Redstar Audio Cabinets are AMAZING!!

redstar audio

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Houston, TX
hey guys,

so before we comment at all to this thread, we want to be clear that we have no intention of turning this into some "how great are we" love-in. there are clear rules on what we can and cannot post on these forums, for good reason, and we'll obey them.

first off, there's nobody more surprised than we are to see this thread, because a: guys like Sean are ridiculously busy and don't spend hours of their time doing free advertising for us and b: we didnt ask him to do this, or pay him to do this, or anything like that. if you're jaded, then you won't believe it anyway, but sorry, it's the truth.

disclaimer: Sean owns a pair of early production models, but they are about 95% of our current production units in terms of sound quality, tonality, volume, etc. from a manufacturing point of view, the production models are moderately different in terms of handle layout, hardware, and some other details. They're probably about 75% the same as the current units.

we did have several special discounts that we offered to SS members in the past and unfortunately no one was able to take advantage of them. we may offer additional opportunities in the future but currently, we have a standing list of people waiting in line for demos or b-stocks, so they're pretty rare.

we cannot, and will not, get into a converstation about pricing. are our prices too high? the marketplace is the judge, and everything else is just opinion one way or the other. however, the way a professional (that word is literal, not "serious" not "dedicated" not "hardcore" but "professional") musician perceives cost is dramatically different from how an "amateur" musician perceives cost. pro musicians, the ones that truly do not eat much when they're not touring or selling cds, are not constrained by gear that is affordable. they are interested in finding gear that does a very specific thing, exactly the way they want it, and that's it - done deal. if our cabs provide a pro musician with a qualitatively different experience than some other brand, and they use them for 150 shows in one year, that's about $4 each night price difference (yup a latte) for "that tone I've heard in my head" versus what every other band on the bill is showing up with. done deal.

To make a cab like the Havok took an incredible amount of work, time, engineering cost and sacrifice/risk for us. what we built we are extremely proud of, and we don't have ANY concern or worry if it's used in an A/B test with any other cab on the market. We've already done it with most, including all the ones routinely discussed on these forums, over and over, to the point it's almost funny. Our cabs, but the Havok in particular, are not designed for casual players. There are many MANY great companies out there making fine products that are more than capable of putting a smile on the face of casual or non-professional players. Many of the pros that use them are happy too.

If anyone has any questions they can email us for more information. The Blackjack series is usually pretty available, the Havok is generally on a case-by-case basis, and the people that have them already have been really clear that they'd prefer for us to keep it that way. If you don't think pro musicians like a "competitive advantage" you haven't talked to enough of them yet : )

We appreciate Sean's support and we hope that we haven't broken any forum guidelines. Thanks!

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The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
I'm only at the beginning stages of my career. I may not be a professional to some of you, but I DO know gear. I've played on so many different rigs, and equipment it's rediculous. I can honestly say, Redstar is my favorite company I've come across yet. I love so many other companies for what they do and what they provide. That being said, Redstar brought something to the table that is just THAT MUCH DIFFERENT than the other's. Amazing tone and sound quality in a way that I've not heard.

Like many of you, I've played on stage every night for months. I've seen a million bands and their gear used. How often does a band stick out? Yes, alot of things can be involved with remembering a band... quality songwriting, stage presence, etc. BUT isn't it the best, when you remember them for their sound. I'm so tired of seeing the same rig's. It's so hard to hear the same thing over and over.

I can honestly say that since I've added a Redstar Full Stack, that I've gotten more compliments on my rig than ever before.

I'm glad to see Michael on here, but I've not talked to him in months. He did not tell me, pay me, etc to come on here to give my opinion about Redstar Cabinet's. I should have definitely cleared that up in the beginning. I just love this forum, and my bro's on it. I figured I'd spread the word on a great company with A+ Quality and customer support. Instead of NOT letting everyone know what I think to be a very unique and special part of my setup, I'd rather spread the word to help out or whatever.

