Reallll quick clip, tell me whatcha think!


Lord Zorgatron
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Woodville, OH
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Made this really quick yesterday as I needed a clip of some home recording for a speech I'm doing tomorrow. That and I needed a good test for Superior drummer :lol: So here's what I did:

-Cubase 5 for the DAW, Made VST track for drums and 2 mono tracks for guitars panned left and right.

-Schecter Avenger 7 in Drop A into Line 6 Toneport UX1 using my Uberschall/Triple Rec patch on the right with my Big Bottom patch on the left. I used the X2N-7 for this, as well as really heavy strings. (84-52-42-38-28-13-10)

-Superior Drummer 2.0, tightened up the kick and made the snare a bit snappier

-For all tracks I cut lows below 40Hz to eliminate mud, raised low mids a tad and raised the high mids a bit to add definition to the guitars and give the kick a really punchy sound.

Comments/criticism on tone and the overall mix is what I'm looking for, whaddya think?

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Lord Zorgatron
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Woodville, OH
Mayhap :lol: I broke all my 68s and that was the closest thing I could find on short notice. I'm actually sorta diggin' it :metal: