Redstar Audio Cabinets are AMAZING!!

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hey all, it's been awhile since i've posted on here. I've been real busy and away from the computer.

Redstar Audio high-performance speaker cabinets

First off, Customer support is HUGE. Michael at Redstar is the most supportive, honest, down to earth person I've met to date. He is ALL about TONE. You can talk gear with him all day. He knows what he's talking about!

Michael @ Redstar is creating a whole new beast , and I guarantee Redstar is going to be a name within the community that everyone respects, and loves. As far as I'm concerned, he's already way ahead of the game.

Moving on...

I own a Redstar Havok 4x12 and Blackjack 4x12.

Both of these are equally amazing, yet very different from eachother. They compliment eachother VERY VERY well.

The Havok: My FAVORITE CABINET! You haven't heard low end with a 4x12 like this... I've played Genz-Benz G-flex 4x12, Mesa Recto's, Randal Xl's, Bogners Uber, and so on. (never played through a vht fatbottom though..) The Havok blows all competition out of the water. Trust me, I never thought I would say that. It almost brings a 3d sound to your rig. The Eminence Delta Pro's are amazing, and Redstar did them justice! You can even use this cabinet by itself, and it creates the most amazing tone. If you play detuned metal, you will not believe your ears. It's aboslutely punishing. The louder you turn up, the better it gets. It can handle ANYTHING. It's built like a tank! It's not super heavy, but very solid. The design and placement of the casters, wheels, handles, etc. are very ingenious. It's very easy to move around. Let's not forget their Blackrock Polymer Exterior Coating. This looks amazing, and will not scratch, dent, etc. Redstar cabinets are definitely TOUR READY! I could really go on about this cabinet as it's my fav. part of my whole rig.

The Blackjack: Wow, the Eminence Wizards & Texas Heats in "X" Pattern are money. I can stand anywhere and hear the perfect breakup from this cabinet anywhere! My other guitar player loves this, because he can hear me anywhere on the stage, regardless of monitors. It's VERY LOUD. VERY CLEAR, and VERY RESPONSIVE. If you are articulate, these cabs will play every it of it. Again, great for detuned guitar. Death/metal/hardcore.
Again, I've neve heard a cabinet quite like this one. Dont get me wrong, it handles the low's great. But this cabinet just shreds. Harmonics are so rich and unbelievable through this thing. It reminds me of a more versatile and better sounding Krank 4x12, mixed with a Vader 4x12. I hate to compare, but it is what it is. Loud and Metal.

Seriously guys, I would definitely at least check this company out. They are SERIOUS. They put many many years into their designs and technology. They are definitely a Secret Weapon for now. Each and every cabinet is like a baby to them. They take alot of pride in their work, as they should! It will be the perfect cab, when it arrives at your doorstep.

I really can't say enough. I finally found what I was looking for in my sound. You will too!

I will have pictures of my rig and sound clips of these cabinets for you all soon!

Kill What I Adore
Ironclad / Metal Blade Records

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Joburg, SA
I honestly have never heard of these guys. They have quite a comprehensive website and I'm sure they put a lot of effort into making awesome gear, even though I'll most likely never see one here. I suppose its their way of expanding their customer base through good customer service. I'll have to dig a little deeper.

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
It's like giving a gift to someone, and the greatest part about it is seeing them enjoy it so much.

Redstar seems to be like this. They'd rather sell 1 cabinet (knowing how amazing it is) and enjoy the fact that the musician is loving it, and doing something with it than to sell 30 cab's. It's not all about money, but Quality with these guys... and quality is definitely what your going to get. Each cab is truly a work of art


Pronounced "FEE"
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
I wanted to pick up one of the Havok cabs back in January when they had a great deal going on them. I think they were going for around 800 bucks. Now, their cabs are almost double the price!!! I just don't gig enough to justify buying a $1550 cab.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Joburg, SA
I wanted to pick up one of the Havok cabs back in January when they had a great deal going on them. I think they were going for around 800 bucks. Now, their cabs are almost double the price!!! I just don't gig enough to justify buying a $1550 cab.

:eek: Jeez, $1550 is steep for a cab! Whether its justified, I don't know.


Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Peterborough, UK
:eek: Jeez, $1550 is steep for a cab! Whether its justified, I don't know.

Yes, thats kinda pricey. I mean, we all love tone but you'd have to be very serious indeed for that much cash. Still, its clear they are quality pieces of work so perhaps if you were George Lynch or Eric Johnson serious.....^^

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
I think it's a bit odd for a bit of an unknown company to charge that much for their cabs :shrug: For $1550 you can almost get 2 Vader 4x12's who have a huge reputation for great sounding and tough as shit cabs. Hell, you can an Orange and a half (I think). I'm not saying they're bad cabs, but most people like to get well known before jacking their prices.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Joburg, SA
I don't know how old the company is, but I think it's used as an introductory price to instill a sense of value in the customer. You can however just feel you are being ripped off.


Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton and Columbus, Ohio
Wow, I considered one as a potential buy back when they first posted it here, now it is at a laughable price.

But perhaps it is worth the 1.5k.

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Yes. They are definitely geared towards the serious professional. Basically your going to have something NEW. Something different than typical celestion v30 setup, etc. etc. It's on it's own level, and a very high one at that. Dont get me wrong, I love v30's. I love certain cabs for what they do and their sound. I just happen to REALLY love what Redstar Cabinets can do.

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
What about the Vaders that are used by shit loads of professionals that use custom Eminence's? I'm assuming you're endorsed by Redstar. Did you A/B them with any other cabs? If so what did you find about the Redstar's that stuck out against the other cabs?