My cabinet is definitely not the same size, hardware, etc. as the production models out now. Though I am not complaining, (I asked to have same size/matching cab's), the new versions look WAY sexy!:bowdown:

These cab's are fully functional and easy to use/move around, etc. in any situation. If your playing stadium's, this cab is LOUD enough. If your playing normal clubs, bars, local gigs it's also perfect. The cabinet is easily moveable. The handles are in perfect spots. Loading/unloading is a breeze. I just didnt have that with my other gear...and I'm really not lazy. I could care less about anything as long as it sounds good...but now i'm spoiled because it sounds great, and is very easy to move around.

Michael's post pretty much summed it up... Dead on.

I apologize if I messed up on some guidelines on this forum. I did NOT read any stickies, etc. before posting my thread.

If I had payed $1500 for the Havok, it would have been worth every penny. The second I can get more, I WILL without any hesitations.:hbang:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
hey guys,

so before we comment at all to this thread, we want to be clear that we have no intention of turning this into some "how great are we" love-in. there are clear rules on what we can and cannot post on these forums, for good reason, and we'll obey them.

first off, there's nobody more surprised than we are to see this thread, because a: guys like Sean are ridiculously busy and don't spend hours of their time doing free advertising for us and b: we didnt ask him to do this, or pay him to do this, or anything like that. if you're jaded, then you won't believe it anyway, but sorry, it's the truth.

disclaimer: Sean owns a pair of early production models, but they are about 95% of our current production units in terms of sound quality, tonality, volume, etc. from a manufacturing point of view, the production models are moderately different in terms of handle layout, hardware, and some other details. They're probably about 75% the same as the current units.

we did have several special discounts that we offered to SS members in the past and unfortunately no one was able to take advantage of them. we may offer additional opportunities in the future but currently, we have a standing list of people waiting in line for demos or b-stocks, so they're pretty rare.

we cannot, and will not, get into a converstation about pricing. are our prices too high? the marketplace is the judge, and everything else is just opinion one way or the other. however, the way a professional (that word is literal, not "serious" not "dedicated" not "hardcore" but "professional") musician perceives cost is dramatically different from how an "amateur" musician perceives cost. pro musicians, the ones that truly do not eat much when they're not touring or selling cds, are not constrained by gear that is affordable. they are interested in finding gear that does a very specific thing, exactly the way they want it, and that's it - done deal. if our cabs provide a pro musician with a qualitatively different experience than some other brand, and they use them for 150 shows in one year, that's about $4 each night price difference (yup a latte) for "that tone I've heard in my head" versus what every other band on the bill is showing up with. done deal.

To make a cab like the Havok took an incredible amount of work, time, engineering cost and sacrifice/risk for us. what we built we are extremely proud of, and we don't have ANY concern or worry if it's used in an A/B test with any other cab on the market. We've already done it with most, including all the ones routinely discussed on these forums, over and over, to the point it's almost funny. Our cabs, but the Havok in particular, are not designed for casual players. There are many MANY great companies out there making fine products that are more than capable of putting a smile on the face of casual or non-professional players. Many of the pros that use them are happy too.

If anyone has any questions they can email us for more information. The Blackjack series is usually pretty available, the Havok is generally on a case-by-case basis, and the people that have them already have been really clear that they'd prefer for us to keep it that way. If you don't think pro musicians like a "competitive advantage" you haven't talked to enough of them yet : )

We appreciate Sean's support and we hope that we haven't broken any forum guidelines. Thanks!

I don't think you've broken any guide lines. There was a discussion about your product, you chimed in, that's all. If you had just popped in and said hey, you can buy my shit here, then it would have been sketchy :lol:


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
Washington DC
interesting, the only thing is that for 1500 the cabs would really have to be that much better, and not saying they arent, but it would be good if these cabs were easier to find/try out so we could judge for ourselves, i had never even heard of this company till today, and although the products are intriguing its difficult to imagine them being worth the money without hearing them in person.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Zagreb, Croatia
interesting, the only thing is that for 1500 the cabs would really have to be that much better, and not saying they arent, but it would be good if these cabs were easier to find/try out so we could judge for ourselves, i had never even heard of this company till today, and although the products are intriguing its difficult to imagine them being worth the money without hearing them in person.

