Randy Blythe arrested on charges of manslaughter

  • Thread starter Goro923
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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I hope this isn't true and that Randy doesn't serve time. If is true, I find it hard to believe that it has taken until now for these facts to come up. It just doesn't smell right to me.

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Captain Shnazzy
Feb 15, 2011
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I hope this isn't true and that Randy doesn't serve time. If is true, I find it hard to believe that it has taken until now for these facts to come up. It just doesn't smell right to me.

Me too, I don't personally know Randy but he still looks like a guy that wouldn't try to hurt or kill anyone. I know it's manslaughter and that's a totally different term then homicide (even though my brain can't grasp anything). All I hope for that they let him go and tell him he can never return to that country. And I understand that this mans family would want justice and all, but no amount of money can make your family member come back. My mom even said that if someone ran me over she'd rather cry then take some man to court for money, because at the end I'll still be dead. Sorry of topic there, trying to get back on point is. I just want to know the truth along with everyone else.


Nov 1, 2011
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Jacksonville, FL
See, this makes more sense. If the dude rushed Randy, and that was the third time but security couldn't get to him quick enough, then the dude deserved to get shoved back out into the crowd. If he hit his head, then that's his own damn fault for now following the rules of the venue. Granted, no one deserves to die over it, but shit happens. If you touch a hot iron, after being told not to twice, and you do it any ways, you're going to get burned. This definitely wouldn't have been done on purpose, and it's example as to why you need to stay within the authorized boundaries, for your own protection and the band members' protection.


Nov 12, 2009
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Pittsburgh PA
See, this makes more sense. If the dude rushed Randy, and that was the third time but security couldn't get to him quick enough, then the dude deserved to get shoved back out into the crowd. If he hit his head, then that's his own damn fault for now following the rules of the venue. Granted, no one deserves to die over it, but shit happens. If you touch a hot iron, after being told not to twice, and you do it any ways, you're going to get burned. This definitely wouldn't have been done on purpose, and it's example as to why you need to stay within the authorized boundaries, for your own protection and the band members' protection.

On the same token,
you would think security would have been a little more alert after the first two times?

But its seeming likely that this is the case of a freak accident.


Jul 24, 2006
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Calgary AB
yes, which is why it is my example! There certainly ARE still first world type countries that will fuck you in the ass

some people consider Russia a second-world country like China

most communist or former communist countries are still too fucked up to qualify as a real first world country. czech republic is probably better than most of them but still.. I like Randy's chances on this one just because in the end he could probably bribe his way out of jail time


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Boston, MA
He threw a kid offstage back into the crowd. Part of the reasons many venues will not allow stagediving anymore is because of lawsuits and liability involved when people start launching themselves offstage.

People stage dive and mosh all the time. But the problem is, when someone gets hurt there's liability. Who's responsible? The venue? Security? The fan? The band?

By choosing to push the kid offstage, inadvertently, it sounds like Randy may have caused this kid some pretty serious injuries. That's what manslaughter IS. He didn't intend it, but he caused it.

I'm hoping this is something that can be settled quickly. I think it will end up being a case of two wrongs canceling out legally (Randy's pushing the kid offstage vs. the kid pushing his way ONstage), but then the family will win some sort of damages in a following civil suit. And I'd guess that this is the intent all along, it's doubtful anyone expects a conviction out of this.


Dec 6, 2006
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Columbus, Ohio
Being in a touring band, I have kicked my fair share of people off stage before, but that's if they didn't climb up to stage dive, all too often you have people that climb up there, trample your pedal board, and just try to mosh on stage. When I'm playing my mindset is "this is where you're at in the song, focus on that, who the fuck is this guy? get out of my way!", not "haha I'm going to fucking hurt this guy". Going on the assumption that he just kicked a guy off stage who was trying to climb up, I can assume that he was in a similar state of mind. When you're playing an intense show, you're running on adrenaline and for the most part you are on cruise control. I feel (based on the eyewitness account) that the fan was in the wrong. I feel terrible that he died, but he was trying to get to a place where he wasn't supposed to be. The venue may have also had a "no stage diving" policy, some places like that will actually penalize the band if people do it, so that may have also been a reason to get him off the stage (pure speculation of course). Either way, he shouldn't have been trying to get on stage. Imagine going to a Nascar race and trying to get on the tracks, or trying to climb into the lions cage at the zoo... not quite the same of course, but you get the picture.



Fuzz pedal hoarder
Feb 6, 2011
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Behind you
uh, yeah, and Russia isn't some backwards hellhole from the 1700's either, but I sure as fuck would not want to be thrown in a Russian prison for murder.

No, nor me, but the Czech Republic isn't like that. It is probably fairer and more legally developed than 'Murica, in fact... along with most of the rest of Europe. Just because it used to be Communist and blah blah blah doesn't mean it's still fucked up.

By choosing Russia you're kind of choosing a straw man, because it's among the most corrupt and violent countries in Europe.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2011
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If it is true that the fan had already tried to climb on stage twice before the incident, that definitely helps the case, as aggressively pushing someone back seems more necessary when he clearly hasn't gotten the message from security pushing him back.

The one thing that I fear is the jury/public opinion being biased against Randy because he is in a metal band and sings about violent topics. I feel like some lawyer is going to pull up lyrics to a LOG song and try to use them to prove that he has a violent nature or some bullshit like that.


Captain Shnazzy
Feb 15, 2011
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^ Sadly I'm sure they'll do this just to get a conviction of a high profile man just so they can say they did.

Snippet from Metal Insider

those who know the band heard the intruder may have been struck with a microphone before the security team forced him from the stage.” Sources say that the fan died of a brain hemorrhage several weeks later in a hospital. Novinky points out that the club the band was playing, Abaton, usually has a barrier preventing fans from getting on stage. We’re obviously not legal experts, , but it seems to us like the club might also be at fault for this unfortunate incident. There’s a degree of self defense involved here, and if a fan jumps onstage, they should expect to be removed. There are still a lot of details to be sorted out, but we’d hope that Blythe’s legal team is working on this, and are hopeful that the truth comes out.
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On a Musical Journey
Jun 12, 2012
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The one thing that I fear is the jury/public opinion being biased against Randy because he is in a metal band and sings about violent topics. I feel like some lawyer is going to pull up lyrics to a LOG song and try to use them to prove that he has a violent nature or some bullshit like that.

Every time an argument like that is used I want to...well, do this! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Boston, MA
e one thing that I fear is the jury/public opinion being biased against Randy because he is in a metal band and sings about violent topics. I feel like some lawyer is going to pull up lyrics to a LOG song and try to use them to prove that he has a violent nature or some bullshit like that.

Doubtful. That's t.v. trial shit. They don't need to show he's violent. I think the "slaughter" part of manslaughter is really confusing a lot of people here. Manslaughter just means you caused a person to die. It could be a punch in the face. It could be accidentally forgetting to latch the safety bar on their amusement park ride. Manslaughter means you did not intend for them to die, but they did.

Since he pushed the kid offstage, instead of escorting him off the side, Randy holds some liability for the kid's injuries. Since the kid died, that means manslaughter. Same as if he had punched or kicked him. It's technically assault.

However, the kid also broke the rules if he forced his way past the security. In addition, I'm guessing he was running at the microphone or trying to sing along, which means he entered randy's personal space. That said, he can and should say he just shoved the kid off, not realizing he'd end up back in the crowd. That makes all the difference between assault, and him just defending himself from the kid.

Most likely, since there's legal wrongdoing on both sides, there will be some sort of bargain and Randy's charge will be reduced to some sort of negligence. Or dropped entirely. But then the family will file civil suit and pursue damages. This is likely their goal in the first place, not to convict but to establish liability in order to pursue a civil lawsuit!
May 4, 2011
Reaction score
The story sounds fishy.

If he rushed the stage once, why wasn't he thrown out by security if they caught him? What about the second time?

People were stage diving in the videos I have seen, and the band could have said, "Stop getting on the stage".


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Doubtful. That's t.v. trial shit. They don't need to show he's violent. I think the "slaughter" part of manslaughter is really confusing a lot of people here. Manslaughter just means you caused a person to die. It could be a punch in the face. It could be accidentally forgetting to latch the safety bar on their amusement park ride. Manslaughter means you did not intend for them to die, but they did.


Manslaughter =/= murder.


On a Musical Journey
Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
But then the family will file civil suit and pursue damages. This is likely their goal in the first place, not to convict but to establish liability in order to pursue a civil lawsuit!

Why does it always come down to money :noplease:


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Why does it always come down to money :noplease:

Bc those w/o it will sometimes do anything to get it. :shrug:


I remember there was a point after I broke up w/ my last gf... Well she had some personal property of mine that was VERY expensive. Sure, being out that much $ kind of sucked, but I just let it go and considered it an expensive lesson learned. My dad, on the other hand, went off the deep end and wanted to take her to court and take more money than was even involved in the first place and I just found it a bit petty. :2c:

Granted, I probably should have fought a little harder for my shit, but whatever. It can be replaced.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Boston, MA
Bc those w/o it will sometimes do anything to get it

Not necessarily. Think about OJ Simpson. He was found not guilty, but then completely wiped out in the following civil trial. The Browns had absolutely no need for his money, they're quite wealthy. They just wanted vengeance on the man who killed their daughter. And they effectively destroyed his life.


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I think the important word there is "sometimes." I don't like to speak in absolutes bc you need far more cases to prove something absolutely true than to disprove it. :lol:

Whatever their motive, it's petty unless it's money the defendant owes. :2c:

A couple of pieces of paper don't really change what happened if someone is now dead. It's just something that somehow makes you feel better about what happened. Seems like a substitute for any other thing someone might use to escape something that's bothering them. Or just an excuse to be a petty ass bc the law allows for it. :shrug:

EDIT: Good call on the guy below me... I'm not even sure the cases we're discussing (Arrow and I) even really apply since this isn't the American system. Apologies.