 6, 2011
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If anything, I'd say it was the stumbling that could've triggered it, not the push. :squint:

At the push, Randy doesn't even have a clear grip at the guy, he just barely gets hold. His arm swings like it was supposed to push, but didn't hit. It was primarily the guard that had the full force there from what I can see.
But when the footage showed the guy tumble off the stage pretty much reveals how "drunk" the guy was. It's highly likely he was on something (autopsy reports, show 'em please), and there was hardly any audience at that area.

I'd call "not guilty", as the fatal injury was not done by Randy as far as the evidence shows.

I've watched the footage several times now and to be honest, it looks like Randy gives the last push. Yes, it's a combined effort, but I think grabbing the kid by the hair is completely uncalled for and if there was a security guy on stage, why did Randy need to grab the kid?

Also, the autopsy suggested that the kid had no drugs or alcohol in his system. Have you considered that the way he moved after the incident - barely able to climb up and then rolling off - could have been caused by a serious head injury?

I do think this is a tragic incident and that the security at the venue is at fault for not dealing with this guy sooner if being on stage was not 'ok' with the band. Having said that, someone has died through someone elses actions and there has to be consequences for both Randy and the security guard in question here. Y'know, I'm sure this guy had family and friends and there's nothing fair about him dying at the hand of potentially one of his favourite people in the world.

Edit: Stupid of me not to think that the alcohol would have been out of his system by the time the autopsy was done. I think we'll have to wait for more witness testimonies.


Whisper into nose
Feb 22, 2010
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Vedbæk, Copenhagen, Denmark
I give that with the drugs, but alcohol vaporizes rather rapidly. Imagine a 3-week hangover? Yeah, that's realistic. Also, I'm surprised the guy didn't see a doctor or anything. A brain hemorrage is quite visible on the persons behaviour from what I've dealt with previously.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2011
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Some chemical drugs like cocaine vanish from your body after 24 hours. It's not very fair, It's the weakest substance that stays in your body the longest. Pot sticks around for a month or 6 months to a year if you smoke all the time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2008
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Mckinney/Denton, Tx
When I saw LoG in Dallas 2 years ago, they actually had to stop the show for a few minutes because a man was knocked over in the back of venue and needed to be wheeled out by an ambulance. His skull looked like it took some good damage, blood was everywhere, and the dude was OUT. However, the accident was never blamed on the band or any member that caused the "final blow" and there was no law suit. The man simply got taken care of and it was covered as what it actually was "an accident." In that same show the band also left the stage early because John Campbell got him in the face pretty hard with a shoe and when he took his bass over, members of the audience grabbed it and tried to pull it into the audience. LoG left right after that whole incident and didn't come back for an encore or anything.

My point in bringing this story up is to show that be band usually tries to protect itself and fans from this kind of thing happening too often. Sadly, stuff like this happens at a metal show. I have never been to a venue where the audience are allowed to come on stage and don't understand how there could be any debate as to who caused this other than the kid. We all remember the kid that jumped a fence at a six flags to get his hat but then ended up getting his head severed. No body was charged with manslaughter. This kid jumped an obvious barrier several times and knew very well each time that he was going to be pushed off the stage and back into the audience. He understood the risks, but proceeded anyway and one of the side effects took its toll.