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
I think it's a bit odd for a bit of an unknown company to charge that much for their cabs :shrug: For $1550 you can almost get 2 Vader 4x12's who have a huge reputation for great sounding and tough as shit cabs. Hell, you can an Orange and a half (I think). I'm not saying they're bad cabs, but most people like to get well known before jacking their prices.

I bet if anyone hits up Michael at Redstar, he will be willing to work with you. He's quite an amazing guy. Don't quote me on this, but it'll be worth your time to at least give him a buzz.

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
You mean haggle on price? I don't think haggling him down to the price of a Vader or Orange is a reasonable expectation on my part. It's his company, he can charge what he wants to, I just want to know why they're so much better than the competition that I mentioned. If they'd been around awhile and people had A/B'ed them, then they'd have the reputation to back up the price.

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
What about the Vaders that are used by shit loads of professionals that use custom Eminence's? I'm assuming you're endorsed by Redstar. Did you A/B them with any other cabs? If so what did you find about the Redstar's that stuck out against the other cabs?

I'm endorsed by Vader Cab's too. Have a 2x15 with a 4x12 sitting on top. Those are custom Eminence Legend's.

Due to conflict of interest I can't really compare/contrast Vader with Redstar.

I'm honestly sorry.

The clarity and responsiveness with Redstar is what gets me. It picks up every little nuance. Harmonics are rediculous. And with the Havok, it's low end is uncomparable.

Every bit of this cabinet is built with the very highest of quality parts, wires, etc. No exceptions.

I'm definitely going to have to make a few video's, playing on these cab's for everyone. :hbang:

Hopefully I can get Michael from Redstar to jump on this forum and answer any questions you all might have. If anything, he's full of knowledge and would love to see what people think and want in cab's. Suggestions are definitely appreciated

You mean haggle on price? I don't think haggling him down to the price of a Vader or Orange is a reasonable expectation on my part. It's his company, he can charge what he wants to, I just want to know why they're so much better than the competition that I mentioned. If they'd been around awhile and people had A/B'ed them, then they'd have the reputation to back up the price.

I understand, and completely agree. I more less meant that even though thats the msrp you might get a brand new cab for much less than that. Just like musicians friend, etc. You'll have a price of what something is, but it doesnt go for that much anywhere.

That's why I just suggest giving Michael a buzz. He'd be happy to answer any questions, regardless of if you were intent to buy or not. He would give his honest, unbias answer to all these questions as well. What he thinks it's comparable too, etc. If your into gear in general it's a pretty interesting and impressive story of his company and background.

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
He's posted here before. When he had that sale, he posted a link here, can't remember if he posted a special discount for us or not. He seemed cool. As much as it might seem, I'm really not shitting on the company :lol: I know shit costs what it costs, I just want comparisons if I were to drop a bunch of cash on a cab, which I'm not even in the market for :lol: I'm just curious.

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
He's posted here before. When he had that sale, he posted a link here, can't remember if he posted a special discount for us or not. He seemed cool. As much as it might seem, I'm really not shitting on the company :lol: I know shit costs what it costs, I just want comparisons if I were to drop a bunch of cash on a cab, which I'm not even in the market for :lol: I'm just curious.

No doubt brother! Completely understandable.

I didn't know he was on this forum already, my apologies. I haven't been on here in quite awhile.

I actually forgot to mention that my Redstar Cab's are custom. They are 18" Deep.

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Cool. I really do like the design of the cabs with the handles at the top corner, I bet it makes taking it up and down stairs a lot easier.

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Cool. I really do like the design of the cabs with the handles at the top corner, I bet it makes taking it up and down stairs a lot easier.

Yes, much easier!

I love the replaceable skid rails.

Those help a ton with curbs, stairs,etc.

Mine actually has a handle at the top, back of the cabinet, right in the middle. Just how they have them on the top corners, only i had one in the top middle as well. He also put on some incredibly huge wheels for me on the bottom. I can go off-roading with this cab. Grass, pot holes, etc. haha

I also have built in wheels on the bottom back of my cab. so with the middle top handle I can tilt my cab back a little (just like a dolly, etc.) and I can move it around. I can pull it and look like i'm pulling a suitcase..only it's a huge cabinet. Haha

Honestly, 3 out of 4 sound guys think my shit is the bass cabinets/rig.

I'm going to take some pictures of my custom redstar cab's here tomorrow.

Eh, I had these on my phone already. We were doing some construction at the practice space, adding another room, drywall, etc. My Randall T2/Redstar Rig is kind of dirty in this pic. All the low end and rumbling make the white powder just float everywhere. All is cleaned up now though.


I didnt mention that I also use a ISP Vector SL (powered 15") and I still absolutely love the low end tone from my redstar's. The top is the Blackjack, bottom the Havok. I have different side handle's on the blackjack then the havok. Can't really tell from the pictures, but the difference in Cone size is awesome. I love the 18" deep cab's, because I have myself a nice ledge for my beers, etc. (dangerous, yet metal)

I will definitely take much better pictures of the cab's tomorrow though. I didnt even realize I even had these. They dont do them justice though.


May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, holy shit those are deep cabs. Yes, you definitely should make some clips. I'd love to hear clips / see vids from a real person (not that clips on a manufacturer's site aren't 'real', but they're definitely only going to pick the most idealized version of their gear to display).


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Salt Lake
I am curious how they sound too. I'd defiantly never pay that much for em, no matter how they sound.. I think they look hideous ;\