Yeah, it's too bad isn't it? Who doesn't want to hear a $1500 cab?

redstar audio

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Houston, TX
interesting, the only thing is that for 1500 the cabs would really have to be that much better, and not saying they arent, but it would be good if these cabs were easier to find/try out so we could judge for ourselves, i had never even heard of this company till today, and although the products are intriguing its difficult to imagine them being worth the money without hearing them in person.

yup and we're working hard on that. it won't happen overnight, but depending on where you are in the country you should start having that opportunity in the next 30-45 days. thanks!


May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hey Sean, any chance we can get a vid of you playing through the Havok?

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Sean, any chance we can get a vid of you playing through the Havok?

Yah bro, I'm definitely working on getting that done. My goal is to have a variety of sound clips and a video or two as well.:hbang:


Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Woostah Mass!
interesting, the only thing is that for 1500 the cabs would really have to be that much better, and not saying they arent, but it would be good if these cabs were easier to find/try out so we could judge for ourselves, i had never even heard of this company till today, and although the products are intriguing its difficult to imagine them being worth the money without hearing them in person.

aye, as a serious "profesional" doesn't buy things randomly from the internet.

They do look like they're built bullet-proof, though.

See I'd have no problem buying something like a Vader online, just from the sheer volume of satisfied customers (and you really can't beat the price)

but for the price and what it looks like, I would expect these 4x12's to utterly blow my rib cage off my torso, should I wander too close to it.


Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Peterborough, UK
For the price of two Vader's, I would expect something absolutley stunning - an A/B next to a couple of cabinets of known quality would go some way towards satisfying our collective curiosity :)

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
For the price of two Vader's, I would expect something absolutley stunning - an A/B next to a couple of cabinets of known quality would go some way towards satisfying our collective curiosity :)

Because Vader has been broughten up a few times..I think I'll make a video of me A/B the redstar blackjack, havok and vader 4x12.

I have a 2x15 and a 4x12. Would anyone like me to just A/B all of it?

It wont be until at least next wednesday unfortunately as my schedule doesnt allow me to have fun until then. :wallbash:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
To be fair you should EQ it for each cab since different cabs need different settings, and zoom in on the settins on your amp.


Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Peterborough, UK
Because Vader has been broughten up a few times..I think I'll make a video of me A/B the redstar blackjack, havok and vader 4x12.

I have a 2x15 and a 4x12. Would anyone like me to just A/B all of it?

It wont be until at least next wednesday unfortunately as my schedule doesnt allow me to have fun until then. :wallbash:

Whenever your schedule allows dude, its all good. Heck for that matter, steal a couple of other cabs and kill many birds with one stone :)

To be fair you should EQ it for each cab since different cabs need different settings, and zoom in on the settins on your amp.

Yah, EQ tweakage should be allowed for certain :agreed:

The Breakdown

Sean What I Adore
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Whenever your schedule allows dude, its all good. Heck for that matter, steal a couple of other cabs and kill many birds with one stone :)

Yah, EQ tweakage should be allowed for certain :agreed:

EQ tweakage = must

Only other cab's I'll have with me, is a marshall 1960 with the celestion g12t-75's and another 4x12 that's 300 watts and celestion v30's. Oh and an Isp 15" but that's pointless.

I'll see what we can come up with


New Member
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Houston, TX
i just found one of these amazing cabinets locally in Houston and i concur with everything that has been said here. it's simply indestructible. this cab projects the low resonance and long sustain i love in such a deep, rich, dense way. i also made a large guitar-like instrument that is metal and uses heavy gauge coiled piano wire over two humbuckers (imagine a giant pedal steel but with no pedals or and you can hit it with a hammer), which has a very unique set of sounds. but with the Havok, i'm hearing things coming from this instrument that i've never heard before and i've had it for 10 years now. bottom line: if you can find one, grab it. and if anyone else has a Havok or Blackjack 212 or 412 they'd like to sell, please let me know. cheers.:hbang: